10/14/15 10:19PM
Posting artist material (Important topic for Professional HypnoHub artists and manippers such as MindWipe, PomPom, and Vanndril.)
Hello everyone, this is Waverun again. There's a few things I want to know about posting work made by artists that I've edited. I'll start off here.

Let's begin with a simple topic. I've noticed on DeviantArt that postings of other's work that I've edited is a very strict rule; that you must acquire absolute permission from the original artists themselves before you do that.

Now, being that I have OCD, I've been convinced by that DeviantArt detail, that the majority of digital art sites like E621, and this one, are like that in the sense that they have that rule of permission. If someone can prove me otherwise, especially for this site, please do.

So, the question is: Is it against the rules of this site to post other artist's, and or manipper's work after you've edited them, regardless of permission?

Second question, beginning with a second topic. I've noticed some HypnoHub artists that have very few art posted on this site, such as the E621 User, SiberWar, who only had one HypnoHub art post before I came along.
Now, this led me to believe that He didn't have an account here, so with that in mind, here's my second question: Is it against the rules of HypnoHub to post any kind of art of another artist who doesn't have an account here, regardless of whether the uploader edited the material before uploading, or not?

Any kind of other questions I have will be put in another forum post, because for now, that's all that I have.
I would really appreciate it if I received honest answers from any user of HypnoHub who knows a lot about the site, and Vanndril and Mindwipe aren't excluded from the fun either.
With regards,
10/14/15 10:42PM
last i chequed you cant post anything without having a account unless im mistaking
10/15/15 12:09AM
It's definitely not against the rules to post other artists' work, as long as you tag the work as being from that artist. Same goes for edits and manips - you tag both the original artist and the manipper.

It's generally frowned upon to edit other people's work without permission, but it's not explicitly against the rules and it's not always possible to ask permission either (for example, when the source image originates on a Japanese website).

We seem to be more accepting of major overhauls of an image, however - there are plenty of examples on here where the source image has no relation to hypnosis, and they were edited (mostly) without asking permission to contain elements of MC/hypno.

That said, a few artists have explicitly requested that their works aren't posted on HypnoHub in any capacity (edited or otherwise) - you can find the specific artists in Da Rules.
10/15/15 02:54AM
Legally, yeah, the artist has copyright on their creations (assuming the image isn't in itself derivative i.e. fanart). If they want their art taken down, then they can do so.

Of course, it's rather difficult to preemptively police the reposting of others' work, so the de facto rule is to wait for an artist to say no rather than wait for them to give permission (a DNP list instead of an "Allowed to post" list).

In general, most manips are derivative of the original work. Meaning, the copyright still belongs to the original artist, not the manipper. Same rules apply as before.

Asking permission to manip another's work is polite, but it isn't legally required.
10/19/15 02:52AM
@plsignore - You summed that up very nicely. This is more or less how I, and the site, function in regards to permissions to manip and the like.

waverun said:
So, the question is: Is it against the rules of this site to post other artist's, and or manipper's work after you've edited them, regardless of permission?

You are not breaking the rules by posting a manip of another artist's work without express permission. However, if said artist has requested the manip be taken down, then that is what will happen.

As plsignore very aptly put it: "it's rather difficult to preemptively police the reposting of others' work, so the de facto rule is to wait for an artist to say no rather than wait for them to give permission (a DNP list instead of an "Allowed to post" list)."

waverun said:
Is it against the rules of HypnoHub to post any kind of art of another artist who doesn't have an account here, regardless of whether the uploader edited the material before uploading, or not?

Just like with sharing a manip, it's fine to repost other artists' work so long as the artist has not made it clear that their work is not to be reposted.

If the artist has a message somewhere saying not to repost their art, or that image, or what have you, then you cannot repost it here. If the artist asks for the image to be taken off of our site, then that is what will happen.

Do note that artists are not the only people who can request an image be taken down. These people include (but are not limited to), when applicable:

* the image's artist
* the image's commissioner
* the owner of an OC depicted in the image
* the manipper of the image

If any of these parties decide that the image should be removed, than we will remove the image.

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