08/26/15 08:30AM
Is he bi/gay? How do I tell?
I see cute guys, sometimes... H-How do I tell if they're bisexual or gay? :(
08/26/15 08:42AM
Don't take it the wrong way... I'm a guy. *Blush* I just don't know if they're bi or gay, too...
08/26/15 09:16AM
flirting's usually a dead give away. Also keep an eye out for body language, to see if they're checking you out.
08/26/15 09:18AM
Real simple solution.
Become their friend.
Talk to them.
Get to know them.
DO NOT go in with the intention of popping any sort of question like 'hey, are you gay?' or some shit. That's spelling disaster.
After awhile, yeah. You can ask, find out their thoughts on the whole lgbt thing.

And yeah, Myrmidon is right though. Body language IS a good possibility. BUT it's NOT a dead giveaway.
08/26/15 10:10AM
Thanks, guys. :)
08/26/15 10:49AM
I want to ask a very important question that I am sure is circling everyone’s minds. Are you autistic or at least suffer from kind of cognitive disorder and if so are you seeking professional help instead of recurring to a bunch of fetishist on the internet?
08/26/15 11:26AM
Thing said:
I want to ask a very important question that I am sure is circling everyone’s minds. Are you autistic or at least suffer from kind of cognitive disorder and if so are you seeking professional help instead of recurring to a bunch of fetishist on the internet?

The fuck?
08/26/15 11:30AM
Dreamshade said:
The fuck?

There needs to be a report/flag option for forum replies.
08/26/15 11:33AM
Thing said:
I want to ask a very important question that I am sure is circling everyone’s minds. Are you autistic or at least suffer from kind of cognitive disorder and if so are you seeking professional help instead of recurring to a bunch of fetishist on the internet?

There's no need to speak like that. Seeking advice from people you trust is common for humans. Besides, while we're all fetishists, we're certainly not the same people outside of our fetish. I doubt all hypnofetishists even enjoy the same sub-fetishes (I.e Pendulums, Tech-Control, etc....). So, if there's something one of us doesn't know, it makes logical sense to ask.
08/26/15 11:34AM
As someone on the autistic spectrum...

Dreamshade said:
The fuck?


I completely see the legitimacy of the question - but some people just can't read others effectively. A straight guy, for instance, often misreads or misinterperates a woman's commentary or advances as being oppositive. This is, of course, regardless of any differences from a neurotypical mindset.

Unfortunately, at least in North American society, a guy misreading another guy in this manner can, and may, lead to more than just feelings being hurt.

But I digress:

Dreamshade said:
The fuck?
08/27/15 12:35AM
I'm going to take a guess here and postulate that Thing is referencing the fact that HypnoBitch has made several threads in the past week, most of which asking questions (and they are insinuating that asking these questions or advice in general on a porn site's forum is a bit strange).

That being said, two things. Thing (the user, not referencing one of the aforementioned two things @_@), please read our <<hypnohub.net/wiki/show?title=help%3Arules_and_policies|rules page,>> because that comment was rather insensitive. Just be nice here and maybe phrase criticisms or opinions in a more objective and respectful way if possible. Otherwise, you will not be allowed to post.

As for the thread content, we don't necessarily have strict guidelines in place over forum threads, but generally we try to avoid duplicate threads or just general off-topic chat (see our <<hypnohub.net/forum/show/2913|Hello! thread>> for that).
08/27/15 12:53AM
Thing said:
I want to ask a very important question that I am sure is circling everyone’s minds. Are you autistic or at least suffer from kind of cognitive disorder and if so are you seeking professional help instead of recurring to a bunch of fetishist on the internet?

As a matter of fact, I am Autistic... And you didn't have to say those things. I trust these people. They've been very kind to me and I consider them as an online family. You, however, have hurt me. I don't know how to respond to those questions...
08/27/15 01:16AM
Well... that escalated quickly.

Dreamshade said:
The fuck?

08/27/15 06:43AM
PomPom said:
I'm going to take a guess here and postulate that Thing is referencing the fact that HypnoBitch has made several threads in the past week, most of which asking questions (and they are insinuating that asking these questions or advice in general on a porn site's forum is a bit strange).

That being said, two things. Thing (the user, not referencing one of the aforementioned two things @_@), please read our <<hypnohub.net/wiki/show?title=help%3Arules_and_policies|rules page,>> because that comment was rather insensitive. Just be nice here and maybe phrase criticisms or opinions in a more objective and respectful way if possible. Otherwise, you will not be allowed to post.

As for the thread content, we don't necessarily have strict guidelines in place over forum threads, but generally we try to avoid duplicate threads or just general off-topic chat (see our <<hypnohub.net/forum/show/2913|Hello! thread>> for that).

No disrespect intended Boss lady if anything I just decided to stop being a lurker to ask a question.

HypnoBitch said:
As a matter of fact, I am Autistic... And you didn't have to say those things. I trust these people. They've been very kind to me and I consider them as an online family. You, however, have hurt me. I don't know how to respond to those questions...

Dude, all I did was ask a simple question. The Boss lady is right on one thing though, you don’t have to do threads about every single little thing that happens to you. On a personal note, if in your short time in here you consider the hub a cyber-family, well. I don’t really know what to say. If you just started collage try reaching out for the psychopedagogy department, it may do you some good and they can surely provide better council and guidance than most of the usual suspects in here.
08/27/15 07:17AM
Thing, you did not ask a simple question. You accused someone of having a "Cognitive disorder". That is a very rude thing to do, regardless of if you are right or wrong, or if you were just trying to be helpful. There are many ways you could say what you wanted to without being harsh or accusatory. It really makes it seem like your motivation was less than benevolent.
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