09/02/15 08:47AM
The Porn Taboo
So this is something that I never realized was bugging me until recently, when I realized that I wanted to contribute stories and art to the hypnosis community and Hypnohub in particular.

Just sitting there writing sexy words on a page is nervewracking at best. I can't bring myself to do much if someone is at home, let alone in the same room. As for art, well, I drew a naked girl one time and hid it well, but I was so scared that someone would find it that I actually shredded the paper. (I'm really mad at myself--I liked it and probably will never make something that good again, knowing my luck. I don't do digital either.)

Basically, this is a question of great anxiety and fear of being judged. I've created a whole alter ego and figured out how to switch cleanly online, but there's still the matter of people just walking up behind me or finding a drawing of mine by accident.

How do you guys deal with it? Do you just not care? Do you have special ways of hiding it? Or are you lucky enough to have people in your life that understand you?
09/02/15 09:23AM
I keep my entire online life private from my family and everyone I know. I only draw when there isn't anyone around to disturb me, and I don't discuss my drawings or my online identity with anyone.
09/02/15 09:36AM
o.o I just hide it.
09/02/15 09:38AM
The great thing about the hypno-fetish is that it doesn't have to be pornographic. Just make a story full of sexy, sexy mind control on its own merits. I'd read it x)
09/02/15 10:01AM
Initially I was just like that =w= I ripped my first porn picture, a naked Flannery, for fear of being caught.
Now I keep my porn WIPs on my desktop in plain sight. e.e
09/02/15 10:33AM
XD I live with a horndog. My best friend is a pervert. My mother is..... errr.... very accepting of the physical form. [She actually thinks more of me because I draw sexy stuff].

I guess I'm a lucky one?

Best I can say though, is the more you hide it, the more of a shameful thing it will feel like. Why give THAT any life?
09/02/15 11:13AM
...*watches all teh pornz*
09/02/15 01:39PM
I just keep things separate and ensure I have sufficient privacy.
09/03/15 12:56AM
One must master the art of speed tabbing, my friend.
09/03/15 06:40AM
I used to hide it, drawing only when there was nobody else home and often shredding the older drawings and soaking them in water so no one could even piece them together. But with time came the realization that this isn't something to be embarassed or ashamed of. It's not illegal or immoral, it's just strange at most. No one have the right to judge any of us for drawing porn. And no hypno-fetishist should feel bad if others know about your kinks.
Today I don't hide it that much (still don't talk about it or show my art to family and friends either) and, honestly, I feel way better about it. Hiding this kind of stuff makes you feel guilty and paranoid to the point where the fetish itself becomes harmful to you. If you accept all this as a natural part of yourself, you might become even more creative and productive when making some art.
09/03/15 04:13PM
Yuu-chan said:
I keep my entire online life private from my family and everyone I know.

Pretty much this.

Since I don't live alone, I tend to feel rather paranoid the majority of the time that someone will barge into my room at any moment lol.

Some of my really close friends I could trust if they happened to discover something, but, I tend to make that not the case XD
09/03/15 05:41PM
I'm kind of at the point where I just don't want to be known for it. Otherwise my sketchbooks are just sort of floating around my apartment.
09/03/15 11:54PM
Time and working on a computer have taught me how to deal with parents at home. My room is pretty much off-limits, and I just have to hide my work in my folders :)
09/05/15 06:49AM
Draw your sexy pics, scan them, rip the pics, and hide the file somewhere insignificant in your program files.
09/06/15 06:42AM
strangeperson said:
I just keep things separate and ensure I have sufficient privacy.

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