10/09/15 05:16AM
"Yes, Master. I Must Obey" ...And Your Thoughts?
How do you feel about this which is probably one the most commonly used phrases for this kind of thing?
What other common tropes and phrases about MC do you know? What do you think of them?
10/09/15 05:53AM
Personally, the more cheesy and tropey(?) something can get, the better! I haven't gotten tired of "Yes, Master", and in almost any context I can get quite flustered from hearing it <<;.

As for other cliche phrases, who isn't familiar with "Your wish is my command"? Classic line!

So yeah, I love tropes and cliches, but I know some hubbers are quite the opposite.
10/09/15 05:54AM
To be fair, I've used it in manips, but, I dislike it. It just feels....empty. I hate the idea that the person you hypnotized is now just empty. Regardless, phrases...."You are feeling sleepy", "Look into my eyes", " Focus on my {Insert Hypnotic Focus here}". Those are a few that come to mind.
10/09/15 06:03AM
I personally think it can be a pretty attractive mantra, depending. I know it's a common phrase, but just because it looks cliche doesn't mean it's wrong; it just attests to it's greatness (JamesF has some great stuff above there).

That being said, if there's nothing to mix it up with for variety, it can get boring.
10/09/15 06:28AM
I occasionally enjoy it, just as long as it's not the entirety of output. Blank is enjoyable to me, so...
10/09/15 06:52AM
JamesF said:
So yeah, I love tropes and cliches, but I know some hubbers are quite the opposite.

I love them too, just like a mix of things from time to time though.

10/09/15 07:24AM
Someone calling me Master and telling me that they must obey me is one of my single most effective turn-ons (especially if they use the word "obey"). There's something about someone being turned into my property and telling me about it (and sometimes how much they love it) that just triggers all of the lustiest parts of me.
10/09/15 07:52AM
I like using Ready For Programing in my subjects.
10/09/15 07:56AM
It can be done well, especially if uttered by a sub who is clearly still resisting, yet faltering under the dom's spell. But as a stock phrase, I actually find it to be a major turn-off outside of parody. When that's literally the first thing out of an entranced subject's mouth, or worse, the only phrase they use to address the dom, the scenario begins to feel like a parody in itself.

Even slight variations make a world of difference: "understood, master," "I shall obey your orders," "I must do as you wish"... all fine. Most of the induction cliches are fine by me too, so long as there's some followup. After all, it's understandable that "look into my eyes" would be the first thing said to a target of a guy with hypnotic eyes... But as Lucina mentioned, there's something thematically empty about that one string being the standby for every slave that takes me out of the fantasy.
10/09/15 09:14AM
Its the one phrase where I really wish people would use proper grammar. Just does not work when there isn't a man involved.

Then its "Yes Mistress I obey".
10/09/15 09:56AM
If I had just brainwashed someone into being my servant, I'm not sure if I would be turned on or creeped out. Probably both.

While that classic phrase can be hot in the right context, I'd actually prefer it if the sub was given the choice to choose what pronoun they'd like to call their dom. Something about that, like the sub given some degree of free will but not enough to break the trance, is actually quite hot for me.
10/09/15 11:24PM
Twiggles6 said:
Someone calling me Master and telling me that they must obey me is one of my single most effective turn-ons (especially if they use the word "obey"). There's something about someone being turned into my property and telling me about it (and sometimes how much they love it) that just triggers all of the lustiest parts of me.

THIS exactly. If the beauty of being a sub in real life is becoming freer by delegating one's own freedom, to know that someone trusts you to the point of obedience might just be the amazing thing about being a dom.
10/10/15 03:12AM
kamiyl said:
THIS exactly. If the beauty of being a sub in real life is becoming freer by delegating one's own freedom, to know that someone trusts you to the point of obedience might just be the amazing thing about being a dom.

This. This is the whole point of "Yes Master/Mistress, I obey". At least to me, it is. o////////o
10/10/15 07:32AM
As Lucina mentioned before it feels a little empty to me, like a robot talking and since the robot thing is a turn off for me the classic "Yes Master" and such are no good for me.
10/10/15 10:01PM
I'm not much into that "I shall act and speak like a soulless machine for you, Master" it dehumanizes the subs and make them seen kind of unrealible, like they don't feel anything for you and could kill you as easily as they obey your orders. It feels better to see an hypnoslave showing some love and devotion to their master, it's a turn-on to see it as the opposite to the fear and anger they feel before being put under.

By the way, if you ever try mind controlling someone in real life, forget the tropes. Many villains fell for the "faking-being-a-mindless-drone" trick.
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