10/14/15 08:47AM
Courtroom Silliness
Hey guys! I've been getting into Ace Attorney lately, so, I keep pretending to be the female version of Pheonix Wright. It's fun. How many other AA fans do we have here?
10/14/15 08:50AM
Hold it!

Alright, pal. You're gonna have to do some explaining right here, right now! Time to tell us what ones you played and stuff, pal. Can't be accidentally spoiling stuff for you, right pal?

(In case you couldn't tell, Gumshoe is my favorite character.)
10/14/15 08:53AM
Gumshoe is adorable.

I've played DD, PWvsPL, and I'm going to start playing the one with Godot in it.
10/14/15 08:58AM
While I was dating my spouse, way back in the old days, I bought a copy of AA1 to play on the flight to our first meeting.

Ended up addicted and played even while there. Not exactly a romantic move.

Thing is, I was asked to start again so we could play together. We ended up beating the entire game during that week.

So for the next few years we timed all of our flights to coincide with the DS release dates of the other AA games. We played AA2 together, AA3 (many tears were shed).

I was in the immigration process when Apollo came out so we couldn't play that together. Instead we IMed one another while beating the cases.

AA5 had us up at 5am weeping because of spoiler character was revealed to be spoiler. I am still not over that. I don't think I ever will be.

Ace Attorney isn't just one of my favorite series'. It's a cornerstone of my marriage. Rivaled only by Metal Gear and Persona in its impact upon my life and love.

Ace Attorney is oh so very important.
10/14/15 08:59AM
Now now Twiggles6, is that any way to talk to a colleague? She's done nothing wrong.

This time.

You're doing a fantastic job of earning that recent paycut, I'd think.

(<3 Edgy)
10/14/15 09:09AM
10/14/15 09:13AM
My brother got the first game, and then got me to play it. Amazing game, in spite of the occasional walkthrough (the last case is TOUGH; got through the others with little to no help, just frustration and tapping everything).
Game 2 did not disappoint. Was it Justice for All? I dunno, still good. Hehe, the banana glove the first case...priceless.

Phoenix takes some abuse though. Tased the first game Case 4 by the rival prosecutor, accused of murder the second case he took, literally whipped by von Karma's daughter, etc.
10/14/15 10:23AM
I love Phoenix Wright, both for the game itself and for its story and universe. Trials and Tribulations was my favourite. *___*
And my favourite characters are Miles Edgeworth, Franziska von Karma and Ema Skye.
10/14/15 12:35PM
Haven't played any of the Ace Attorney games (though I do want to). But I have played Danganronpa, so I've got a little courtroom/detective game expertise under my belt.

Also, it's really bad that I like Toko. :P
10/14/15 12:59PM
DrgnmastrAlex said:
Haven't played any of the Ace Attorney games (though I do want to). But I have played Danganronpa, so I've got a little courtroom/detective game expertise under my belt.

Also, it's really bad that I like Toko. :P

I just played Danganronpa last week. It was amazing. It's like a badass, super dark version of Ace Attorney. The main difference is that finding the contradiction is easier in Danganronpa, but it adds the "shooter" parts and the minigames... and also that in Danganronpa the suspects are the same people while in AA most cases have different characters.
10/14/15 03:20PM
Bobbette said:
My brother got the first game, and then got me to play it. Amazing game, in spite of the occasional walkthrough (the last case is TOUGH; got through the others with little to no help, just frustration and tapping everything).
Game 2 did not disappoint. Was it Justice for All? I dunno, still good. Hehe, the banana glove the first case...priceless.

Phoenix takes some abuse though. Tased the first game Case 4 by the rival prosecutor, accused of murder the second case he took, literally whipped by von Karma's daughter, etc.

He gets knocked out and loses his memory first thing in one of the games, too.

Phoenix takes some abuse, indeed. Good thing he's made of weapons grade titanium.

I've got times when I like Phoenix Wright - a good series of games, especially trying to figure out the right responses without walkthroughs or save scumming.
10/14/15 04:20PM
I just bought the trilogy pack off the eshop last summer and I'm loving it, I play it on my commute to school. Edgeworth is my husbando
10/14/15 04:33PM
The games are so fun! I love them. Honestly, I love all the characters. Especially Maya. She is my spirit animal.
10/14/15 05:01PM
I like these games. Beat Trials and Tribulations yesterday, starting Apollo Justice, will buy Dual Destinies as soon as I can.
Thought the writting and the logic are a bit odd sometimes imo.
10/14/15 07:03PM
Roxa said:
Thought the writting and the logic are a bit odd sometimes imo.

Video games wouldn't work if they had perfect logic for everything, alas, though for a logic based game PW can be rather frustrating at times, especially when you know exactly what you want to do but are having difficulty putting the evidence on the right statement. Which was more annoying for me one time when I had to clear one statement with a piece before I could do what I actually wanted (ie, Statement A and B evidence 1 and 2. Evidence 2 contradicts statement A, but you're not allowed to progress with that unless you use Evidence 1 on Statement B before that).

Not to say it's a perfect representation of an actual courtroom (the amount of BSing he does is absurd, and no one else gets the true murderer IRL as often), but I'll be damned if it's not infinitely more fun. Just a shame that a friend of mine that wants to be a lawyer has never heard of it...I'm trying to get her to play it.

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