09/17/15 10:44AM
Is "hypnosis" a four letter word?
This is a thread I've wanted to make for a while, and it deals with some content creators and a strange aversion to a certain word. That word being, as the title suggests "hypnosis". I began to notice about a year or so ago, that certain hypnosis porn video-makers go out of their way to avoid using the actual word "hypnosis".

I think it started when someone told me that Steve Steele (that's his name, right?) had seemingly erased all uses of the word from his site and replaced them with another word that I can't remember right now and am too lazy to look up. At first, we just sort of laughed it off as him being forbidden from using the word or something. But then I began noticing that Steve wasn't the only one. For example, the very softcore hypnosis fetish videos made by Fresh Frozen Females all refrain from saying "hypnosis" in their descriptions, instead using the very non-descriptive "training". Seriously, they used "train" and variations thereof for any word associated with hypnosis or trance. Example: "Training - the girls are put into the trained state."

A much more notable example is Hypno-Pimp, which now goes by the name Robo-Pimp. Aside from changing the name of his production studio to completely remove "Hypno" from it, he also auto-replaces any instances of the words "hypnosis" (and all similar words) and "trance" with a different word. This time, it's "program". This leads to absolutely bizarre sentences and phrases like "Enjoy watching her slip into a PROGRAM state of being, receptive to anything I tell her!" (actual snippet from a video description). Also, the capitalization in that sentence was not done by me for effect. All uses of the word "program" in Robo-Pimp's descriptions are both all-caps and bolded, as if to draw attention to the fact that it was pasted in there in place of "hypnosis", "hypnotized", and "trance".

Not only that, but the word "hypnotized" is literally censored out of some of Robo-Pimp's video descriptions. For example, in some videos, he has girls repeat phrases like "I am hypnotized, and you are my master", but in the description, the phrase is written as "I am ___, and you are my master." Yes, seriously. (And in case you were wondering, none of these people seem to mind saying the word in the videos themselves, but in all text sites, they avoid it like the plague.)

It's also worth noting that categories for these videos include things such as "female training", "woman following orders", "magic control", and "erotic magic". The only category to actually come close to saying "hypnosis" is "mesmerize".

So, what are your guys' thoughts on this? Do you think there's a reason these content creators are afraid of using the word? Do you know of any others like them that avoid using it?
09/17/15 01:43PM
No, it's an eight letter word, dumbfuck. (Which is also, coincidentally, also an eight letter word)


I kid, I kid. But yeah that's kinda weird. My random, uneducated guess is that maybe it has something to do with rape laws? Maybe certain countries consider hypnotized sex (even simulated) to be a form of rape, and so the porn producers aren't allowed to say it? That's just a guess though.
09/17/15 03:08PM
I was totally unaware of all this retcon going on, maybe it would be worth asking them directly?
09/17/15 04:18PM
Maybe they sued them. Who is the owner of the copyright for hypnosis? :o
But seriously I think they might want to differentiate themselves from other awful quality hypnostuff out there.
09/17/15 04:21PM
It wouldn't surprise me that despite "no one was actually hypnotized" warnings in lots of videos, that it might get some creators in some kind trouble anyway. That's about the only thing I can think of that would scare multiple sites like that.
09/17/15 04:29PM
Psi said:
I think they might want to differentiate themselves from other awful quality hypnostuff out there.

But... they are that awful quality stuff...
09/17/15 04:46PM
i think it is one of those stupid censorship things where they don't want anyone to think it is remotely real or possible. Hypnosis itself is "supposed" to be a medical/therapy thing. It does seem odd and I have noticed it. This is a guess though.
09/17/15 04:58PM
I'm guessing this is something akin to the whole hypnosis - NLP shite.

LittleToyMaker said:
[...] maybe it has something to do with rape laws? Maybe certain countries consider hypnotized sex (even simulated) to be a form of rape, and so the porn producers aren't allowed to say it? That's just a guess though.

I dunno, I'm pretty sure simulated rape in porn isn't illegal, so I don't see how a specific word would be threading on thin ice, especially if anyone even remotely knowledgeable about hypnosis can tell it's not like someone can't consent in even a real trance. That said, I wouldn't be one bit surprised if the anti-rape, special snowflake types were behind this somehow...
09/17/15 06:04PM
I have a friend who was a content provider for serious hypnosis files. Apparently about 2 or 3 years ago some money transfer sites (notably PayPal) were getting a bit edgy on the legality of hypnosis as a concept, I think this was about the time FetLife removed hypnosis as a viable fetish. I suppose those videos removing the word are trying to ensure they don't attract any unwanted attention or get in any legal hot water.

I'm not 100% sure on how accurate any of this may be as I was seeing it unfold in angry twitter messages.

Anyone know if I'm misremembering stuff or lack a decent amount of context?
09/17/15 06:55PM
bellchan said:
I have a friend who was a content provider for serious hypnosis files. Apparently about 2 or 3 years ago some money transfer sites (notably PayPal) were getting a bit edgy on the legality of hypnosis as a concept, I think this was about the time FetLife removed hypnosis as a viable fetish. I suppose those videos removing the word are trying to ensure they don't attract any unwanted attention or get in any legal hot water.

I'm not 100% sure on how accurate any of this may be as I was seeing it unfold in angry twitter messages.

Anyone know if I'm misremembering stuff or lack a decent amount of context?

Ahh, reminds me of how KO fetish videos apparently have to use "teh sleepy rag1!" in place of the word "chloroform." I'd imagine for a similar reason. Which is probably the most cringe-worthy thing in either of my fetishes xD
09/17/15 08:02PM
PayPal won't let you pay for a company that offers "hypnosis" so if your site has hypnosis files listed as hypnosis PayPal won't let you sell them well not with PayPal at least so most people just avoid saying it's hypnosis so PayPal doesn't refuse service. It's kind of fucked up
09/17/15 08:07PM

bellchan said:
I have a friend who was a content provider for serious hypnosis files. Apparently about 2 or 3 years ago some money transfer sites (notably PayPal) were getting a bit edgy on the legality of hypnosis as a concept, I think this was about the time FetLife removed hypnosis as a viable fetish. I suppose those videos removing the word are trying to ensure they don't attract any unwanted attention or get in any legal hot water.

I'm not 100% sure on how accurate any of this may be as I was seeing it unfold in angry twitter messages.

Anyone know if I'm misremembering stuff or lack a decent amount of context?

Didn't read all posts at first but ya that's why. I use PayPal as an option for my stuff and it has been rather anoying
09/17/15 08:20PM
Triple: if a certain someone was to hear about this topic she would be screaming at the top of her lungs "DRONES DRONES" then rant on and on but I think they are trying to get people that beleave hypnosis is fake to use it because there are lots and lots of sceptical people and as soon as you say its training or something like that then about twice the people will take and intress

Lisa: its possible as people have said that they are trying to get around paypal
09/17/15 08:42PM
saaass said:
PayPal won't let you pay for a company that offers "hypnosis" so if your site has hypnosis files listed as hypnosis PayPal won't let you sell them well not with PayPal at least so most people just avoid saying it's hypnosis so PayPal doesn't refuse service. It's kind of fucked up

Seriously? Paypal is restricting hypnosis as a concept? That is far too much discriminatory power for a company who's sole purpose is to transfer funds from one entity to another. It should not be legal for a company to say that something that is legal and un-restricted by law cannot be bought or sold online due to their own feelings on the subject and enforce it with their near monopoly level dominance in the field of online monetary transfers.
09/17/15 08:59PM
Changer said:
Seriously? Paypal is restricting hypnosis as a concept? That is far too much discriminatory power for a company who's sole purpose is to transfer funds from one entity to another. It should not be legal for a company to say that something that is legal and un-restricted by law cannot be bought or sold online due to their own feelings on the subject and enforce it with their near monopoly level dominance in the field of online monetary transfers.

Nah man, that's perfectly legal, and there's literally nothing wrong with it. It's their right as a company to choose how their services are used. Unless it's the government saying what you can or can't buy, then there's nothing illegal or worrying about it.

Alternatives to Paypal DO exist; it's not a monopoly. Plus, I'm pretty sure Paypal doesn't even allow adult content, unless that's changed recently, so they would have to be using these alternatives anyway.
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