09/19/15 02:37AM
Image creating help needed.
Hello, this is Waverun. You might know me for the 6 things I made, seven if you count a deleted post of mine, but if you do, then applause to you for knowing someone who isn't big on this site...yet.

If not, then allow me to tell you some things about me.

I am a Brony, a Code Geass fan, a fan of the Sonic The Hedgehog series, especially the anime; and if you couldn't tell, I am a huge fan of hypnosis. That's why I actually want to make hypnosis art on this site instead of editing others' work and posting it while apologizing to the original artist for doing so.

And even if that's accepted, I would still like to not be hated on this site to the point of being banned from it like I was last time for being underage; Only THIS time, the ban be permanent, and I don't want that.

So that's why I'm going to ask you all to help me with actually creating hypnosis art, be it animated, or a still image. I Use Gimp 2.8, and I'm a fan of the My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic art style as well as the Code Geass art style.

So if those of you who are good at drawing or digitally making art with those styles, please give me advice and assistance on how to do so and I will post as often as I can to see improvements in both of those art styles, and maybe your help with animating to, since I'm not the a very good animator, especially when it comes to animating EVERYTHING in an image.

So I thank you for reading this and/or commenting on it, and I look forward to seeing and/or hearing your advice and assistance on this matter of mine.
09/19/15 05:06AM
Worry about style later. Fundamentals come first:

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