08/29/15 01:05AM
Gurren Lagann's Unappreciated Hypno?
Hey HypnoHub friends~,

Today I wanna talk about the scene that drives me absolutely nuts. I'm sure we all have a hypnofetish scene, story, moment, or whatever that brings out the strongest reactions in us. A lot of times it's the one that 'awakened' our fetish, but mine is a little different and I feel like I've never seen it discussed. Heck, I had to take my own screencaps for the post and this is one of the most popular anime of the 21st century!

So if you haven't seen Gurren Lagann (you should!), I'll try to give a very abriged/vague version of these events, but this is at the very end of the series so one could call SPOILER ALERT.

Our heroes are in conflict with a really really cosmic, basically godlike being known as the Anti-Spiral. One of the things he does to try and stop them is trap them in an "Extradimensional Labryinth". <<imgur.com/Kv95cPc|He uses this image to help explain it.>>

Esentially, our heroes minds are experiencing an infinite number of realities, or a zillion dream worlds if that helps make more sense. As long as they can think and percieve, they will be stuck in their trances. One character even gains intellegence and is rather quickly sent into this Labryinth as well, mind completely stuck.

This just drives me insane. It's like an infinite amount of trances, and you are vulnerable to it if you have the ability to THINK. It's the most extreme version of the 'dream world' scenario that I've ever seen. <<imgur.com/Pa6JeJl|We even get a beautiful shot of the popular Yoko, completely zonked out. >> One of my favorite aspects of this fetish is that "everyone" (in a fantasy sense) could be suggestible/hypnotized, so this appeals to me as much as anything could.

Sadly, this scene seems to be largely unnoticed in fetishland. I haven't ever seen fanart of this whole scenario. I know some of you around here are fans of the anime. Does this scene do anything for you? Is it just me?

If you weren't a fan, do you find it as awesome as I do now that I've told you some about it?

Thanks for reading my love letter to this scene. You guys/gals are sweet <3.
08/29/15 01:28AM
I don't discuss it much because I've never watched the series... now, I have reason to. (it's oh-so tasty seeing heroes so full of fighting spirit getting it zapped right out of them by something beyond their comprehension >w< )

That is a stunning extradimensional labyrinth by the way.
08/29/15 01:54AM
Dr_Mabuse said:
I don't discuss it much because I've never watched the series... now, I have reason to. (it's oh-so tasty seeing heroes so full of fighting spirit getting it zapped right out of them by something beyond their comprehension >w< )

That is a stunning extradimensional labyrinth by the way.

Then you would really love the full version and the impact it has! You can watch it just about anywhere, legally or otherwise. ^_^;
08/29/15 02:16AM
Its really because the scene is a lotus eater machine as opposed to a trance. Yes everyone's body out of it, but the body doesn't do anything and there was no indication that it could be made to do more. More to the fashion it wasn't even like the dreamworld was controllable it went to something the person wanted ,thus Yoko's continually shifting.

Not that it wasn't an interesting scene, I mean it gave some interesting insights into the characters. The problem is that we also saw their fantasies, without indication that they were in flux for anyone outside of Yoko and Simon in the end. So there's limitations there.
08/29/15 06:48AM
What a great series, I definitely caught myself pausing it right at the mindless looking crew part. Regardless of that I'd recommend this to anyone, even if you aren't into shonen.
08/30/15 05:27PM
nalak said:
words words words lotus eater machine words words wordsthere.

You have a good point...there's not a huge amount to go off of. :c

Redengy said:
What a great series, I definitely caught myself pausing it right at the mindless looking crew part. Regardless of that I'd recommend this to anyone, even if you aren't into shonen.

I was watching with friends and I went home the second the episode was over. I said I didn't feel good but really I had to fap it out. <<;
08/31/15 11:23PM
I like hallucinations and fantasies in hypnosis so I'm into this kind of thing. Episode number?
09/01/15 03:46AM
finerhats said:
I like hallucinations and fantasies in hypnosis so I'm into this kind of thing. Episode number?

26. Enjoy!

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