09/04/15 06:57PM
Most Hypnotic Instrument
What in your opinion is the most hypnotic musical instrument? Or, for a more broad discussion, the most hypnotic sound? To me the flute is light, airy, and hypnotic. Listening to flute music in my opinion is the best musical way to bring someone into trance.
09/04/15 07:14PM
Flute, Violin, or piano....

09/04/15 07:29PM
I always favored the crystallophone, otherwise known as the glass harmonica. It already has somewhat of an association with influence of the deeper psyche.
09/04/15 07:37PM
LillyTank said:
I always favored the crystallophone, otherwise known as the glass harmonica. It already has somewhat of an association with influence of the deeper psyche.

I agree with this.

It does not make your ears bleed IRL (Like Flute and Violin do...), and have *some* effect on you.
09/04/15 08:26PM
I vote theremin, since it sounds all ethereal and eerie and whatnot.
09/04/15 09:05PM
the kazoo
09/04/15 09:05PM
no, wait, the bagpipes
09/04/15 09:07PM
09/04/15 09:51PM
The voice :o
09/04/15 11:14PM
I like flutes because of the snake charmer aesthetic, but I think finger chimes/zill are the best because that high pitched ringing (normally accompanied by a belly dance) has a way of piercing the mind and slicing through a person's attention like a warm knife through butter. quickest example I could pull together.
09/05/15 12:22AM
I, for one, find the soothing tones of the <<|vuvuzela>> to be quite relaxing.
09/05/15 12:44AM
PomPom said:
I, for one, find the soothing tones of the <<|vuvuzela>> to be quite relaxing.

Good to know. Got one of those handing on my door. Only "instrument" I know how to "play"

A more serious answer I've always found the acoustic guitar and piano relaxing
09/05/15 01:25AM
I like flutes. Well, at times; the really high registers can become obnoxious, but the soothing-ness of some of it. Though I imagine piano could be rather nice as well.

Sorry Bellchan, I checked out that video, and those chimes were way too piercing for my tastes.
09/05/15 01:34AM
Bobbette said:
I like flutes. Well, at times; the really high registers can become obnoxious, but the soothing-ness of some of it. Though I imagine piano could be rather nice as well.

Sorry Bellchan, I checked out that video, and those chimes were way too piercing for my tastes.

Too piercing... Weren't you mentioning flute just line earlier? O_o
09/05/15 02:42AM
Nazwa said:
Too piercing... Weren't you mentioning flute just line earlier? O_o

I play flute, I'm more or less immune except the highest of notes on it.
1 2>>>

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