09/07/15 09:29AM
My depression has returned...
I've been trying to deny it... but it's back... my panic disorder is slowly crawling it's way back into my life.

Most likely a result of all of the lousy crap that has been going on in my life lately... and my stupid fucking fear of... well most of you know.

All I want to do is work... but I can't.

I'm going to try to do my best to overcome this stupid disorder and get back on my feet.

I apologize big time to those whom I owe art to... i swear on my life I WILL finish them
09/07/15 09:37AM
I feel your pain, bro. Got panic disorder too, it really messes up your head. Hope you get better : ]
09/07/15 09:55AM
What's he afraid of? o.o I hope he's ok...
09/07/15 10:14AM
Have you tried therapy? I had a few months of CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) last year and it really helped with my anxiety. Doesn't remove but it is much easier to deal with now

Hope you get back on your feet soon
09/07/15 03:27PM
We love you PenKen~ and you have the power to beat this and finish all the art you want. James believes in you!
09/07/15 07:13PM
Well, I hope you survive through this episode. Maybe try therapy like EdgeoftheMoon said, but not everyone has the funds for it.
Everyone has the shitty parts in their life. Anyone with empathy will understand.
09/07/15 09:44PM
I kind of know how you feel. I have some pretty bad social anxiety, which is mainly why I'm a lurker on this site. I had depression for a while as well. It really sucks, hope you get better.
09/07/15 10:17PM
HypnoBitch said:
What's he afraid of? o.o I hope he's ok...

09/08/15 02:44AM
PenKen said:

o.o That's my fear, too! I hope you get better, though.
09/11/15 05:51AM
PenKen said:

Same here...
09/11/15 06:10AM
Death is a normal fear to have. The important thing, I feel, is to remember that fear in and of itself is not evil and the phenomenon of death is far too mysterious to be considered good or bad. Your fear doesn't have to work against you. The key is understanding what frightens you about that which you fear.
09/11/15 07:01AM
LillyTank said:
Death is a normal fear to have. The important thing, I feel, is to remember that fear in and of itself is not evil and the phenomenon of death is far too mysterious considered good or bad. Your fear doesn't have to work against you. The key is understanding what frightens you about that which you fear.

:o Did you take philosophy class?
09/11/15 07:41AM
HypnoBitch said:
:o Did you take philosophy class?

No, I just have too much free time... ^_^'
09/11/15 07:43AM
LillyTank said:
No, I just have too much free time... ^_^'

o.o *snuggles*
09/15/15 02:37AM
PK, I know how you feel. All too well. I'm the exact same way. I think a lot of people on here are.

Know that you've got support waiting in the wings if you need it.
Feel better.

That extends to EVERYONE. You've got friends here.
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