10/08/15 05:12AM
Hypnotist Principal in Florida School leads to 3 deaths

Not that he killed them. Two of the students committed suicide, another hypnotized himself while driving and died that way. The principal hypnotized 75 teachers and students altogether.

Sounds like something off of MCStories o_O. Almost too bizarre for me to feel for the families of those who died.
10/08/15 06:59AM
Well, I feel like a horrible person by association. Mostly because I find the idea of educational hypnosis to be a very interesting concept, and I'd likely support it before knowing of this.
10/08/15 09:28AM
Not sure how he is responsible for the two that killed them selves but yes on the one who self hypnotized to a small extent.
10/08/15 09:38AM
I don't get how they expected hypnosis to be taught without the students ever going under. Pure doms have a nasty track record of being either ineffective or irresponsible, and frankly it's just good to understand the state of mind that your sub is in before you start domming.
10/08/15 09:43AM
pokefannafekop said:
I don't get how they expected hypnosis to be taught without the students ever going under.

He wasn't teaching hypnosis. He wasn't a teacher at all. He was the principal.
10/08/15 10:15AM
Mindwipe said:
He wasn't teaching hypnosis. He wasn't a teacher at all. He was the principal.

Right, sorry, just noticed. I am tired x_x.
10/08/15 03:49PM
Well, it's not hard to imagine something wrong when you hypnotize THAT many students, and have no license for it. Not sure when or where he learned hypnosis...and I wish the article made it a bit clearer about how this was determined to be his responsibility. I'm not saying it's not, but I just want to know more...

Regardless of that, I wish those affected families the best.
10/08/15 07:20PM
Why don't we sue the driving school, too? They taught that student to drive and he died in a car crash!! >:0
10/08/15 07:33PM
Psi said:
Why don't we sue the driving school, too? They taught that student to drive and he died in a car crash!! >:0

Driving instructors were licensed to teach that, though.

Any hypnotherapist worth their salt would not only program a subject to not go into trance while operating heavy machinery, but they would also heavily warn of the dangers of attempting it. This is a case of unlicensed malpractice, well worth anyone suing.
10/08/15 08:12PM
Man, some dumbass is living the dream and he has to fuck it all up by being a shitty hypnotist.

You must be kind to your harem and teach them to be responsible when under trance.
10/08/15 09:23PM
pokefannafekop said:
I don't get how they expected hypnosis to be taught without the students ever going under. Pure doms have a nasty track record of being either ineffective or irresponsible, and frankly it's just good to understand the state of mind that your sub is in before you start domming.

I can't be trances and have never gone under and am a very effective and responsible hypnotist.

I don't teach it though just practic erotic hypnosis but still.
10/09/15 04:38AM
That would never happen if he had hypnotized them to be good little obedient bitches on his basement harem.
But seriously, that's bad...and hard to make sure it was hypnosis the responsible for those deaths (hypnotism is not even fully understood by modern psychology, so other factors on their lives could've affected the outcome and I think no one can tell for sure what really led those two people to kill themselves).
10/09/15 05:54AM
Alright I'm lost here. Yes he was practicing without a license and that's bad and he deserves punishment for that. The part I'm lost on is that the article and case treat it as a casual link and maybe I missed a line or something somewhere, but I saw nothing said to explain why they think he's responsible.
10/09/15 06:39AM
nalak said:
Alright I'm lost here. Yes he was practicing without a license and that's bad and he deserves punishment for that. The part I'm lost on is that the article and case treat it as a casual link and maybe I missed a line or something somewhere, but I saw nothing said to explain why they think he's responsible.

This case has been ongoing (for years) so the modern stories don't dig too much into the details of the deaths.
10/09/15 07:29PM
*Reads the title of the thread.*

Florida. Nuff' said.
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