10/13/15 10:24AM
HypnoHub Tarot Card Deck
As a fun exercise, I decided to attribute every major arcana of a standard tarot deck to the OCs of the Hub. I tried to match the symbolism and meanings of the arcana to characters I felt embodied those things (as best as I could, anyway). However, I'm not intimately familiar with all of the characters here, so if you are the creator of one of these characters and feel they are misrepresented in this deck, please speak up. Also, please do not take offense if your character does not appear in this deck. There are only 22 arcana to work with, and many, many OCs. Also, note that no arcana has an inherently bad meaning, no matter how the title may sound.

0. The Fool - <<hypnohub.net/post?tags=hypno-tan+|Hypno-tan>>
I. The Magician - <<hypnohub.net/post?tags=fawn_%28kylelabra%29+|Fawn>>
II. The High Priestess - <<hypnohub.net/post?tags=crystal_%28zko%29+|Crystal>>
III. The Empress - <<hypnohub.net/post?tags=aurora_%28jack%29+|Aurora>>
IV. The Emperor - <<hypnohub.net/post?tags=chaoscroc_%28character%29+|Chaos Croc>>
V. The Hierophant - <<hypnohub.net/post?tags=solaris_%28tehknuck%29+|Solaris>>
VI. The Lovers - <<hypnohub.net/post?tags=betty_%28psi%29+|Tentacoli/Betty>>
VII. The Chariot - <<hypnohub.net/post?tags=boss_pitviper+|Boss Pitviper>>
VIII. Strength - <<hypnohub.net/post?tags=kenneth_%28geekgirl8%29+|Kenneth>>
IX. The Hermit - <<hypnohub.net/post?tags=cera_trandon+|Cera Trandon>>
X. Wheel of Fortune - <<hypnohub.net/post?tags=kassidy_%28medrifogmatio%29+|Kassidy>>
XI. Justice - <<hypnohub.net/post?tags=trishbot_%28character%29+|Trishbot>>
XII. The Hanged Man - <<hypnohub.net/post?tags=sascha_%28hypnofood%29+|Sascha>>
XIII. Death - <<hypnohub.net/post?tags=shirohebihime_%28kimohiko%29+|Shirohebihime>>
XIV. Temperance - <<hypnohub.net/post?tags=monochrome_%28monochrome%29+|Monochrome>>
XV. The Devil - <<hypnohub.net/post?tags=darkhatboy+|DarkHatBoy>>
XVI. The Tower - <<hypnohub.net/post?tags=mrs._erickson_%28zko%29+|Mrs. Erickson>>
XVII. The Star - <<hypnohub.net/post?tags=zyii_%28zyii%29+|Zyii Xanadu>>
XVIII. The Moon - <<hypnohub.net/post?tags=ara_%28pasteldaemon%29+|Ara>>
XIX. The Sun - <<hypnohub.net/post?tags=erika_%28er-ikaa%29+|Erika>>
XX. Judgment - <<hypnohub.net/post?tags=pomhub+|PomPom>>
XXI. The World - <<hypnohub.net/post?tags=evelyn_%28danimarion%29+|Evelyn>>

What you do with this is up to you. I know of a few things I'd like to see done with it. ;)
10/13/15 10:51AM
I... I had no idea those were not unique to BoI. Thought they just made up some random cards ><

It'd be great if someone could make cards out of them. That being said, I think it should be limited to one OC per artist.
10/13/15 11:00AM
Cradily said:
That being said, I think it should be limited to one OC per artist.

I would've liked to do that, but I felt I needed to include Mrs. Erickson in here, considering the big splash she made when she was introduced to Skypenotized. Plus, her role in that story really fits with the Tower arcana.
10/13/15 02:02PM
I very much like this idea.
There's some pretty fun imagery in the minor arcana, too. Like, maybe not all of them, but if people wanted to fit more characters in, there's room for four pages, knights, queens and kings.
10/13/15 05:45PM
and the arcana force deck rises again [yugioh reference] because there is a bunch of yugioh cards that share the same number/name as tarrot cards and they have different effects based on flip of a coin which is same as the symbolism if its shown upside down [in anime they dont flip coin they have the card turn]
10/13/15 08:59PM
Once again, Bianca is passed over. It's like she doesn't even exist to you people. *cries*
10/13/15 09:59PM
Kinda surprised no Erika in there.
10/13/15 10:17PM
Bobbette said:
Kinda surprised no Erika in there.

But... Erika is in there. She is The Sun.
10/14/15 02:58AM
For those curious about the actual meanings behind the arcana, here's a short breakdown of what they symbolize.

0. The Fool: This arcana represents beginnings, innocence, and potential. It is a very important card, as it represents the need to make a choice or begin a journey.

I. The Magician: This arcana represents resourcefulness, inspiration, and skill. It is a very positive card that symbolizes success and the chance to reach a goal using your creativity and skill.

II. The High Priestess: This arcana represents the subconscious, inner wisdom, and serenity. It symbolizes a link to the unconscious mind, and the need to listen to your inner voice.

III. The Empress: This arcana represents femininity, fertility, and nurturing. It symbolizes all things feminine as well as nature and care for yourself and others.

IV. The Emperor: This arcana represents authority, structure, and grounding. It is a card that represents the creation and keeping of order, as well as great status.

V. The Hierophant: This arcana represents conformity, tradition, and establishment. It is a card that represents traditional teachings and wisdom, as well as religion.

VI. The Lovers: This arcana represents harmony, unity, and alignment. It symbolizes very important choices that can affect the rest of your future, such as marriage and your own beliefs.

VII. The Chariot: This arcana represents willpower, control, and victory. It symbolizes success and overcoming obstacles with determination and focus.

VIII. Strength: This arcana represents courage, compassion, and patience. It symbolizes the need to overcome your instincts and urges, and find peace.

IX. The Hermit: This arcana represents introspection, soul-searching, and inner truth. It symbolizes the need to look inside for answers and spiritual attainment.

X. Wheel of Fortune: This arcana represents cycles, luck, and destiny. It symbolizes the forces that direct our lives, but also the ability to take fate into our own hands.

XI. Justice: This arcana represents fairness, law, and truth. It symbolizes cause and effect and an awareness that all actions have consequences.

XII. The Hanged Man: This arcana represents suspension, restriction, and sacrifice. It symbolizes the need to pause, or to let go of something.

XIII. Death: This arcana represents endings, transition, and transformation. Probably the most feared card, it actually symbolizes the start of something new, and a great change or transition in life.

XIV. Temperance: This arcana represents balance, moderation, and purpose. It symbolizes adapting to your world and focusing on long-term goals.

XV. The Devil: This arcana represents addiction, materialism, and bondage. It symbolizes a willful enslavement to the things that bring us temporary pleasure.

XVI. The Tower: This arcana represents upheaval, turmoil, and sudden change. It symbolizes the unforeseen events that can shatter the structure of our lives.

XVII. The Star: This arcana represents faith, renewal, and fulfillment. It symbolizes healing and deep understanding of yourself, as well as the belief that you are blessed.

XVIII. The Moon: This arcana represents fear, insecurity, and illusion. It symbolizes the projection of fear into the future and the mental blocks caused by anxieties.

XIX. The Sun: This arcana represents fun, positivity, and vitality. It symbolizes enthusiasm, joy, and enlightenment. It also reflects the value of simplicity.

XX. Judgment: This arcana represents reflection, awakening, and absolution. It symbolizes the need to evaluate our past and cleanse ourselves of our mistakes.

XXI. The World: This arcana represents completion, closure, and accomplishment. It symbolizes the attainment of a goal, the completion of a cycle, and the need to celebrate our accomplishments.
10/18/15 11:50PM
I dunno about the other artists whose OCs are on the list but I'm curious what had Ara wind up as the moon, personally. owo [And I mean, flattered she made the list, all things considered. I hope you realise I'm tempted to draw the card now.]
10/19/15 12:34AM
Changer said:
But... Erika is in there. She is The Sun.

Whoops, somehow missed that. I looked like 2-3 times for the name too, I feel dumb.

Mindwipe said:
XV. The Devil: This arcana represents addiction, materialism, and bondage. It symbolizes a willful enslavement to the things that bring us temporary pleasure.

I, uh, feel that a lot of us have a strong connection to this to some extent.

I didn't know the tarot card meanings before, that was a very interesting and informative list.
10/19/15 01:23AM
XXI. The World: This arcana represents completion, closure, and accomplishment. It symbolizes the attainment of a goal, the completion of a cycle, and the need to celebrate our accomplishments.

This so fits Dio.
10/19/15 01:44AM
Pastel-Daemon said:
I dunno about the other artists whose OCs are on the list but I'm curious what had Ara wind up as the moon, personally. owo [And I mean, flattered she made the list, all things considered. I hope you realise I'm tempted to draw the card now.]

Ah, I had a feeling I would get asked about my thinking when assigning characters to arcana for this list. Allow me to explain as best I can. I'll use spoiler tags this time to shorten the post. Feel free to only click on the one's you're interested in.

0. The Fool
Being that this card represents potential, beginnings, choices, and is most commonly associated with the main character of a story, it was an easy choice to put Hypno-tan here.

I. The Magician
This card represents resourcefulness and creative skill. Fawn seems to fit this bill, considering her ability to use various different induction methods. The fact that she's often shown as a stage hypnotist also fits the visual representation of the magician.

II. The High Priestess
This card represents the subconscious mind, so of course I had to pick a sub character. I chose Crystal because of the card's symbolism regarding the inner voice. The card art shows the priestess sitting between black an white pillars, and I was instantly reminded of Crystal and her Aima persona.

III. The Empress
I had a hard time with this one, but I eventually went with Aurora because she is usually depicted as very feminine and nurturing towards Jack, and also because her snake half is a good representation of the Empress' connection to nature.

IV. The Emperor
As a powerful figure that represents order and rigidity, I immediately thought of Chaos Croc and his constant brainwashing and robotizing of girls to join his legion.

V. The Hierophant
This card's symbolism of religion as well as group conformity reminded me of Solaris and his cult of mesmerized followers. Being that Solaris is a god himself (if I remember correctly), it makes sense for him to be associated with the card that represents religion.

VI. The Lovers
Being that this card represent love and harmony, I thought of two characters that spread love and harmony. Those, of course, being Betty and the Tentacoli, who spread their love through parasitic body takeovers.

VII. The Chariot
This was a tough one, since about any dom character could go here, but I ultimately chose Boss Pitviper due to her backstory of overcoming great suffering and rising to power as a mob boss.

VIII. Strength
Being that this card is as much about emotional strength and compassion as it is about physical strength, I wanted to pic a dom that had plenty of both, and I couldn't think of any better than Kenneth. A super-muscular naga man that generally just cuddles his victims. Fits like a glove.

IX. The Hermit
This card's connection to inner knowledge, as well as its depiction of a wise man on the card art made me look for a character that seemed to appreciate knowledge and sharing that knowledge. I came up with Cera Trandon, the hypnotherapist who seems to love sharing her hypnotic lessons with others.

X. Wheel of Fortune
This was a really tough one. I ultimately picked Kassidy because of the way her luck seems to constantly fluctuate. In one pic, she may be a dom, and the next a helpless sub. She may get captured, and then later escape. Everything with Kass seems to somehow work out in the end, and that's what this card is about.

XI. Justice
This one was super hard. I ultimately picked Trishbot, since most pics with her tend to be rather simple, and the message of this card is also rather simple: our actions affect our situation. I was also reminded that Trishbot does a lot of work with superheroes. So, once again, there's a bit of a visual connection.

XII. The Hanged Man
This card represents sacrifice and letting go, so I couldn't help but think of a character that's constantly being vored, and who better for that than Sascha? She's constantly giving herself to Saalim or suspending her search for her friends to spend some time in his stomach.

XIII. Death
This was a tricky one, because, despite the implications, this card can actually be a very positive omen. I chose Shirohebihime for two main reasons. One is that she changes heroines into sex-crazed concubines, which matches Death's symbolism of major change, and the other is that her pale skin and black hair matches Death's appearance of a skeleton in a black hood.

XIV. Temperance
The major inspiration for using Monochrome here, I admit, is that the angel on the original card art is a hermaphrodite, symbolizing a balance between genders. Mono, then, as a trap character, also represents balancing femininity with masculinity. Mono also is never really seen going to any extremes, so he fits with the moderation theme.

XV. The Devil
I bounced around several characters here before picking DHB. The fact that so many people willing submit to him makes him a perfect fit for the way enslavement to the Devil is a willful enslavement. Also, like the Devil, DHB can sometimes be an abusive master.

XVI. The Tower
This card represents upheaval and sudden change, so who better than Mrs. Erickson, who completely threw the story of Skypenotized for a loop by taking control of Crystal and temporarily robbing her from the main character?

XVII. The Star
This card represent hope and faith, and an understanding of yourself, which are things I believe Zyii has from speaking to her. It also represent renewal, which is something I believe Zyii is capable of with her tentacles. Also, I know Zyii loves to put stars on her OC's clothes, so the visual symbolism was there too.

XVIII. The Moon
This was another really tough one, but when thinking on the themes of fear, apprehensions, and mental blocks, several pics of Ara came to mind. There are a few pics where Ara seems unsure of what's happening to her, or holding back from voicing her true thoughts, and this seemed to me to fit with the symbolism in The Moon card.

XIX. The Sun
This one was pretty easy for me. I needed a character that seemed to embodied fun and positivity, and Erika was the first one that came to mind. The girl just seems to love being hypnotized, and the IRL Erika's drive to get 100 images of her on the site conveys the sort of motivation The Sun card is meant to inspire.

XX. Judgment
This was another really hard one. I picked PomPom, because she seems to me like someone who isn't above evaluating her past mistakes and reconciling with herself. She is also something of a judge on this site, being a mod and all.

XXI. The World
This card's symbolism reminded me of the backstory that Danimarion gave his character Evelyn. She was in a very abusive relationship for some time, but is now free of it, and in a much better one. She is also quite sure of her place in the world (a servant), which is another value that The World symbolizes.
10/19/15 08:45AM
id like to have my fortune told by tarot cards
10/19/15 09:46AM
foffyoul5 said:
id like to have my fortune told by tarot cards

[Un?]Fortunately the future predicted by the hub deck generally includes your impending induction.

Mindwipe said:

XVIII. The Moon
This was another really tough one, but when thinking on the themes of fear, apprehensions, and mental blocks, several pics of Ara came to mind. There are a few pics where Ara seems unsure of what's happening to her, or holding back from voicing her true thoughts, and this seemed to me to fit with the symbolism in The Moon card.

Yeah I think it's safe to say those themes match me pretty well. [You get the bonus association with Zyii being the stars, too, which is nice :3c I might have to slip some sort of moon imagery into Ara's design now.]
1 23>>>

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