09/04/15 04:45AM
Hypnohub TCG.
In honour of this post:
AngelGrace and I have (tentatively) decided on making a TCG, and are seeing if anyone else is interested.

The basic idea is to take control of your opponent.
Tentative ideas are Dom Vs. Dom, in which you have to overpower your opponent, or Dom Vs. sub, where the sub has to outlast the Dom's bag of tricks.

Any interest/takers on this concept?
09/04/15 04:48AM
Dom vs Dom seems like a more interesting duel-type scenerio, basically two spellcasters going at it with their minions and spells to break their opponent.

For Sub vs Dom, the two decks would probably be different.
09/04/15 04:54AM
I had a slightly different scenario in mind. (ignoring D/D or D/s for a moment)

Rather than minions and such playing a heavy part, like in most TCGs, I was thinking more direct effects. Start with "subtle" techniques to raise an opponent's lust. Once their lust is higher, you can do more powerful techniques on them.

For example, a "gentle caress" would work fantastically in the early stages of seduction, but badly on others - whereas "edging" would work wonders on eroding what willpower there is left, but won't work on a bonedry vagina or flaccid penis.

Not to mention the possibility of decking an opponent out, and merely resisting their entire bag of tricks.

But I digress, I'm already forcing my ideas on others without waiting for more input - I hate being a Dom sometimes :P
09/04/15 05:12AM
If we're comparing styles of hypnosis against each other, an asymmetrical card game is a nifty idea. (In my head this is surprisingly close to, yet legally distinct from Magic: The Gathering) But being admittedly much more flavor of the moment, I think this is a great idea for a deck-building card game a la Ascension or Tanto Cuore. Induce thralls to join your pile, who in turn can help grow your skills and army. Maybe throw in added focus on disruption mechanics and you have a sexy time-killer.
09/04/15 05:34AM
Officially got added to my list of free time projects to play with, but it will probably be some time before I get around to doing anything with it.
09/04/15 05:53AM
I wanna play!
09/04/15 06:22AM
The benefit of doing it computer based is we can put in a lot of stuff we couldn't otherwise.
09/04/15 07:06AM
I can see this has great potential, but my question is does it have limits?
09/04/15 07:15AM
I was definitely thinking a dom vs dom game would play out similar to tanto cuore - pick your thralls, equip with various hypnogear and let them wreck havoc against the other dom's army, swaying thralls to your side.
09/04/15 07:16AM
I think it would be more interesting if there was a punishment for the loser
09/04/15 07:23AM
invictus said:
I was definitely thinking a dom vs dom game would play out similar to tanto cuore - pick your thralls, equip with various hypnogear and let them wreck havoc against the other dom's army, swaying thralls to your side.

And support them with spells, of course.

Blaster1228 said:
I think it would be more interesting if there was a punishment for the loser

That could well be written in as part of a larger rp site. If we wanted to. Like, you could risk things in character.
09/04/15 09:26AM
o.o I'm good at strategy games.
09/04/15 11:00AM
I have a lot of experience at the Pokemon TCG, if that helps. I have made loads and loads and loads and loads (and loads) of cards. But I don't think that something similar to Pokemon is what we want here... I think we want something closer to Magic or Yu Gi Oh.

So here's my idea. For the moment, anyway.

It would be a Dom vs Dom game.

Each player would have Will Points (WP) which would serve as their life points. If a player's WP is depleted, they are considered to be hypnotized by the opponent, and lose the game.

There would be a variety of card types, and some of them could inflict "damage" on the opponent's WP (or on your own, in some cases, as part of paying certain card's costs). However, there would be Slave cards, which are essentially your characters/monsters from other TCGs. Slaves protect the Master (the player) from taking WP damage, so as long as you have Slaves in play, the opponent will be unable to damage the Master's WP (except in some cases where some cards will ignore Slaves and directly attack the Master, but often for less damage). Obviously, Slaves have less WP than the Master does.

Slaves would come in many types. Perhaps we could categorize them in the way that other TCGs do with "colors" for different types. For example:

Magic = Blue (Focuses on trickery and disruption of the opponent's play)
Technology = Silver (Focuses on attack and defense, with low trickery capabilities)
Parasite = Green (Focuses on overwhelming the opponent with large numbers of cards in play.)
Corruption = Black (Focuses on trickery, especially in making the opponent's tactics work against them)
Love/Lust = Pink (Focuses on quick and powerful attacks (after all, sex is the root of all erotic hypnosis) but has low defensive traits and sometimes "lacks focus", causing cards to potentially fail their effects.)

And so on and so forth. And cards of a given type would often work together or enhance cards of similar types. For example:

Robotized Soldier - Silver (100 WP)
Attack: Enemy Slave loses 100 WP. Cannot attack non-Slave cards.
Ability: Robotic Army - For each Silver Slave card in your play area, gain 100 WP to this card.
Flavor text: "All must join the slave army. Resistance is futile."

I'd be absolutely thrilled to help with this project though :)

FYI, we could probably use this:

Edit: Also, what about, instead of having standard "holographic" cards for super rare cards, we have them be animated gifs where you can see stuff like spinning spiral eyes, swinging pendulums, etc?
09/04/15 11:32AM
I'd play probably
09/04/15 11:46AM
Pieman754 said:
I'd play probably

I'd be interested as well, but how will the cards be obtained? Will everyone have all the cards, and they just choose which they want to use? Would there be npcs (hypno-tan, etc) that you could battle?
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