08/23/15 04:32AM
What is your idea of romance?
Hi! I know we all know the whole "Flowers and dancing in the moonlight" stuff is romantic, but if that ISN'T romantic to you, then what's YOUR idea of romance? What would you expect from someone that would be considered "Romantic" in your eyes?
08/23/15 07:41AM
HypnoBitch said:
Hi! I know we all know the whole "Flowers and dancing in the moonlight" stuff is romantic, but if that ISN'T romantic to you, then what's YOUR idea of romance? What would you expect from someone that would be considered "Romantic" in your eyes?

It's not to me - it's a hassle, and little else.

To me, romance is sitting around, doing nothing together. Being able to have someone in reach, and just gently caress them, touch them just because you love the feel of their skin against yours. At best, I can't think of anything better than having a pet (hypnotized or not), and gently running my fingers through their hair, much like petting a kittycat.

I like kitties.
08/23/15 07:57AM
myrmidon said:
It's not to me - it's a hassle, and little else.

To me, romance is sitting around, doing nothing together. Being able to have someone in reach, and just gently caress them, touch them just because you love the feel of their skin against yours. At best, I can't think of anything better than having a pet (hypnotized or not), and gently running my fingers through their hair, much like petting a kittycat.

I like kitties.

O_O I'll be a kitty! *tries to purr, but hurts myself*
08/23/15 07:58AM
myrmidon said:
It's not to me - it's a hassle, and little else.

To me, romance is sitting around, doing nothing together. Being able to have someone in reach, and just gently caress them, touch them just because you love the feel of their skin against yours. At best, I can't think of anything better than having a pet (hypnotized or not), and gently running my fingers through their hair, much like petting a kittycat.

I like kitties.

This @w@

Just being able to cuddle and kiss and be close, being comfortable and relaxed enough with each other to have copious amount of physical contact <3

I always think I'd make a poor boy/girlfriend because I don't have much money or anything... People seem to want that a lot nowadays x_x Like, going to fancy restaurants and wanting lots of gifts and stuff.
08/23/15 08:03AM
Yuu-chan said:
This @w@

Just being able to cuddle and kiss and be close, being comfortable and relaxed enough with each other to have copious amount of physical contact <3

I always think I'd make a poor boy/girlfriend because I don't have much money or anything... People seem to want that a lot nowadays x_x Like, going to fancy restaurants and wanting lots of gifts and stuff.

D: I think you'd make a great romancer. You've got that sensitive side that understands what the partner wants!
08/23/15 08:05AM
HypnoBitch said:
O_O I'll be a kitty! *tries to purr, but hurts myself*

*patpats anyways* I'm such a sucker for enthusiasm...

Yuu-chan said:
I always think I'd make a poor boy/girlfriend because I don't have much money or anything... People seem to want that a lot nowadays x_x Like, going to fancy restaurants and wanting lots of gifts and stuff.

I read an article a month or two back that said that low, simmering romances are more stable, more healthy, and last longer than wild passionate ones with expensive dates. I'll link if I can find it again.


08/23/15 08:08AM
myrmidon said:
*patpats anyways* I'm such a sucker for enthusiasm...

I read an article a month or two back that said that low, simmering romances are more stable, more healthy, and last longer than wild passionate ones with expensive dates. I'll link if I can find it again.

That's true, because if a love life was exciting all the time, then it would lose said excitement over time. :3 *nuzzles*
08/23/15 08:34AM
Having dates to the doom soundtrack
08/23/15 08:41AM
skullman2033 said:
Having dates to the doom soundtrack

o.o I will not judge, because I listen to Legend of Zelda music sometimes.
08/23/15 12:57PM
myrmidon said:
It's not to me - it's a hassle, and little else.

To me, romance is sitting around, doing nothing together. Being able to have someone in reach, and just gently caress them, touch them just because you love the feel of their skin against yours. At best, I can't think of anything better than having a pet (hypnotized or not), and gently running my fingers through their hair, much like petting a kittycat.

I like kitties.

Is it bad that i'd like to be pet in this situation and I'm male? D:

Because it would feel great.
08/23/15 03:05PM
I agree with most of the sentiments expressed so far, but to add a few of my own...

Texting back and forth while on the train/bus/a break because you feel confident enough with each other to unload any kind of nonsense observations. Working on cosplay together. Knowing and accepting each other's kinks. Having someone who brings out the best in you and you in them.

Also I like to make cake for people I like. Also I think a collar is a better symbol of commitment than a finger ring. Also my idea of a really intimate date is spending the day playing through Super Mario Bros 3 together.

Excuse me while I go bury my head in the sand for saying so much embarrassing stuff.
08/23/15 03:26PM
I once had a fiance. She got pregnant and married to someone else while I was deployed and fighting in a warzone. Something like that would make it easy for me to hate all women or whatever, but I don't. Hurt like hell, though.

I've tried a few times since but I don't really believe in romance anymore, nor do I imagine I'll ever be married or have kids. Honestly I can't even imagine what real romance is now. Every time I've tried I've been stabbed in the back or let down. Don't think dating religious girls helps. I had one girl leave me to go be a missionary for a few years. No joke.

I think all I want these days is a woman that has her shit together and could handle herself without any partner, has a stable life and some interests in common. We're friends, we have sex every once in a while, but there's nothing more to it. Just fuckbuddies. We watch some shows, we bang, we hang, we split and do it the same time next week. No drama. Guess I'm at that stage in life. I'm tired of it all and the big elaborate mating dances we all go through have worn me the hell out.

To those of you that haven't known romance yet: May you have a better time than I did learning how it works. Don't be afraid of trying. It might not sound like it, but I do think romantic love is a real thing and I wish the ideal version of it on everyone that can find it. Just pick better people to put your faith in than I did.
08/23/15 03:56PM
cypress_z said:
I've tried a few times since but I don't really believe in romance anymore, nor do I imagine I'll ever be married or have kids.

I share the feeling. Even if I hadn't the same experience. But my last girlfriend just wanted sex and treated me like shit because she didn't get it. I wasn't interesting anymore for her.

She was the worst, but not the only one like this. I guess I was believing in the "pure and chaste princess" for too long, like some girls believe in charming prince.

08/23/15 06:13PM
This is pretty much preaching to the metaphorical choir judging by the existing comments, but...

Friedrich Nietzsche said:
When marrying, ask yourself this question: Do you believe that you will be able to converse well with this person into your old age? Everything else in marriage is transitory.

08/23/15 06:55PM
Yuu-chan said:
I always think I'd make a poor boy/girlfriend because I don't have much money or anything... People seem to want that a lot nowadays x_x Like, going to fancy restaurants and wanting lots of gifts and stuff.

Um...no???????? I mean, I like physical contact and all, but I've try to pay for most date-like things out of principle unless the cost is being split. The only time I didn't was when I was unemployed. That being said, if someone wants to shower *you* with fancy things, I say take it. :3

The biggest misconception is that a relationship is stable 100% of the time. Since my current g/f and I have moved in together, there have been several incidents, but none of them have come from a place of hatred; more like frustration due to a lack of communication or something like that. We care about each other, even though it may not always be evident to the other person at all times.

Cats are awesome, though
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