08/29/15 06:11PM
A Couple of things I want your guy's opinions/ideas on.

1. As I found someone attempting to post my work as their own on DA, I now watermark my stuff. Some of my watchers want the watermarks removed. Should I remove them?

2. I have a pretty straight-forward way of doing Manips. Though, I'd like to branch out with it. Ideas/Suggestions?

3. Do you all want to see me do males? I've gotten a few complaints about how I only do females.

4. Do manippers ever work together on things? I've never really taken notice, but, I thought that might be cool.

5. Do you all mind if I try out some polls again?
08/29/15 06:48PM
PrincessLucina said:
A Couple of things I want your guy's opinions/ideas on.

Go on....

1. As I found someone attempting to post my work as their own on DA, I now watermark my stuff. Some of my watchers want the watermarks removed. Should I remove them?

Depends. A watermark should be noticible, but at the same time not so noticeable that it draws attention away from the work. If the watermark is too distracting, people tend to complain. I personally do not mind watermarks, just as long as they don't take away from the picture. Like how DA's does, where it puts a big blemish in the middle of the picture.

2. I have a pretty straight-forward way of doing Manips. Though, I'd like to branch out with it. Ideas/Suggestions?

I don't really have a suggestion for here. I like your straightforward way! Plus your writing style is really good!

3. Do you all want to see me do males? I've gotten a few complaints about how I only do females.

People are going to complain, really. Not sure why. o_o; Anyways, the important point is whether or not YOU want to draw males. It all depends on the context of the manip you want to make. Or, if someone requests and manip for you involving males. OR, you find some manip fodder that has a guy in it you really want to have hypnotized.

4. Do manippers ever work together on things? I've never really taken notice, but, I thought that might be cool.

Oh yeah! There are some manips on this site that are actually collabs between two manippers. Some gifs or drawings will have two artists/manippers on it. Just got to sniff around! I know that EdgeoftheMoon has done some cooperative work with others. :D

5. Do you all mind if I try out some polls again?

Poll away! It helps gets opinions for you....and I'm am SUCH a poll whore. *transforms into a giggly bimbo dancing on a pole*

Hope these answered your questions! :D
08/29/15 06:55PM
PrincessLucina said:
A Couple of things I want your guy's opinions/ideas on.

1. As I found someone attempting to post my work as their own on DA, I now watermark my stuff. Some of my watchers want the watermarks removed. Should I remove them?

Some one tryed to steal your work you have every right to take steps to prevent that from
Happening agian

2. I have a pretty straight-forward way of doing Manips. Though, I'd like to branch out with it. Ideas/Suggestions?

It's always good to try new things and branch out as an artist to find what works and what doesn't

3. Do you all want to see me do males? I've gotten a few complaints about how I only do females.

honestly I prefer females but in the end it is your choise as the artist.

4. Do manippers ever work together on things? I've never really taken notice, but, I thought that might be cool.

I think I have seen it before though not sure. But could try it so see how it goes.

5. Do you all mind if I try out some polls again?

Don't see anything wrong with doing the polls again as it was a wait for you to get feed back from your fans
08/29/15 07:19PM
1) Watermarking is fine, protect yourself first and foremost.

2) I think you should try some new things, both visually and narratively; it's important to spread those legs! I mean wings. Spread... wings.
One thing I notice is that more recently a lot of your work has been more seeing the aftermath than the actual process, in terms of the text; you've done both styles (Elamor and Bimbaga stand as pretty stark counterpoints on this one), and I think 'process' plays a little more to your strengths.

3) guys are grody

4) I think it happens on occasion, mostly for somewhat complex animated stuff?

5) I always love polls.
08/29/15 07:22PM
1. I haven't seen what your watermarks look like, but in general I voice against watermarking manips. If you're really having an issue with it, then take a page from <<|Greasyi's book>>, as his watermarks are small and still credit the artist. If you just slap your name on the image in a manip, then it might imply (especially on deviantart) that you drew the image. That would effectively be the same as someone else posting your manips to deviantart lol.

2. Learn to animate. Personally, manips can be boring to make after you've made a bunch. Animating can give you a challenge and looks better in the long run. <<|Muddle>>, <<|EdgeOfTheMoon>>, <<|HypnoMangaEditor>>, <<|DisgustingGirl>>, myself, and many others have gotten into making their manips move. Some of us use photoshop, some of us gimp, and I believe Muddle uses flash. Can't speak for any other programs, though. Also collabs, for #4.

3. Some people will want male, some female, some both.

4. Yes. I've done some with <<|artists>> and <<|manippers>>, and I know HWD and Volco have teamed up <<|in the past.>> <<|Psi and EdgeOfTheMoon>> have been teaming up recently as well. (If I missed any other prominent team ups, sorry! I can't remember all of them ><) Some artists collab as well, like <<|PenKen and P.Chronos.>>

To add to the confusion, Edge and I also collabed with an artist, <<|Amentibus>> lol

5. Just keep all of your polls to one thread, please. There's no need for a new thread for each individual poll.

Holy hell that was a lot of links to format, but I hope that helps.
08/29/15 07:33PM
Astral said: grody

Oh my god, I thought I was the only person on earth who ever says that anymore!

I usually say it when I need to shower. So technically, I guess you're right. Guys are grody. Specifically...THIS guy! *points thumbs at self*

Maybe I should make a thread later to see which people use old colloquialisms. o3o
08/29/15 07:36PM
To clarify a few things.

1. Only my DA stuff is watermarked, you all will still receive the unwatermarked version, that way, if someone is stealing, I know where they're getting it from.

2. I am, in fact, learning to animate. It just takes a bit to get used to. I believe I have an animated pic somewhere of Olivia from Fire Emblem.

3. I prefer females. If it's not mass requested by the community, then, my females-only manip style is still in effect.

4. That sounds like fun. I probably have to get better before anyone wants to work with me, but, that still seems like it would be fun.

5. Yeah, Sorry I make a new forum post for every poll. I'll create one central poll post.
08/30/15 01:21AM
As for #2)
I'm a worshiper of the satanic art of typography. And right now, you have got some things going that work for you: typically the production quality of the type is really nice. The choice of font is usually appropriate. Composition is good, could have better margins (but the quality of the margins is on par with all but about 3 of my favorites, and I only catch it if I look for it specifically)

Color is the only thing where I see big problems, because you know what you are doing in terms of the color of letters, but always using a black background is harming the overall quality of the composition. The lack of contrast between, say dark purple lettering and a black background really doesn't work.

As punishment go buy some origami paper, cut some of it into strips, and experiment to see what colors look like when standing about 1-2-3-6 meters. (3, 7, 10, 20 feet).
08/30/15 02:26AM
PrincessLucina said:
A Couple of things I want your guy's opinions/ideas on.

My 2 cents, whether you want them or not:

1. As I found someone attempting to post my work as their own on DA, I now watermark my stuff. Some of my watchers want the watermarks removed. Should I remove them?

Watermarks are there to protect you, but please don't overdo it.
When you buy a DVD and every time you play it, you have to sit through 3min of copyright warnings before the actual movie starts. It's sort of like that.
Like those before me have said, feel free to include a watermark, but take care so that it doesn't get in the way.
Additionally, if someone claims your works for himself (on DA or anywhere else), there should be ways for you to remove them and you shouldn't be afraid to make use of them.
On another note: There also are things like invisible watermarks which can help you prove ownership of your works, even when the visible watermark is removed, but I don't really think it's worth the extra effort.

2. I have a pretty straight-forward way of doing Manips. Though, I'd like to branch out with it. Ideas/Suggestions?

Only one: Experiment! Especially with those things you wouldn't normally fiddle with. Mr_Face said some true things about colour. Also, animation brings many possibilities, use them!

3. Do you all want to see me do males? I've gotten a few complaints about how I only do females.

Do what you want to do or what you think is right, even if others won't like it. They can just ignore your works, but you have to live with your choices. This may be an odd thing to say on this board ;), but you have to obey no one. Just stay true to yourself.

4. Do manippers ever work together on things? I've never really taken notice, but, I thought that might be cool.

I think it's cool too. Though I don't have much more to say, so onward to 5.

5. Do you all mind if I try out some polls again?

I don't mind, but I can't speak for others.
Maybe you should start a poll on whether or not you should start more polls. ;P

Mr_Face said:
I'm a worshiper of the satanic art of typography.

Satanic indeed, yet omnipresent. Hidden in plain sight, luring from the shadows...

08/30/15 03:00AM
In response to number 1, why not make the watermark look like something sexy? Maybe then they won't complain? :3

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