10/10/15 05:32AM
An idea for you all.
So, in light of recent events, I've decided to steer away from my usual focus (Games and Superheroes) and turn to something a bit....Spookier.

Hypnoween is coming soon everyone! Monsters and creepy things! And Maybe a sexy witch or Neko here and there. Either way, Get pumped!

As a side note, if there are any particular Monsters or scenarios you want to see, lemme know! This whole month is devoted to them!
10/10/15 05:38AM
An Onryo, please?
10/10/15 05:44AM
Dr_Mabuse said:
An Onryo, please?

Those are Revenge Ghosts, Right? They can act like poltergeists?
10/10/15 05:47AM
... I thought you would ask us to draw your roommate being hypno punished.
10/10/15 05:50AM
No, that would be absurd. I'm upset, why would I want them to ruin my experience of good porn too?
10/10/15 06:23AM
Dat' class.

Nurses. Start their and work your way to something suitably arousing and terrifying.
10/10/15 06:51AM
Anything involving the aesthetics of the late and great surrealist H.R. Giger. Terrifying and icky, but also very sexy and beautiful.
10/10/15 08:16AM
PrincessLucina said:
Those are Revenge Ghosts, Right? They can act like poltergeists?

That's right. Dom or sub, either would be fantastic ^_^
10/10/15 08:20AM
Contorted said:
Anything involving the aesthetics of the late and great surrealist H.R. Giger. Terrifying and icky, but also very sexy and beautiful.

I'm throwing my vote in for this idea. We need more sexy Xenomorph and Xenomorph-like creatures being hypnotized/hypnotizing others/each other.
10/10/15 12:04PM
Jack O Lanterns
10/10/15 05:42PM
would dragons count as monsters if so id like to see more female dragons
10/10/15 06:54PM
foffyoul5 said:
would dragons count as monsters if so id like to see more female dragons

They aren't really HALLOWEEN Monsters.
10/10/15 07:05PM
Please, please do something with catgirl being victim of vampire. Or ghost.
10/10/15 08:16PM
Ghost possession pleaaase!
10/10/15 09:43PM
You could do something with a headless-horseman/dullahan type monster. Nowhere near enough of those, and there's creepiness potential in making the severed head they carry be the hypno-catalyst (maybe the eyes glow). For slightly less creepy, make it a jack-o-lantern instead of an actual severed head.
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