09/17/15 04:13AM

A massive earthquake has happened off the coast of Chille one hour ago. All the west coast of the UNITED STATES is under a TSUNAMI WARNING.

For those who do not know what a tsunami is, it is a massive wall of water hundreds of feet tall
And moving rabidly. Sometimes called a Tidle Wave.
They are fast and they are powerful and can level entire towns in minutes.

If your area does not have a tsunami warning system a way you can tell is all the water in the ocean will recede rapidly. It will look like an extreamlu low tide where you can no water for miles. If you see this GET TO HIGH GROUND!!

That is all. Stay safe everyone.
09/17/15 04:38AM
From what I've seen the warning is for Hawaii.
What I've gathered off a quick Google search (CBS has it at www.cbsnews.com/news/tsun...i-after-chile-earthquake/) is that it was an 8.3 magnitude quake with a 6.2 mag aftershock 20 minutes later.

Here's a pertinent quote from the article: "Chilean authorities issued a tsunami alert for the country's entire coast, and U.S. officials posted an alert for Hawaii. Chile's emergency office warned that big waves caused by the quake could hit the coast by 11 p.m. The National Weather Service warned a potential tsunami could reach Hawaii by 2:30 a.m."

At least no deaths have been reported, but there have been houses collapsing.

TLDR; I am unsure if the US West Coast will be affected, but if you live in Hawaii, TIDAL WAVES MAY HIT AROUND 2:30am OR SO.
Stay safe.
09/17/15 04:41AM
The report I just saw on TV said the entire Pacific coast, though it's Hawaii that is in the most danger.

Also, not to nitpick, but a tsunami and a tidal wave are not the same thing. A tsunami is caused by seismic activity, a tidal wave is the result of lunar activity (tides).
09/17/15 04:48AM
Mindwipe said:
Also, not to nitpick, but a tsunami and a tidal wave are not the same thing. A tsunami is caused by seismic activity, a tidal wave is the result of lunar activity (tides).

The More You Know! *Rainbows*
09/17/15 05:41AM
Mindwipe said:
The report I just saw on TV said the entire Pacific coast, though it's Hawaii that is in the most danger.

Also, not to nitpick, but a tsunami and a tidal wave are not the same thing. A tsunami is caused by seismic activity, a tidal wave is the result of lunar activity (tides).

fun fact tsunami are never 1 wave they are many large waves [rainbow]
09/17/15 05:51AM
foffyoul5 said:
fun fact tsunami are never 1 wave they are many large waves [rainbow]

Another fun fact is it just means "strong wave" in Japanese. Nami like Nami from One Piece.
09/17/15 07:42AM
09/17/15 09:21AM
Thanks for the warning.

Here's hoping everyone makes/made out alright.
09/17/15 10:09AM
As a side note, research has found no links between wave patterns and rainbows.
09/17/15 10:10AM
*does a thumbs up from under 5 feet of water*
09/18/15 06:50AM
Dreamshade said:
*does a thumbs up from under 5 feet of water*

*looks back toward the HypnoHub Rescue Team*

He's good!
09/18/15 07:19AM
Vanndril said:
*looks back toward the HypnoHub Rescue Team*

He's good!

Is he really okay or did Mindwipe trick him into thinking he was okay?
09/18/15 07:20AM
Bobbette said:
Is he really okay or did Mindwipe trick him into thinking he was okay?

Maybe I hypnotized Mindwipe to do it.
09/18/15 11:03PM
Vanndril said:
*looks back toward the HypnoHub Rescue Team*

He's good!

Where do I sign up for the rescue team?
09/18/15 11:09PM
Disastermaster55 said:
Where do I sign up for the rescue team?

*Looks at username* ... Are you sure about this? You may be the CULPRIT.
1 2>>>

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