08/30/15 11:22AM
Hypno-tan Comic Seeks Funding!
Hello Hypnohub! So, as you may have noticed, a while back I uploaded a few sketches drawn by Keeper of Pots, and there's a very good reason for that. For a while now Keeper, Mr. Gerp, and I have wanted to make a series of comics based around Hypno-tan and her two roommates, Brooke and Trina. The basic premise follows these three getting into different hypnotic shenanigans from mind control plants to handsome hypnotists. This idea has been bouncing around for almost a year now and thanks to our clashing schedules and lack of funds, the idea has not been able to lift off.

Now, here's where you lovely people come in. Us three would love to start writing and drawing these comics out, but again, funds are an issue. Our dream would be to acquire enough funds to start up this project for the Hub. Now I know you're thinking "why in the world would I fund something I know next to nothing about?" Well, aside from the images posted we plan to have some promotional images drawn by Keeper to help pique interest. These images will show the biographies of our characters and could also possibly include a few teaser title pages! The funds will go to paying our amazing and talented friend Keeper for drawing the pages, and some would go to Gerp and I for writing and fund management.

We would love to see our idea become a reality and we hope the Hub likes this idea as much as us. Thanks for reading!
08/30/15 11:23AM
For those that missed them, you can see all the aforementioned pics, plus a few more, <<hypnohub.net/post?tags=keeper_of_pots+hypno-tan+|here>>.
08/30/15 02:53PM
Ah ! I was waiting for a post like that !

I should be able to make a contribution during/starting september.
08/31/15 04:44AM
Hey, the post went up! Keeper, Mind, and I are excited to see the possibility of this happening. I'm optimistic that some of you out there would like to see another Hub exclusive series.
08/31/15 05:38AM
I love KoP's art, and I feel he'd definitely do a Hypno-tan series justice. Brooke and Trina look super generic though. I hope the writing will make up for that.
08/31/15 06:52AM
Mindwipe for fund management!
08/31/15 11:08AM
Also, I should note that funds will most likely be collected with a Patreon, but we aren't ready to open it unless we see sufficient support (i.e. more than Roxa).

hypnofoood said:
I love KoP's art, and I feel he'd definitely do a Hypno-tan series justice. Brooke and Trina look super generic though. I hope the writing will make up for that.

Well, we wanted Hypno-tan to stand out as an oddball, so Brooke and Trina were designed to be more or less "normal". We do actually have a couple other characters designed for later story arcs that are much more... colorful. But, out of curiosity, what would you like to see in Brooke and Trina? I mean, I don't want to make Keeper go back to the drawing board with them, but the beauty of not having started yet is that changes can still be made.
08/31/15 11:24AM
If it's via Patreon, I'd support. Later.
After I get a few more patrons myself. XD [I like to split it in half. If I get 8 dollars, 4 will be going to others. I'm already over my half DX]
08/31/15 10:36PM
It has begun!

Shame on the wall of text, though, Mindwipe. :P

Split that up into paragraphs that are easier to read and I might throw money at this...

...because then I'll actually read about it. ;)
08/31/15 10:52PM
Vanndril said:
It has begun!

Shame on the wall of text, though, Mindwipe. :P

Split that up into paragraphs that are easier to read and I might throw money at this...

...because then I'll actually read about it. ;)

There, ya big baby.

[spoiler]I may not have been the person who actually wrote the post[/quote]
09/01/15 12:02AM
Mindwipe said:

[spoiler]I may not have been the person who actually wrote the post


I may also not have been the person that said "does this look fine?" ;)
09/01/15 07:35AM
I totally was the person who sarcastically suggested it be formatted better for aesthetic purposes. :P
09/01/15 01:31PM
Looks fun, but...
A: One (or more, depending on the pic) looks a little young, enough so that it get's kinda iffy to me, and
B: The apparent ages of the characters are wildly inconsistent, with size and feature detail tending to vary wildly. No offense, but I'd nail down a concrete pool of inner-main characters with more or less complete designs (Including stature, age, etc...) before asking for funding.
09/03/15 12:07AM
Interesting comments and feedback, everyone!

While it should be said that nothing is really set in stone for sure, I do think that we've set up a pretty strong base as far as consistency goes. I think the main reason why their designs feel a Little schizophrenic is because a lot of the images uploaded to the hub were made in the really early stages when I was still fumbling in the dark, trying to find my way. Also, the occassional chibi-drawing will do that.

As for the characters looking too young - perfectly understandable complaint. It's hard to tell with drawings for sure since style and exaggeration comes into play - But in-universe they're all supposed to be college student age - basically early 20's something.

So I whipped up a drawing - Tried giving them slightly more mature proportions. Not a HUUUGE difference, but perhaps a direction that is more appealing?


09/03/15 01:06AM
Keeper_of_pots said:
As for the characters looking too young - perfectly understandable complaint. It's hard to tell with drawings for sure since style and exaggeration comes into play - But in-universe they're all supposed to be college student age - basically early 20's something.

So I whipped up a drawing - Tried giving them slightly more mature proportions. Not a HUUUGE difference, but perhaps a direction that is more appealing?

I think one of the biggest reasons they look younger than they are supposed to is their clothes, especially Trina. I'm not saying you need to drop the skirt/hoodie combo, but I'd suggest researching women's fashion for ways to give it a bit of an older look.
1 2>>>

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