08/21/15 09:29AM
A message to all you lovely little subs.
As I've said twice now, had I the time, finances, and a sub more willing to share, I would likely "adopt" half this site, as from what I've seen the subs on here are absolutely adorable and smexy.

That said, I want to say something to the lot of you.

A sub is a beautiful thing, by nature. Doubly so here. We work within the confines of a fetish that involves absolute submission. Sometimes willing, sometimes not. Those of you who are subs, however, are clearly willing. This is an amazing thing. To put your life completely in someone else's hands, let them decide everything for you is a wondorous thing, and a marvel of trust. While you, as subs, may see yourself as mindless, blank, obedient, and therefore unable to think of consequences/care about them, as a dominant I see this as somewhat awe-imspiring.

All brainwashing aside, we distrust each other immensely as a society. There's a freaking nail polish out now that detects roofies, we're that paranoid. Everyone is out to get everyone else, and that willingness to put yourself out there is something I could never hope to match. I don't, I can't have that faith in another human being.

So whenever you're feeling down, lonely, tired of worrying, tired of thinking, I want you to remember one, single thing.

I, as a dom, love and envy each and every one of you. Never stop being so adorably trusting, and never stop being true to yourself. You are who you were meant to be, for whom you were meant to be for. I may not be your owner, but a Master commands it.

Love yourself as I love you. Every fault is a place to improve. Live as if you are already owned, and look for someone you want to own you. Nobody willing to put themselves out there as much as you do deserves anything but the best.
08/21/15 09:57AM
Inspiring! @_@
08/21/15 09:59AM
HypnoBitch said:
Inspiring! @_@

you're welcome, my little batch of inspiration <3

(admittedly, I'm sure there are other subs that could use this too)
08/21/15 10:19AM
Myrmidon, you are awesome <3 -gives you a kiss-
08/21/15 10:22AM
I feel super-popular all of a sudden :P subs just crowding around me and lavashing their attentions on me.

this is the best day evar.
08/21/15 10:26AM
Actually, I'm a sub (well, really, I'm a switch leaning more toward the sub side of things) BECAUSE I have no trust in anyone.

In the real world, you can't trust anybody. Even the people you're SUPPOSED to be able to trust, like government, police, etc... you simply can't because they're largely comprised of selfish, greedy, malicious and/or stupid ass motherfuckers.

So, in being a hypno sub, I can just STOP WORRYING about that. Of course, I've never actually been able to go under, but the idea of doing so is nice. It's a load off your shoulders to not have to think about who is going to fuck you in the ass (metaphorically) and think more about who is going to fuck you in the ass (literally). Or rather, you won't think about anything at all, and you'll just get fucked in the ass.
08/21/15 10:31AM
LittleToyMaker said:
Actually, I'm a sub (well, really, I'm a switch leaning more toward the sub side of things) BECAUSE I have no trust in anyone.

In the real world, you can't trust anybody. Even the people you're SUPPOSED to be able to trust, like government, police, etc... you simply can't because they're largely comprised of selfish, greedy, malicious and/or stupid ass motherfuckers.

So, in being a hypno sub, I can just STOP WORRYING about that. Of course, I've never actually been able to go under, but the idea of doing so is nice. It's a load off your shoulders to not have to think about who is going to fuck you in the ass (metaphorically) and think more about who is going to fuck you in the ass (literally). Or rather, you won't think about anything at all, and you'll just get fucked in the ass.

That's the exact thing - in order to BE a sub like that, you need to be able to trust a single, solitary person to take care of you, absolutely and completely. Not the police, or the gov't, but your owner.

Even for the idea of someone forcefully brainwashing you, you've got that inkling that they'll take care of you to some degree. Even if it's just making sure you're healthy and in good shape for the next fucking - because really, what else would be in your life? no stress, no worries, just mindless bliss.
08/21/15 10:36AM
Honestly, I'm the opposite of ToyMaker. I trust absolutely EVERYONE. Except for myself. I always think I make bad decisions and do/think the wrong things, so I'd love to have someone to just think for me and tell me what to do. My fondest wish is to become someone's hypnotized stepford femboy wife that just has to worry about doing household chores and being good in bed <3
08/21/15 10:44AM
Yuu-chan said:
Honestly, I'm the opposite of ToyMaker. I trust absolutely EVERYONE. Except for myself. I always think I make bad decisions and do/think the wrong things, so I'd love to have someone to just think for me and tell me what to do. My fondest wish is to become someone's hypnotized stepford femboy wife that just has to worry about doing household chores and being good in bed <3

and that's adorable.
08/21/15 10:46AM
myrmidon said:
and that's adorable.

I'm happy you think so <3
08/21/15 04:40PM
Threads like this give me hope and make me want to be a better person.
08/21/15 07:35PM
Myrmidon, you're quite kind, you know that?
I think a lot of people need to hear stuff like this, so that they know that there are people out there willing to cheer them up and help them.

My hat is off to you good sir.
08/21/15 07:58PM
amygdala said:
Threads like this give me hope and make me want to be a better person.

Then do so, for your future owner.

Reversed1 said:
Myrmidon, you're quite kind, you know that?
I think a lot of people need to hear stuff like this, so that they know that there are people out there willing to cheer them up and help them.

My hat is off to you good sir.

I know they do - posts like HypnoBitch's remind me of this every so often, and I know a happy sub is a good sub. I just want you all to reach your full potential - something that can't be done while lamenting.

I also remember reading on another post than doms are in short supply compared to subs, and this saddens me a little. I don't like the idea of an aspiring slave having to think for themselves when all they want to do is relax, submit, and obey.

a little optimism, and maybe, just maybe, a few of you can find that.
08/21/15 10:18PM
I will agree on the "need to hear this every now and again" sentiment. I often get really bummed down that the fantasy of hypno often requires that beautiful and powerful to person to give even the slightest crap about you existing. That out of a crowded party or on a bus full of rando they sit next to you and pull out their pocket watch.

How fucked up is it that I can believe in the magic of someone draining your brain away wholesale but not the dream of someone caring enough to want to in the first place?

I have nothing to offer. Nothing inside of me worth value to bring another to me, most of the time I have to pretend to be something or someone else to fulfill a desire in someone else and hope it is enough. It isn't.

So knowing "you are wanted"

It helps.
08/22/15 06:00AM
bellchan said:
I will agree on the "need to hear this every now and again" sentiment. I often get really bummed down that the fantasy of hypno often requires that beautiful and powerful to person to give even the slightest crap about you existing. That out of a crowded party or on a bus full of rando they sit next to you and pull out their pocket watch.

How fucked up is it that I can believe in the magic of someone draining your brain away wholesale but not the dream of someone caring enough to want to in the first place?

I have nothing to offer. Nothing inside of me worth value to bring another to me, most of the time I have to pretend to be something or someone else to fulfill a desire in someone else and hope it is enough. It isn't.

So knowing "you are wanted"

It helps.

You have plenty to offer, and I'm sure you'll make someone a fantastic pet. Anyone willing to serve can offer one thing, and one thing only - everything.

Submission is a wonderful, irreplacable gift that's not readily given, and not every dom is worth it. In fact, most aren't.

Never assume you have nothing to give - that one gift is precious, and ridiculously rare.
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