10/06/15 10:45PM
Who Is Your "Waifu"?
Who was your first crush from a given work of fiction?
Who is your fictitious crush as of late?
Can you remember when you first knew you liked them?
What made you like them at all?
Can you express how feel toward them and why?

It doesn't have to be anime. It can be from any work of fiction.
10/06/15 10:57PM
LillyTank said:
Who was your first crush from a given work of fiction?
Who is your fictitious crush as of late?
Can you remember when you first knew you liked them?
What made you like them at all?
Can you express how feel toward them and why?

It doesn't have to be anime. It can be from any work of fiction.

1) Haruhi Suzumiya.
2) Kurumi Tokisaki
3) Hard to say.
4) I guess I am attracted by girls noone should be with? Ouch.
5) ....NO! I won't, Baka! T///T
10/06/15 11:18PM
1/ April O'Neil I think.
2/ Sheena Fujibayashi
3/ After watching the serie/playing the game some time I guess.
4/ Dunno.
5/ I like them ?
10/06/15 11:52PM
1. KOS-MOS from Xenosaga. My love of gynoids is solely because of her and how awesome, badass, and elegant she is.

2. Morrigan from Darkstalkers. Pretty obvious why, and partly responsible for my fetish with succubi.

3. Naru Narusegawa from Love Hina. Comedy tsundere and a solid character in a good harem series.

4. Saber from Fate/Stay Night. Stoic and cute at the same time.

5. Millenia from Grandia 2. Sexy lady with devilish powers who becomes a willing hero to preserve herself. Shows that not all who are born in darkness and evil have to be that way.

6. Nodoka from Negima. Because DAMMIT I LOVE THE BOOK GIRL. She also reminds me a lot of Shinobu from Love Hina, so two waifus for the price of one character archetype.

7. Sheena from Tales of Symphonia. Because she's awesome.

8. Kurumi from Date A Live. Probably the only Yandere I'd put on the list.

9. Yang Xiao Long from RWBY.

10. Liara T'Soni from Mass Effect.

There's probably a lot more where that came from, but I would need to do a lot of recollection to remember them all.
10/07/15 12:20AM
DrgnmastrAlex said:
7. Sheena from Tales of Symphonia. Because she's awesome.

10/07/15 12:45AM
1) That's a really good question. Probably Eirika or Natasha from Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones unless I just can't think of media.
2) Tharja. I love Yanderes in general, or even stalker-ish characters (Yuki from Mirai Nikki, Juvia from Fairy Tale, Hinata from Naruto, etc). Maribelle is another good choice. I dunno, I change my mind often and Fire Emblem remains a constant.
3) I dunno, it was more admiration back then. Kid feelings, so not sure Eirika counts.
4) In general the whole 'protect others' while her kingdom was destroyed and her guilt at having to kill her friend Lyon.
5) Not much anymore for Eirika, but yanderes/stalkers like Tharja give me comfort in a sense that I'm worth the effort of following, and that I'm never alone.
10/07/15 01:45AM
1. Samus Aran from Metroid
2. Cammy from Street Fighter (Since '08!)
3. I wasn't that aware of her until Street Fighter IV came out that year. I loved her hair, her eyes, her ABS, her legs...her personality especially!
4. Like I said, it was her personality. Also she was really too powerful in Super Street Fighter 4.
5. I think she's a woman that almost any person can idolize. She has some tragedy in her life but she's a kickass fighter for it! Cammy is powerful and cool! ^__^
10/07/15 02:09AM
LillyTank said:
Who was your first crush from a given work of fiction?
Who is your fictitious crush as of late?
Can you remember when you first knew you liked them?
What made you like them at all?
Can you express how feel toward them and why?

It doesn't have to be anime. It can be from any work of fiction.

1. If we take crush as post-pubescent and from a work i was actually watching/playing... Rouge the Bat.
2. More recently, Nico Robin.
3. When i started watching the series in Japanese. She was so badass in Skypiea
4. Hot and super-lethal but with a sense of humor that really works (morbid and dry, but also given to flights of fancy at times)
5. She can snap my spine any time :-P

Honorable mentions over the years:
Yuki Nagato
Samus Aran
Reina Vance
Margaret Moonlight (No More Heroes 2)
Jill Fizzart
10/07/15 02:39AM
LillyTank said:
Who was your first crush from a given work of fiction?
Who is your fictitious crush as of late?
Can you remember when you first knew you liked them?
What made you like them at all?
Can you express how feel toward them and why?

It doesn't have to be anime. It can be from any work of fiction.

1: Erika (Pokemon)
2: Princess Ruto (Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of Time)
3: Yes and Yes
4: Erika's kindness and beauty, and Ruto's forwardness and glorious fish boobs.
5: I'd love to marry people like either of them, but I'd also love to see them marry each other. Hm... Did I really just realize a new crackship? Don't I have enough of those yet?! T_T #shippingproblems
10/07/15 05:01AM
LillyTank said:
Who was your first crush from a given work of fiction?
Who is your fictitious crush as of late?
Can you remember when you first knew you liked them?
What made you like them at all?
Can you express how feel toward them and why?

It doesn't have to be anime. It can be from any work of fiction.

1: alexis rhodes [yugioh gx]
2: anna kaboom [yugioh zexal]
3: georgia [pokemon]
4: bianca [pokemon movie5]
5: domino [pokemon mew two returns]

reasons the charecters are awsome
10/07/15 05:59AM
1) Lorelei (Pokemon)
2) Koyomi Mizuhara (Azumanga)
3) Nope, just sotra crept up on me.
4) She's proud and confident, but there's that not-quite-shy nervousness that's apparant. Confident around friends, but notso around boys, Hard to describe. I didn't realize until my 4th watching, for instance, that she's borderline eating disorder.

Also stockings. smexy.
5) I'm a bit of a control freak in some aspects, and I like the idea of giving her confidence, but having that confidence based on me - not breaking her, but having her weak and dependant on me to some degree.
10/07/15 10:44AM
LillyTank said:
Who was your first crush from a given work of fiction?
Who is your fictitious crush as of late?
Can you remember when you first knew you liked them?
What made you like them at all?
Can you express how feel toward them and why?

It doesn't have to be anime. It can be from any work of fiction.

I just realized I didn't answer the questions, only gave a list of my waifus. :P

1. Can't really remember. Could be April O'Neil, but it's more likely to be Sailor Mercury.

2. As of, don't really have one for any recent series. There's some female characters that I really like from Shimoneta and Overlord, but they're not really waifu level.

3. Sailor Mercury/Ami quickly grew on me when I watched the original Sailor Moon series.

4. She was kind of an introvert, very bright, but had trouble connecting with people until Usagi helped act as a bridge for her. I can sort of relate to how she is. Plus, she's genuinely dedicated to helping others, as evidenced by her desire to be a doctor.

5. Ties in with four. I want to help people and relay my thoughts and feelings, hopefully bringing some entertainment and joy, in addition to some wisdom I've gained with my writing.
10/07/15 11:10AM
Here's mine...
1. Clarice from Rudolf the red nose raindeer. You know, the one who sings "there's always tomorrow..." Lol
2. Midna from Twlight Princess. Of course the imp form (dem hips).
3. That blue haired Kanker (Marie?) from Ed Edd n Eddy.
4. Earth Sage and Zelda from Wind Waker.
5. Daisy from Mario.
6. Mrs. Brisby from Secret of Nimh. Her voice is what makes her character.
7. Bianca from The Rescuers. Her voice as well.
8. Bianca from Spyro 3. When that cloak came off....
9. Leggy Lamb.
10. Roxanne from Goofy movie.
11. Hello Kitty.
And I'm sure more that I've forgotten about.

Now, who was the first? I can't remember.
Crush as of late? I wouldn't say I'm attracted to fictional characters anymore. Maybe recent shows movies and games are to blame.
When did I know? Most of them just acted nice and what not.
Can I express how I feel towards them? Not really, and I probably couldn't either when I was younger. I was too shy to talk about it. Most my friends would talk about it though. For whatever reason, yugioh was the main thing. One friend was obsessed with Joey, another like the Harpy sisters, another one like the Dark Magician girl. I can't explain why but it was always that show.

And I was jk about Hello Kitty.

10/07/15 06:26PM
LillyTank said:
Who was your first crush from a given work of fiction?
Who is your fictitious crush as of late?
Can you remember when you first knew you liked them?
What made you like them at all?
Can you express how feel toward them and why?

It doesn't have to be anime. It can be from any work of fiction.

1. Bayonetta.
2. Sera from Dragon Age Inquisition.
3. Bayo? Oh yes. Just watching some of the pre-release footage of the game pretty much cemented my enjoyment of her. And dat accent.
4. Her delightfully dominant personality, for starters. Another thing I liked about her was that she was the first sexualized character I encountered that didn't weird me out. Most of the time it did (and still does, depending on the context) but not here. The sheer amounts of lines she crosses is straight up fucking hilarious. And above all, I genuinely view her as a pretty positive character.
5. Yes, I can, despite her being something of a divisive character in some circles on the net.
10/08/15 11:22PM
1) Florina.
2) Sumia.
3) Very soon after they joined my Fire Emblem rag-tag army.
4) Shy and cute (add clumsy in Sumia's case) girls who will kill anything (seriously. If you take them to lvl 20, promote them then get them to 20 in their next class, look at their insane stats!!!) messing with their friends by skewering them with a lance and then go back into moe mode once the battle's over? Yes please! :)
5) I want to be their battle buddy, probably a mage, building supports with them and proccing dual guards and dual strikes. There's no way to be safer than to have one of these two at your side.
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