10/09/15 06:20AM
Unfortunate Happenings.
I apologize to tell you all like this, but, I had a massive project planned that was, unfortunately deleted. It was a 'Choose your own Adventure' book made of manipped pictures which I had hoped to make rather massive (I had about 25 Manips done for it, and, I didn't feel like I was a quarter of the way done). I just recently discovered that my Roommate deleted them all, due to 'feeling disgusted with my focus of writing'

You may ask why I'm telling you this. There are two reasons.

I will explain them in another comment below.
10/09/15 06:25AM
Reason one: I have been neglecting my regular manips in favor of this larger work. Which is why I've been so inactive as of late. I feel horrible about this, and, I want to apologize. I wanted the big project to be a surprise, so, I'm assuming from the outside, It looks like I ditched you all to persue other things. I'm sorry.

Reason Two: I will be taking a short Hiatus to compose myself and work on some new manips, rest assured, I will try to be more open to you all from here on out.

With that said, just one more thing to say:

"Get Hypnobadoozled, Dammit!"
10/09/15 06:33AM
That's horrible.
Not the lack of posts, but the erasing of hours of work. Seems like a kinda crappy reason for someone else to delete your stuff. I personally don't care what others do as long as it's not illegal; their business isn't mine unless it's affecting me or others.

Do what you need to do. While we're all somewhat guilty to an extent of wanting artists/manippers/etc to put out content we enjoy as fast as they can, most of us can suppress that with the knowledge that people do have lives, and I hope your hiatus will be fruitful and relaxing.
10/09/15 06:41AM
First I feel your roomate needs a good chewing out. (personally I probably would have moved to strangulation or defenestration, but sometimes cooler heads must prevail)

Second eh no problem you didn't make anything for a bit I just kind of interpretted it as you were busy with other things, or that you hadn't found anything. You don't need to be really open about it. You wanted to do something for a surprise and things fell through due to an individual being rude and inconsiderate. No fault on your end.

Don't worry about it, you are not under any obligation to provide anyone with new content, so do it when you feel like it and when you can. We'll be there to enjoy it.

Sorry to hear about the project.
10/09/15 06:43AM
Download Recuva and recover the deleted files. hopefully they're still salvageable
10/09/15 06:43AM
Who's name is on the rent? If I was room mates with someone who deleted something I was working on because of their own "moral outrage" I would be handing them an eviction notice and looking for a new room mate right away, or start looking for a new place to stay depending on the situation.

You put a lot of yourself into your artwork; someone else destroying it is like them destroying a part of you. It's far more despicable than the "crime" of making art that someone doesn't agree with.
10/09/15 06:46AM
I 'almost' considered wiping their X-Box one hard drive. Unfortunately, two wrongs don't make a right, and, an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. I did change our Wi-Fi password though. I figure that's a reasonable punishment.

And, Who Knows, maybe all us mannipers can get together and try something like that for you guys! ^u^
10/09/15 06:47AM
guy6359 said:
Download Recuva and recover the deleted files. hopefully they're still salvageable

Got the link for quick access. I hope this can get your stuff back. It's worked its magic for me before.
10/09/15 06:48AM
We're Dorm-Mates, so, We don't exactly pay rent. The Wi-Fi router is mine though.
10/09/15 06:50AM
Thanks, I'll have to give that a look once I return from Fall Break. Hopefully it will still work.
10/09/15 06:52AM
No problem. I really love your writing so hearing this is quite a shame. I understand though, shit happens.
10/09/15 07:30AM
Why does your dorm-mate have access to your computer anyways? And how could he have the gall to erase YOUR hard work from YOUR computer just because HE finds it questionable. That is not his decision to make. You weren't doing anything illegal, so he had NO right to invade your privacy and make decisions about your hobbies.

I know all of what I said is self-evident, but I just can't stand inconsiderate people like that. >_<;
10/09/15 07:41AM
Wow, what a fucking busybody. I'd rage, and you must have some damn good self-control if you didn't. Best of luck on getting everything back, moving ahead, or whatever the next step is. Don't let this get you down; come back stronger!
10/09/15 08:02AM
The fuck is wrong with your roommate? Why do they have access to your computer and your files?
10/09/15 08:17AM
plsignore said:
The fuck is wrong with your roommate? Why do they have access to your computer and your files?

As was said above, I *wrongfully* trusted them.
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