09/21/15 11:21AM
Smash 4 Hypno-Community
Hoping to get people to post their WiiU NNID/ 3DS Friend Codes in hopes of getting a lot of good matches and maybe even informing people about matches in their community.

Post your Codes here along with times, if you plan on being online.

NNID: Syncronis

3DS Friend Code: Syncro (4382-2301-7477)

I play a multitude of characters:
Mr. Game & Watch, Mario, Pac-Man, Megaman, Kirby, Fox, Mewtwo
...but you'll usually see Mr. Game & Watch.

Happy Smashing!
09/21/15 11:44PM
My NNID is Dugg_E_Fresh. I don't really play Sm4sh on 3DS except on trips. Honestly, I've been too occupied with Splatoon to really play Smash. So I can't really say when I'd be available to play. I'll normally play Roy or Shulk, but also Pit, Little Mac, Ryu, and sometimes Robin.

And now I think I'll make a Splatoon thread.
09/26/15 06:07AM
My NNID is Metanightmare22, though in-game I go by "Duo" (DuoTheFighter) or "~Palette~".

I'm typically trying to be as MLG as possible, and by that I mean playing competitively to win tournaments. :p

I actually got 2nd place in one two days ago after resetting the bracket at Finals!

I typically main Donkey Kong and Roy,
With pocket characters Kirby, Sonic, Luigi, and Diddy Kong,
But I can play any character. :p

Also, I made a video.
09/26/15 07:16AM
My NNID is Xehanorto, yes I know, really original on my end.
10/08/15 06:32AM
Here's a question for those who actually care: Do you see Mario Maker as a viable stage?

What are your beginning stages and your counterpick stages? Favorite stages and ones you'd like to see/banned if you're playing friendlies?

Stages are always something that anger me more than fighting certain characters.
10/08/15 06:44AM
Stages always bugged me. The last time i tried participating in a ladder (where i got my ass handed to me and my resulting attitude created a bit of resentment in that community at the time), part of the friction was caused because my counterpicks were apparently all banned, i just never bothered to check the list.

To me, i'll fight anywhere, that's part of the fun. Thus i seem to do better on the weirder stages because that's where players who are otherwise better than me are somewhat off their game.
10/08/15 12:31PM
Ogodei-Khan said:
Stages always bugged me. The last time i tried participating in a ladder (where i got my ass handed to me and my resulting attitude created a bit of resentment in that community at the time), part of the friction was caused because my counterpicks were apparently all banned, i just never bothered to check the list.

To me, i'll fight anywhere, that's part of the fun. Thus i seem to do better on the weirder stages because that's where players who are otherwise better than me are somewhat off their game.

There are some stages that are fun and intricate and some stages that are just plain dickish.

Stages like Halberd, Delfino Isle and Dreamland are interesting; having gimmicks that are neither overwhelming nor uninteresting. They're fun stages that force the players to get creative and inventive with their movesets and their combos. Even Lylat Cruise, one of the most hated stages competitively, is respected because of what it does.

And then you have stages like Wily Castle. Gamer. Flat Zone 2. Mario Galaxy.
Stages that I would absolutely LOVE to see as viable, but almost impossible for the most part because the stages have either the worst gimmicks in the game or the blast zones are damn near unplayable. Have you ever seen how long tournament games last on Flat Zone 2?


I would LOVE to play on Wily Castle in legit tournaments if you could turn off the Yellow Devil. The rotating platforms on the edges might make things interesting, as well as the hype-as-hell music. But that Yellow Devil makes things so annoying.

I've said this a million times and I'll say it again: A Stage Hazard Button would be a godsend for this game.

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