10/12/15 12:35PM
The "I Don't Get It" Thread
Any fetishes that, try as you might to see why it's so popular, you just can't get turned on when it's involved?

As for me, I have a lot, but a few include: Bestiality (though minor hybrids like catgirls are ok), bondage, and ponies (I'm not a fan or a fucker)
10/12/15 12:55PM
Ponies*, Feet, Fart/Scat/Piss are ones that I never get.

*Humanoid non-anthro form is fine, because it's not pony "enough" to get me away from it
10/12/15 01:04PM
Nazwa said:
Ponies*, Feet, Fart/Scat/Piss are ones that I never get

Same, except for ponies. I don't get what the deal is with feet and im a lil too disgusted by farting and scatting (piss can go to the same level but not usually as bad)

EDIT: Also the pregnant fetish is one I don't get

EDIT2: 2 more I remembered, vomiting and obesity. Now I don't have a problem with obesity, it just doesn't click for me in any way, and since I fear vomiting, I don't exactly like looking at others do the same either.

10/12/15 01:18PM
I don't get anyone's fetishes. Not even mine.
10/12/15 01:52PM
That hypno stuff sure is weird :o
10/12/15 05:44PM
Feet is the most common one that I just don't get.
10/12/15 06:49PM
I don't really think that there's something I don't "get". I know that everyone has something that they like in that way. I don't need to spend my time rationalizing what someone else likes in that way that I don't.

I, personally, like well elaborated and particularly implemented hypnosis and mind control. I've spent waaaaaaaay too much time trying to rationalize and come to terms with this but I'm not ashamed of all the time I've put into doing so. I feel that everyone is free to like whatever they want within certain boundaries and it's mostly up to them to decide those boundaries.

Although, if I had to spin it and look at it from a more topic relative perspective, I'd say that I hardly "get" anything outside of H&MC; even mainstream things like breasts, bottoms and genitalia.

Honestly, I'd say I've been half-brainwashed by the flood of content out there that's barely relevant to me and what I like; in that I can tolerate it a little too easily. Not that it's necessarily a bad thing.

To each their own! :)
10/12/15 07:00PM
pokefannafekop said:
As for me, I have a lot, but a few include: Bestiality (though minor hybrids like catgirls are ok) and ponies (I'm not a fan or a fucker)

Nazwa said:
Ponies*, Fart/Scat/Piss are ones that I never get.

*Humanoid non-anthro form is fine, because it's not pony "enough" to get me away from it

Pretty much copy pasting, but removed some because I noted pokefan saying things that are an active turnoff, and feet and bondage aren't instant depending on how they are done (extreme S/M play might, but light stuff isn't bad).
10/12/15 07:21PM
I don't get my own love for the "Phoney Booths" from Underdog. I'm not sure if there's even a pic with the little siren-hat thingy on the hub but I've been in love with the whole thing for months. I found a comic that featured it heavily (bet you can guess which~) and fapped +3 more times than I usually would in a day cause of it.

...maybe I need to comission some Phoney Booth stuff. But yeah, I don't get why I love it so much.
10/12/15 07:34PM
Nazwa said:
Ponies*, Feet, Fart/Scat/Piss are ones that I never get.

*Humanoid non-anthro form is fine, because it's not pony "enough" to get me away from it

This, as well as loli/shota.
10/12/15 07:46PM
Anything to do with body waste (i.e. pee/scat)

It's fucking gross to me. The worst thing is when someone doesn't tag it and you stumble upon it when it's in your blacklist :(
10/12/15 11:55PM
All that diaper and scat stuff...honestly, even guro doesn't disgust me that much. Nothing against those who like it, but damn, that's way beyond my level of weird.
10/13/15 12:18AM
I'm probably out of line for asking this; seeing as how I've already commented and all.
May I ask what the overall intentions and expectations people have for this thread are? I'm not knocking (yet) I just want to know what people feel that the point is.

This just seems like one of those inherently negative threads that we might want to avoid.
10/13/15 12:29AM
I believe it's just "Get toxin out of yourself" thread.

Lilly, haven't you ever checked for new pics here just to realize all of new pics turn you off? Well, this thread is just for such situations.
10/13/15 12:32AM
Nazwa said:
I believe it's just "Get toxin out of yourself" thread.

Lilly, haven't you ever checked for new pics here just to realize all of new pics turn you off? Well, this thread is just for such situations.

Oh, alright then.

I guess I've felt that way for so long that I just about stop letting it bother me.
It's pretty much all the same to me outside of specified H&MC.
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