09/11/15 07:32PM
Anyone bored enough to become GM in long-term solo sessions?
I had long-term session with one person. Well, I still have it. Only problem is recently its bit closer to pbf. Epic story is epic, but it's about twice per week. BUT this open space for more sessions, right?

So, basically, you accept these parts:
- Fantasy or Science-Fiction world
- Hypnosis happens, and while it's uncommon, player characters tend to meet more unusual stuff than others, right? :P
- PC is a girl. Most of enemies are girls or genderless.
- No scat/piss/futa.
- Hypnosis works as any other attack/skill in that world. There are save rolls ect. - and enemies (can) have both kinds, not just all-hypno or all-nonhypno.

And you get to create own world for my char to get in. And any adventures you imagine.

From time to time rewind should happen. You know, to keep fun going.

Systems I (I think) know:
D&D 3.5/4/5, Pathfinder, Saga

Systems I want to avoid: M&M3.

Systems I don't really know but am interested in: Warhammer systems.
09/12/15 01:26AM
Nazwa said:
I had long-term session with one person. Well, I still have it. Only problem is recently its bit closer to pbf. Epic story is epic, but it's about twice per week. BUT this open space for more sessions, right?

So, basically, you accept these parts:
- Fantasy or Science-Fiction world
- Hypnosis happens, and while it's uncommon, player characters tend to meet more unusual stuff than others, right? :P
- PC is a girl. Most of enemies are girls or genderless.
- No scat/piss/futa.
- Hypnosis works as any other attack/skill in that world. There are save rolls ect. - and enemies (can) have both kinds, not just all-hypno or all-nonhypno.

And you get to create own world for my char to get in. And any adventures you imagine.

From time to time rewind should happen. You know, to keep fun going.

Systems I (I think) know:
D&D 3.5/4/5, Pathfinder, Saga

Systems I want to avoid: M&M3.

Systems I don't really know but am interested in: Warhammer systems.

(Was just reading out of curiousity.) If you are interested in Warhammer, Games Workshop recently replaced (a.k.a. killed) their "Fantasy"- Product-line with "Age of Sigmar" a (for Fantasy-Verterans atrociously) easy Version of Fantasy. It's still new and the rules are downloadable for FREE (what are they thinking! O_O...)
09/12/15 01:34AM
Nazwa said:
I had long-term session with one person. Well, I still have it. Only problem is recently its bit closer to pbf. Epic story is epic, but it's about twice per week. BUT this open space for more sessions, right?

So, basically, you accept these parts:
- Fantasy or Science-Fiction world
- Hypnosis happens, and while it's uncommon, player characters tend to meet more unusual stuff than others, right? :P
- PC is a girl. Most of enemies are girls or genderless.
- No scat/piss/futa.
- Hypnosis works as any other attack/skill in that world. There are save rolls ect. - and enemies (can) have both kinds, not just all-hypno or all-nonhypno.

And you get to create own world for my char to get in. And any adventures you imagine.

From time to time rewind should happen. You know, to keep fun going.

Systems I (I think) know:
D&D 3.5/4/5, Pathfinder, Saga

Systems I want to avoid: M&M3.

Systems I don't really know but am interested in: Warhammer systems.

I'm only familiar with DnD 4. I'll admit it sounds like an interesting challenge, and I could admittedly try to create a new campaign with mini points of hypnosis/Mc (oh man, imagine Main Character/Mind Control MC/Mc or some variation just to keep it simple at times), but I'm barely competent at GMing. My only experience at it is really running 3 adventures for my friends that are all level 1, and the sessions were about 8 people each.

I could certainly try to make a story and try to make it interesting, but I'm afraid my overall lack of experience would lead to there being better candidates available. But definitely no scat/futa/piss, non of that is my thing either.
09/12/15 04:31AM
I'd be up for it, but I'm not very good at GMing.
09/12/15 10:44AM
Well, we just need at least one DM (Bobette, lack of experience is fine as long as you have imagination! :D), and I guess we *could* make it multiplayer, just... I'd like to be in that game ^^

I am in GMT +2 atm.
09/12/15 07:16PM
Nazwa said:
Well, we just need at least one DM (Bobette, lack of experience is fine as long as you have imagination! :D), and I guess we *could* make it multiplayer, just... I'd like to be in that game ^^

I am in GMT +2 atm.

I try to use imagination. Oh shoot, I'll see if I can muster up a half-decent story/world or something while this weekend is generally free. I can try to make some power-switching and creation to fit the MC in. I'll probably end up using DnD 4e system though since that's what I'm familiar with, so if you wanna make a character, go for any class and I can add hypnotic effects or abilities if you wish. We can also try to start at different levels other than 1 (I'm probably gonna handwave a lot of gold and rituals though; bit too much work).

I'm GMT -4 apparently. That'll be fun to schedule around.
09/12/15 11:04PM
Gmt +\- 7
09/12/15 11:40PM
I'm trying to teach myself some of the basics of RollD20 before I commit to something like this, and I'm working around a college schedule. Otherwise, GMed a lot of
Shadowrun and a few games of DnD 3.5. GMT -6 right now. You'll probably hear something game related from me eventually, but I would go with someone else for now.
09/14/15 01:24PM
Well, I am sure we will manage to do it somehow.
09/23/15 09:47AM
Okay, I have vague ideas of what I can do story-wise. Assuming a DnD 4e system, what level would people want their characters to be (largely helps determine what kind of monsters I'll use. Even if it's level 1 I could dumb down some of the more fearsome critters and use things like Vamp Minions as a template, but I'm not doing kobolds and stuff if people are level 8.) When I get a general gist I can start making maps and plans on Roll20.
09/23/15 10:46AM
Bobbette said:
Okay, I have vague ideas of what I can do story-wise. Assuming a DnD 4e system, what level would people want their characters to be (largely helps determine what kind of monsters I'll use. Even if it's level 1 I could dumb down some of the more fearsome critters and use things like Vamp Minions as a template, but I'm not doing kobolds and stuff if people are level 8.) When I get a general gist I can start making maps and plans on Roll20.

Game that just disbanded was for lvl 1, but that's mainly due to almost everyone being newbie.

Any chance that you let me keep my char as chassic for new one? She had custom class.
09/23/15 04:34PM
Nazwa said:
Game that just disbanded was for lvl 1, but that's mainly due to almost everyone being newbie.

Any chance that you let me keep my char as chassic for new one? She had custom class.

As long as I have time to look it over, sure. I haven't allowed much in the way of customizing (ie, homebrew) for the campaign I'm running with friends, but it's best not to overcomplicate things with people new to the game, and one is keeping track of his own rules with books I don't own. Still, as long as there's nothing game-breaking, it'll probably be fine. Class might be a bit trickier than race though...well, I can always see how it plays out.
09/23/15 10:05PM
Bobbette said:
As long as I have time to look it over, sure. I haven't allowed much in the way of customizing (ie, homebrew) for the campaign I'm running with friends, but it's best not to overcomplicate things with people new to the game, and one is keeping track of his own rules with books I don't own. Still, as long as there's nothing game-breaking, it'll probably be fine. Class might be a bit trickier than race though...well, I can always see how it plays out.

Ranger with STR -> DEX and WIS -> CHA swap, and one/two features swapped for one Scout feature. Progression as with Ranger.
09/23/15 10:27PM
Nazwa said:
Ranger with STR -> DEX and WIS -> CHA swap, and one/two features swapped for one Scout feature. Progression as with Ranger.

Oh, thought it was an entirely new class, that shouldn't be a problem (especially since Scouts are really just a modified Ranger as it is).
So, level 1, right? Alright, I'll get to Roll20 and set something up within a few days then.

I know you said solo, but if anyone else wants to join to round out a 'party' that would be cool. Might be strange to have a 1v4 every encounter unless random NPCs.

Also, gonna modify domination+dazed rules a bit. Domination will probably be a bit easier (in regards to more abilities having it), and Dazed will leave one more vulnerable to Will saves if that's fine with what you have in mind.
09/24/15 01:28AM
Bobbette said:
Oh, thought it was an entirely new class, that shouldn't be a problem (especially since Scouts are really just a modified Ranger as it is).
So, level 1, right? Alright, I'll get to Roll20 and set something up within a few days then.

I know you said solo, but if anyone else wants to join to round out a 'party' that would be cool. Might be strange to have a 1v4 every encounter unless random NPCs.

Also, gonna modify domination+dazed rules a bit. Domination will probably be a bit easier (in regards to more abilities having it), and Dazed will leave one more vulnerable to Will saves if that's fine with what you have in mind.

Umm... she have extremally low will saves. Or... extremally high. It's complicated.

We got her flaw that INVERSE all stat bonuses to saves against mind control. So 18 in stat give us -4 to corresponding save.

*edit* one more fun idea.

What do you think of Pathfinder? We got Occult Adventures there, that have mc-based class. And dreamscarred press got other class that seem to have mc-based skills in playtest atm.
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