09/20/15 03:04AM
Remember when someone tried to do hypnosis game?
Well, here is little universal system, that also can work for hypnosis game. All you will need is roll20 account (or any similar system, tbh you just need grid with tokens and dice roller).

1) Read this system:
EP - Endurance Points - When these go down, that character lose. Oops.
Pw - Power - Your "Attack".
D - Defence

Attack: Roll number of dices equal to attacker's power - 1. For each character adjacent to both attacker and defender (unit counts as adjacent to itself) add one dice. Add the dices together to match or exceed the defender's defence (add +1 to defence per defender's adjacent ally). Deal damage equal to number of unused dices.
Only one unit can attack in turn.

Counterattack: If no damage is dealt, roll for counterattack. Defender roll dices equal to his power -1 (additional -1 if non-adjacent to attacker), without bonuses for adjacent allies.

Attacking in row: When one unit attack twice in row defender reiceve bonus defence equal to number of times this unit attacked twice in row.

Capture: Defeating enemy create 1/0/5 token for attacker side. Defeating tokens is not required to victory. Defeating token does not give token to killer.

Movement: Each unit can move 2 squares. One square adjacent to enemiemy is equal to 1.5 squares - and 0.5 is rounded down. Each unit move in your turn.

Unit types:
Mortar: +3 power, can't hit enemy within 3 squares
Runner: 3 movement instead of 2.
Support: Can support attack when non-adjacent to enemy, but -1 attack when supporting.
Defender: +2 defence per enemy adjacent to both attacker and defender, not counting attacker.

2) Determine how much points you want to use (check step 3)
3) Create characters using this system:
1/1/5 character - 1 point

1st unit type for character - 1 point
2nd unit type for character - 3 points

+1 (2) - 1
+2, +3 - 2 each
+4, +5, +6 - 3 each
+7 and higher - 4 each

+2, +4, +6 - 1 each
+8, +9, +10, +11, +12 - 1 each
+13 and higher - 1.5 each

+1 - 2
Higher - previous cost + bonus. +2 - 2 +2, +3 - 4 + 3, +4 - 7 + 4 ect.

4) Have fun, and don't forget to roleplay :3

System is very, very moddable. You decide on how big arena of battle is, how much points you have for your armies. You can add own properties as well. Want unit that gain extra power during counterattack? Why don't you just make it ^^
09/20/15 03:21AM
Nazwa said:

Capture: Defeating enemy create 1/0/5 token for attacker side. Defeating tokens is not required to victory. Defeating token does not give token to killer.

Well that's no fun 3:
09/20/15 05:13AM
i am actually planing on doing hypno DND with my girls when we get are house together
09/20/15 05:26AM
saaass said:
i am actually planing on doing hypno DND with my girls when we get are house together

You can probably get a group of willing people together easy. This forum post was asking for something similar a week ago:

Also, nice that you have people willing to do it with you IRL (it sounds like).

Edit: coincidentally, the person that started this thread as well.
09/20/15 06:46AM
Bobbette said:
You can probably get a group of willing people together easy. This forum post was asking for something similar a week ago:

Also, nice that you have people willing to do it with you IRL (it sounds like).

Edit: coincidentally, the person that started this thread as well.

i was meaning irl the girls i mentioned are my girlfriends (yes i have 2 there also my pets)

we may do something online but i don't know
09/20/15 07:53AM
saaass said:
i was meaning irl the girls i mentioned are my girlfriends (yes i have 2 there also my pets)

we may do something online but i don't know

That smells like bullshit! o.o
09/20/15 08:56AM
HypnoBitch said:
That smells like bullshit! o.o

its true thou
09/20/15 02:24PM
Derail lvl max >>
09/20/15 02:45PM
Ok, finished.

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