10/07/15 05:05AM
Help with Skullgirls
So, I've reached an Issue playing Versus against this same guy, in fact, I've seen it happen multiple times.

I Fight with a team of Fukua, Peacock, and Beowulf. The issue is this:

The guy I fight is Using R.Fortune, Parasoul, and Eliza. Then, he just spams the Horace attack, the Napalm shot, and the beam for R.Fortune. I can't seem to get past it. (All of their assists are those respective attacks). I just seem to be stuck in the corner. I've tried dashing and, any attacks I DO connect are shut down seconds later by assists. I have no clue what to do, especially when I get down to Beowulf as my last fighter.

Sorry to ask this here, but, I need advice.
10/07/15 05:26AM
git gud.

I'm pretty trash myself, so I can't really offer any character specific advice. all I can say is practice defense, learn how to deal with their mixups and when to pushblock. When you do get a hit in, you need to know how to capitalize on that.

You might try using Beo's Gigantic arm to get across the screen if you have meter, or Peacock's teleport thing.
10/07/15 05:56AM
plsignore said:
git gud.

I'm pretty trash myself, so I can't really offer any character specific advice. all I can say is practice defense, learn how to deal with their mixups and when to pushblock. When you do get a hit in, you need to know how to capitalize on that.

You might try using Beo's Gigantic arm to get across the screen if you have meter, or Peacock's teleport thing.

See, I can block/superjump/teleport, the issue is, I get hits for an 8 or 9 combo, and then it's back to getting zoned. Which is infuriating. It's nothing but movespam over and over, and, I have no way to really approach it. Especially R.Fortunes beam. I'm left playing defense for a large portion of the fight. If I try and retaliate with projectiles (mostly from Peacock) I just get abused by the Horace attack. It's so infuriating.
10/07/15 06:13AM
PrincessLucina said:
See, I can block/superjump/teleport, the issue is, I get hits for an 8 or 9 combo, and then it's back to getting zoned. Which is infuriating. It's nothing but movespam over and over, and, I have no way to really approach it. Especially R.Fortunes beam. I'm left playing defense for a large portion of the fight. If I try and retaliate with projectiles (mostly from Peacock) I just get abused by the Horace attack. It's so infuriating.

So I guess the obvious thing you can start doing is learning longer combos. Then learn to extend those using assists, and use your assists to keep the pressure on him.

If it get's too frustrating, try finding someone to fight that ends in a more even match. Or use that frustration as fuel to git gud. When you're getting zoned, don't panic. Try to be more patient and see if you can find an opening, use it as a learning experience.

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