08/28/15 06:59AM
What is your weirdest dream?
I know we all have those wacky dreams, but what's the WEIRDEST dream you've ever had?
08/28/15 08:20AM
That I was in an episode of Sailor Moon as an original character of mine.
08/28/15 08:20AM
Not MC related, but the weirdest dream I can remember having, at least in recent memory, went something like this.

I decided to play a practical joke on some people, and I would record it and post it on Youtube. Like a hidden camera show, you know? Me and my friend rented a helicopter and put it on a flatbed truck, then drove the truck around the neighborhood.

We would knock on people's doors, and tell them that, due to the high rate of car accidents in recent years, the government was mandating that everyone now fly helicopters to get around. Everyone had one month to get a helicopter, and anyone found in a car from then on would be arrested. Luckily for them, the government understood that not everybody could afford a helicopter, so they decided to give free helicopters to the poor and needy, and they had been chosen to be the lucky recipient of a brand new transportation helicopter, and all they needed to do was sign on the dotted line to claim it.

All of this was to get their reactions, and see how long we could get them to believe it was true. So, we went to a few people's houses, did the prank and then at the end, told them it was a prank and they were on a hidden camera show. Laughs were had at everyone's confusion.

Well, we ended up at this one house, and we knock at the door. An older man, probably in his late 50s or early 60s opens the door. He has no shirt on, and the only things he is wearing are a pair of camo-print boxer shorts and combat boots. He gives us a "The hell do you want?", and we explain the story to him.

He tells us that this is no problem at all for him. Why, he used to fly helicopters in the military years ago, and to be honest, he was a better pilot than he ever was a car driver. So he happily signs on the dotted line of our fake contract.

We decide it's about time to break the joke to him. So we tell him that it was just a prank, and there's no such law being put into effect. He seems to get a little upset, and tells us "But I just signed for that there helicopter!"

We tell him that it's actually just a rental, and it's just part of the prank. He says "To hell with that! I just signed that contract, and goddammit, I want my helicopter!"

We calmly try to explain again, but he pulls out a shotgun and fires a warning shot.

Me and my friend run like hell, and he backs towards the helicopter, shotgun pointed at us. He climbs up in the helicopter, starts it up and takes off into the sky.

The end.
08/28/15 08:33AM
You want weird? I'll give you weird...okay, maybe not that much weird, but at least it's epic.

I was chilling in my living room, laying on the couch, watching tv with my family, then someone notices something odd, my sister is missing. I run upstairs to find her and as I get to the next floor my house suddenly became a building (like a hospital or something), I look out through the window and I see giant flying robots attacking the city, shooting lasers, missiles and shit (wait, not actual shit).
Scared, I turn around to come back and warn the others, but there's a robot girl right in front of me, she has no limbs, flies by a rocket on her back and have two giant metal wings where her arms should be (but they don't move), her hair is blue and she got that numb, empty look on her face. She kills me. A second later I'm back to the same spot, alive. The phrase "Checkpoint loaded" appears in front of me.
This time I hide behind a door, the same hovering robot girl appears, look around a bit and goes away. I get up and run forward, finding myself in some sort of lab with nothing but a metal table, a sink and a cabined on the wall. Hiding under the cabinet is my sister. I run towards her but quickly get down as I hear a loud noise. There's a man on the other side of the room shooting at me! I hide with my sister, for some reason the guy couldn't shoot us there. I open the cabinet and find a six-shooter inside. I use it to kill the man, but run out of bullets. I tell my sister to go down and warn everyone about the robot attack.
I find some stairs leading up and keep going, and on the next floor I find the same scenario (cabinet, sink, table, armed man), but this time my sister wasn't there. The man has his back turned to me, he doesn't notice me approaching. I kick him in the legs and run quickly to the end of the room, going up the stairs again and finding again the same room on this floor, but with nobody else there. The room has a corridor by the other side instead of stairs. I get to the end of the corridor and find a room with lots of zombies, the only thing keeping them in there is some sort of web-like structure made of what looked like melted and distorted blood packs.
Suddenly a man shows up running with a bucket full of water on his hands, he throws the water at the blood-pack-web and it dissolves, freeing the zombies. "What the fuck are you doing?" I ask the asshole, but in an instant he was gone. I run for my life, trying to get away from the zombies. As I get back to the ground floor it was crowded with people trying to leave and escape the robot invasion. I scream "ZOMBIES! THERE ARE ZOMBIES COMING!", but apparently no one can hear me. I try to run through the crowd, but then the zombies get there. Panic ensues, people step over each other trying to flee from the zombies, while robots attack on the streets outside. We run out of the building and keep running, with zombies and explosions behind us. I can't see my family anywhere and keep searching for them. Nothing.
We (the group of survivors) leave town, marching through abandoned streets and roads finding someplace safe. We're about fifty people, some were bitten by the zombies. The infected begin showing an urge to bite and feed off human flesh, and they decide to leave and form their own group, to maybe make a decent zombie settlement somewhere they can live a happy undead...huh...life?
Anyway, in the end there was only seven of us. Me, a black guy, a pilot and his kid, an old man, an angry guy and a teenage girl. We end up in a place with a small wood cabin, a seemingly polluted pond, a gas station and a hangar, all built around some weird windmill, which is broken and has various pipes coming out of it's top. The angry guy tries drinking the water from the pond, spits it and shouts: "Damn! Now they're poisoning our water too! I can't take this anymore! I hate this place". He throws a rock at the windmill. It starts creaking. The ground starts to shake, and the windmill changes. Like a transformer, it becomes a giant chrome-plated robot (imagine it as a mix between the Tin Man and Gort from The Day the Earth Stood Still), it begins shooting lasers at us from it's visor. Wherever the laser hits, the ground explodes, pieces of it fly high in the air and fall down in the shape of giant letters. I run, dodging, rolling and doing whatever the hell I can to not be hit by it's deadly typographic laser. The pilot and his son run to the hangar and find an old biplane (equipped with a machine gun). They get on (the 10-year old kid handling the machine gun) and take off, shooting the robot from above.
When the giant Tin Man notices the biplane, it transforms again, but now into a giant robot monster bird, going after the pilot and his kid. I'm laying down on the ground, and suddenly feel something calling me from the woods nearby. I run towards this strange force and find a blue strange-looking jet just standing there in the middle of a clearing. I enter it, and it turns on by itself. "It's alive", I say to myself. As it begins to take off, the plane reveals itself to be an alien robot too, but a different one. It is like a mecha (a Gundam-like one, in appearance), fusing it's conciousness with mine and allowing me to fight the Giant Tin Man/Robot Bird. As the robot bird as about to chew the biplane, another surprise! The old little plane is too a mecha (a red one by the way). Then, the Blue and Red mecha engage the giant Robot Bird in an epic fight. The Blue mecha turn it's left arm into a energy cannon, shoves it inside the Bird's mouth, while the Red Mecha sticks a sword into it's rear. They both release a fully powered attack that explodes the Giant Bird...And the dream ends.
08/28/15 09:56AM
08/28/15 06:50PM
According to my records I had the following dream on 1st December last year...

I was a police detective investigating a missing persons case. A lead led me to a large book shop, but soon after I went inside some shutters came down over the doors and windows, locking down the entire building. Then people started getting sucked into books and characters from the books started popping out into the real world.

Continuing my investigation, I find a créche where I see a giant mechanical spider catch a small child in what looks like webbing but turns out to be a beam of light. I get caught in it on purpose to see what will happen. I get beamed into some kind of digital storage space, and a disembodied voice asks me how old I am. Suspecting it will reject my presence if I'm not a child, I knock a few years off my real age.

Because of being full up or something, the program spits everyone it was storing back into the physical world, and I find myself surrounded by not only the missing person I was looking for, but a whole lot of children that had gone missing over the past decades. However, while for their minds no time has passed, they've now got grown-up bodies, and I've got my adult brain but my body is now the age I previously claimed I was. After an awkward discussion trying to convince a constable and chief inspector that I am the detective they know and not some random little girl in an awesome suit, we manage to dismantle the créche spider and open up the building.

At this point a woman who's apparently a forensic scientist and my finacée appears on the scene. She's come fresh from a dress fitting and is still in her wedding dress. In the attic of the building she discovers a small doll with a large book, sitting in a rocking chair. It seems to be some kind of guardian spirit and the source of all the magical goings on. Seeing the dress, the doll says "Oh, you're getting married? You should have a bouquet, then." and offers a bunch of flowers. But these flowers are actually part of the book, and if my fiancée touches them her soul will be sucked into the doll and she'll become the next guardian of the place. She manages to throw the book into a nearby fireplace instead, though, burning it up and breaking whatever curse had lain on the place.
08/28/15 07:37PM
The dream itself wasn't particularly strange. The mail woman that showed up and told me I should go and check in on a friend of mine.

Lets just say at the subsequent party at my friends they really needed a guy who could keep his cool and roll intimidation. I managed to do it, which is funny because I was probably the least scary person at the party. It was a rather terrifying night though.
08/29/15 12:00AM
There was one time, when I was like...two?
I dreamt I was running through some combination of ancient ruins and an shopping mall.
Like...an ancient Mayan shopping mall! There was a food court and elevators! It was made out of stone and vines and stuff!
Anyways, I was running from....The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. In an ancient Mayan shopping mall. What the hell. o_o
Dream ended when I got in an elevator and the vine that would raise and lower it snapped. Then I fell into a tunnel of light and woke up.

Maybe not as weird as everyone elses, but still weird! :D

Have had some hypnotic/weird dreams too. o_o
08/29/15 11:24AM
I used to have dreams all the time back when I was younger. Nowadays, though, I only have dreams once in a blue moon. I can count the number of dreams I've had in the past 5 years on one hand. However, when I do have dreams, they can be seriously epic or strange.

Only once in my past has a dream struck me so hard that, the moment I awoke from it, I was hit by the urge to immediately write it down. If nothing else, it was the most epic dream I ever had.

I figure I'll share what I wrote, then. The writing is edited for grammar and to make it a more interesting read through more interesting wording, but that is all. Aside from the wording, everything in the story is exactly as I wrote it that very morning, with nothing censored. This is the reason some of the sentences seem out of place or unexplained, as I expressed a stray thought here or there while I was writing what I remembered. I encapsulated these out of place thoughts in parentheses and placed them in their own paragraphs.

It's a bit of a long read for a dream description, sitting at around 1,500 words. You've been warned.

The dream I just had was amazing. It was an incredibly detailed experience, as though it were a memory. I actually felt as though I was there. In this specific dream, it was almost like the climax of an anime, cartoon, or some similar media. That is how it appeared to me, in a cartoonish sort of way, with a story quite in depth and the characters quite odd.

(Amusingly, I remember that the characters in my dream were quite the crew. Yet, as I write this I don’t have enough recollection of them to describe how they were odd.)

In this dream, I was a man whose name was never revealed within the dream. I saw EVERYTHING from his perspective, in the dream, I WAS him. I was part of some sort of exploration and discovery society named Starcraft. There’s a game with that name in real life, and that's likely where the name came from. Despite realizing the society sharing the name with a video game even in the dream, I explained that the group was named thusly because we explored and (re)discovered very faraway places; places few would go. I suppose "star" was supposed to symbolize that we went to such far away and odd places and "craft" meant that it was our job to explore and survey such places.

The dream began confusingly. It seemed to have started mid-way, as I was already exploring this lost or at least ancient city in which supposedly rested (a) god. Or, as it seemed, a goddess. For no apparent reason, all other characters in my dream but I felt nervous being there, feeling that we should leave. Yet they stayed with me when I did insist on continuing forward.

I felt a strong "connection" with this place. The entire time I was there, I felt as though there was something that I absolutely needed to do.

As the dream went on, I (my character) remembered about how I came here to discover the history and importance of one of my ancient ancestors. I heard about it from someone in some nearby settlement, which is why we came to this place to begin with.

(I realized after I awoke that most of my dream's story that I "missed" would be revealed in my own character’s memories.)

We soon began to uncover some interesting stuff. Relics and tablets of sorts, which held prophecies, histories, and legends. All around the city - now that I think about it, it looked like some sort of temple rather than a city - these were hidden. We ended up with three tablets, and a few unknown relics. The tablets were, by far, the more interesting. I was able to translate them within my dream:

Tablet 1 - Legend: Here lives the omnipotent who shows no respect for those without courage and will. Her anger is great and terrible, so to cause great worldly catastrophe if awoken from her slumber.

Tab. 2 - History: One man was courageous enough to approach her, but died from her unconscious wrath before he could. His struggles ended in vein, for only the world was saved, and not the island.

(That's right, come to think of it, the temple or city was on an island. You could stand on one end and glance all the way to the other at a high enough elevation.)

Tab. 3 - Prophecy: The man had previously had a child who did survive, the mother having escaped the island before the end. This child lived on to have their own child as well, who also lived to grant life to another. This lineage shall face the same hardships as the first, properly finishing what he had started.

After reading these, I saw, almost as a vision, someone I knew to be my ancestor without a doubt, standing strong against the power of the goddess. Eventually, however, he fell to her wrath and perished. His actions were enough to limit the wrath to the island, but no more.

Not long after the visions, one of my team discovered a seemingly important artifact, an ornate lever, button, or some sort of other activation tool – I can’t quite recall - and used it. A booming voice resounded across the otherwise silent island:

"Who dares to awaken me from my peaceful rest? For awakening me without my behalf, you shall learn to fear the might of my wrath!"

(In the dream, this voice was very clear - as if it were actually spoken to us from every direction.)

I knew then that this was related to the vision I had just seen, and that I needed to do something before the world lied in ruins. Despite protests from a few of my team members, I rushed to the entrance of the city/temple, near the shore of the island. As I did, a tower arose from the center of the ruin, revealing a perfect condition golden structure with runes or carvings along the walls that must have meant something, though I did not have time to translate them. There was some sort of chamber near the bottom of the tower as well, but as of yet, I knew not what it was for.

I remember what my ancestor did, and imitated. I placed my feet firmly on the ground and faced the structure. I viewed a figure rising from the tower, who was almost aglow with power, and I shouted:

"Leave your wrath unfulfilled! I command you! I command you! Let us live in peace! I have this as my request, and I command you and I beg of you, listen to it! Calm your rage before it consumes all! Take but a moment to speak with me! Hear me out and leave your wrath to better ideals!"

In the previous visions, I had seen the results of her wrath – six visible waves of formless elemental energy – fire, wind, earth, water, light, and darkness.

(Cliche, I know.)

I had to survive these waves while reciting this twice. After the first citing, the first of the waves - fire - reached me. I managed to take cover on the ground as it passed me over. The next wave - wind - I managed to avoid by stepped behind a large pillar. Then came the next two waves - earth and water - in rapid succession, which I survived by sheer coincidence as I managed to dodge them entirely.

As I finished the second citing, the waves had stopped. The being seemed to look at me, as if noticing me for the first time. I stood, shaken, and stared back. While I heard nothing to betray the fact, I knew that it would listen to my request.

I walked forward toward the chamber, which I then realized had two sub-chambers, one shaped as a woman, and the other a man. The being entered the woman-shaped chamber, molding its energies within and emerging in the form of a woman.

(I suppose these chambers were an aid to the omnipotent being for taking form. I imagine that she was considered a goddess since she loved the female form and wore it more often.)

As she emerged, steam (or something like it) rose from the inside of the chambers. Her eyes locked onto me as she strode about. Nervously, I said to her, "You may remember the last one to have done something such as I, but who was slain by your wrath when the wave of fire reached him." My words gave her pause, and she replied something along the lines of:

"I remember your ancestor, _______. His wish and last rite has been completed by you, and thus, the prophecies are fulfilled."

(Though she spoke it clearly, after the end of the dream the name was forgotten. I can say with certainty, however, that it was nothing like any other name I've ever heard.)

She turned and began walking away, at which point I hollered.

"But that is not all there is to my request!"

She turned back to me once again before she asked, sarcastically, "And what might that request be?"

I hesitated before replying, “I want all of this world and its inhabitants, as well as this place, to be protected from your wrath."

She looked at me and smiled for what was the first time in the dream and spoke, "So it has been requested, so it shall be forever." Her body then disappeared into the air, returning to the chamber before me, and the tower again began to sink.

After gathering my bearings, I turned back to camp. I desperately needed a change of clothes, my current wear having been burnt, made soggy, and stained with mud due to the elemental energies that radiated off of those waves of her power. I also needed a shower, but that would have to wait.

My team was excited to see me again after all that had happened and wished to celebrate. I told them, "I simply wish the clean, change, and rest. The celebrating can wait 'till tomorrow."

I then walked into another room, and there the dream ends.

There is one more thing that didn’t fit into this telling anywhere else.

Regarding the waves of energy released by the goddess during her awakening. The first four - fire, wind, earth, and water - would wreak havoc across the world. During this, the fifth wave - light – would encase the world, engulfing it whole and obscuring all while the first four waves did their work. Then, a final wave of darkness would set balance to the light, making all visible again to any who may have survived. Afterward, the goddess would return to her sleep.



Note the date at the bottom of my record: 12/22/2008.

That means I had the dream on the night of December 21'st. You all recall the whole "Mayan calendar end of the world" gig that was going on around that time? Yeah, that was set for December 21'st, 2012.

Ancient ruins, an end of the world scenario, and the perfect date.

Go figure.
08/29/15 11:17PM
Okay guys, I think I beat every dream I've ever had before with last night's dream in the sheer weirdness department.

In my dream, I met up with Gasai Yuno from Mirai Nikki, seen here: cdn.myanimelist.net/images/characters/4/134505.jpg

Only she was, you know, a real human, but she still had pink hair and I knew "this girl is Gasai Yuno". For those not familiar with Mirai Nikki, Yuno is a massive Yandere (For those who do not know what a yandere is, see here tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Yandere) and about as crazy as you can get.

In my dream, I had gone to high school with her, and she had a very stalkerly crush on me back then. At the time, I was kind of weirded out by her, and on the last day of school, when she gave me her phone number and told me she loved me and wanted me to call her so we could go out, I pretty much just threw her number away and swore to never speak to her again (though obviously I didn't tell her as much).

But now, in our late 20s, I ran into this crazy stalker girl again. She doesn't even question why I never called her back, she still has the same gleeful smile as ever and she tells me she's been waiting patiently all this time, every single day, for me to call her. She sat by the phone, every single day, for about a decade, waiting for me to call her. So I felt kiiiiinda guilty about this, so I told her that I was so sorry, and I lost her number the day after we left school, and I was TOTALLY gonna call her.

She says that's okay, because now we can date. We can even get married if we want to. She wants marriage, by the way, like, right now. So I dodge the subject and ask her what she's been doing with her life. She tells me that she is a computer programmer, and she specializes in writing phone apps. She tells me that she's just about the best in the business, and she's even written programs that her employers find to be "too extreme" and won't let her publish, much to her dismay.

So, not only does she force her phone number on me, but she forces A PHONE on me. She gives it to me, and tells me that she already knows the number so she can call me anytime she wants from now on. My friends, who are nearby, are giving me these looks of "Get.Out.Now.Dude.She's.Gonna.Stalk.You.", but I can't bring myself to be rude to her after I literally made her wait for a decade for a phone call. A call she always expected to come.

So I tell her thanks, and that I'll call her later. I walk down the road and around the corner, not even a minute away, and the phone rings. It's her. She already wants to talk to me. My friends are giving me cringe-faces, but I have no choice. How can I be mean to the poor girl, I think.

She tells me to meet her at some place later that night, and I say that I'm going to be doing something or other that night and won't be available. She gives me a cheerful "Okay!" and hangs up.

That night, I'm home alone, on my computer, and there is a knock at my door. I look through the peep hole and it's her. I never gave her my address. I open the door and ask her how she found the place, and she tells me that the phone she gave me has a GPS in it and not only does it tell her everywhere I go, but it also has a camera and microphone on it that are always running, and the phone always tracks everything that I do on it. She says she wants to know more about me, she wants to know everything about the person she is going to marry, so to her, obviously, this is perfectly normal behavior.

So I'm officially freaked out at this point. She asks me what happened to the thing I had to do, so I told her that it got canceled at the last minute and I was TOTALLY about to call her. She immediately accepts this and just says that now we can go and do the thing she suggested earlier.

So she pretty much drags me out to this office building, apparently where she works. Somehow, my friends from earlier in the dream are all there too. They're giving me more cringe-looks and basically telling me "Dude, she is going to kill you or something."

This is where the dream gets really fucking weird. Oh, you thought it was weird already? Well buckle up, folks, cause this is gonna be a wild ride.

She tells me that one of the programs she designed, and was forbidden to release, was a virtual reality program. It could create a scenario in a PC or phone, and project it to the world around you. And not only would the entire world nearby take on the appearance of this constructed world, but you would perceive any sensations that took place in this virtual world. Smells, tastes, feelings, everything would feel completely real. She says she developed this for me, so that I could experience the greatest things in life without having to leave our house. I didn't need to leave the house, after all. When we got married, she would take care of everything and I would never, ever have to go outside and away from her ever again. This was her line of thinking.

So she says that she came up with the perfect scenario to show this off to me. Only her and me will experience it, and everyone else will just be there to watch in awe at the amazing display of technology. She types some stuff into a nearby computer and presses the enter key, and suddenly, I'm in total darkness.

I can't see anything. But I feel a tightness around my body, like something is squeezing me. It's hot and wet around me, and fairly uncomfortable. The place tightens, then releases, more and more. All I can think of is "Where the hell am I? What the hell did she do?" But I can hear noises from outside of where I am. I can hear my friends' voices, and they're saying stuff like "OH MY GOD!" and "ARE YOU SERIOUS!?". What are they seeing? I have no idea.

This tight space begins to move me around, pushing me further along inside whatever this place is. Then I can feel some kind of opening, an exit. And then I am pushed, headfirst through the exit opening, and what do I realize when I look up at the open air?

I'm looking up at Yuno. From inside her vagina. She's giving birth to me. I plop out of her pussy, and she picks me up. I'm not even a baby, I've just shrunk in size to roughly the size of a baby. She cradles me and tells me that this is how it's going to be from now on. I can stay in this illusionary world forever, and she will take care of everything, and I can be her little baby. She brings me up to her breast and makes me suck her nipple and drink her milk. And at this point, I don't know if it's just the effects of the illusionary program, or something else, but I feel comforted. I have no desire to run away, or yell or fight. I like it. I want it. I don't want to leave her anymore. I love her. She's like a mother, but also a wife, and anything else I could ever need her to be.

And then I woke up.

Yeeeeah, it was weeeeird...
08/30/15 03:06AM
I had a dream that Michael Jackson raped my cat. ._.
08/30/15 04:36AM
HypnoBitch said:
I had a dream that Michael Jackson raped my cat. ._.

I have several questions.
08/30/15 05:22AM
Shmecha said:
I have several questions.

Ask away. ._.
08/30/15 08:36AM
HypnoBitch said:
I know we all have those wacky dreams, but what's the WEIRDEST dream you've ever had?

ok u want to hear wierd well this is a recuring dream iv'e had since i was 8.
it starts with me waking up in a forest being greeted by a girl with small yellow wings . i remember then following her to her towns library where i atempt to read a language that is way different than any ive seen. to this day my parents can hear me talking in my sleep but not understand a word im saying [the wierdest part in the dream i am atempting to learn healing magic ] [also note i took a sockerball to the head and groin 2x and to recover from it i would just stand , close my eyes and wait a bit then the pain is gone]
08/30/15 09:02AM
Inky blackness.

Then I woke up.

This is actually 99% of my dreams.
1 234>>>

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