08/30/15 08:10AM
If you were a dessert...
If you were a dessert, what kind would you be? Personally, I'd be an ice cream sundae with two chocolate bars crushed and mixed inside with the creamiest of vanilla ice cream and chocolate shavings on top with hersheys chocolate syrup. Inside the vanilla would be delicious cookie dough bits with real chocolate chips inside each individual piece. ....Also, I love chocolate.
08/30/15 09:00AM
Homemade fudge with no nuts. ;)
08/30/15 09:05AM
DrgnmastrAlex said:
Homemade fudge with no nuts. ;)

What if I like "nuts?" <_<
08/30/15 09:13AM
PomPom said:
As for the thread content, we don't necessarily have strict guidelines in place over forum threads, but generally we try to avoid duplicate threads or just general off-topic chat (see our <<hypnohub.net/forum/show/2913|Hello!>> thread for that).

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