10/15/15 06:01AM
What's your favorite genre? What's your favorite genre mixed with hypno?
I'm an unabashed horror fan. One of a small selection of things I love more than hypnosis. Let's say when the two combine, it's magical (thank you based PrincessLucina for the Halloween treats!); probably my favorite "mood" for fetish-fodder, although I (perhaps idiosyncratically) prefer a benign ending overall x3 . Sci-fi is neck and neck with it, both in general and where hypnosis is concerned.

What about you? Fantasy? Romance? Please share.
10/15/15 06:06AM
Dr_Mabuse said:
I'm an unabashed horror fan. One of a small selection of things I love more than hypnosis. Let's say when the two combine, it's magical (thank you based PrincessLucina for the Halloween treats!); probably my favorite "mood" for fetish-fodder, although I (perhaps idiosyncratically) prefer a benign ending overall x3 . Sci-fi is neck and neck with it, both in general and where hypnosis is concerned.

What about you? Fantasy? Romance? Please share.

I'm a fan of realistic-fiction, science-fiction, and fantasy.
Romance is good too...
10/15/15 06:09AM
Sci-Fi rules! I love techy stuff! Much more interesting than silly love stories. I also enjoy Horror and Fantasy, to an extent.
10/15/15 06:10AM
Me being a military guy (funny saying that since I graduated Marine Corps recruit training), I can kinda picture the old myth of how people got brainwashed during USMC recruit trainig being sexualized now. (4th battalion exist for a reason. :P)
10/15/15 06:27AM
Typically I prefer either Medieval Fantasy or Sci-Fi. Magic and the like is amazing, while sci-fi has its own unique charm with sleek gadgets and the like.
Modern stuff isn't usually as good as those (it doesn't necessarily detract, but still).
10/15/15 06:45AM
PrincessLucina said:
Sci-Fi rules! I love techy stuff! Much more interesting than silly love stories. I also enjoy Horror and Fantasy, to an extent.

I can tell on the latter point :3

I haven't seen much on the former from you. It's tough to find manippable images with good sci-fi elements, but I'd be very interested in seeing you tackle an original story in the genre.

someguy231 said:
Me being a military guy (funny saying that since I graduated Marine Corps recruit training), I can kinda picture the old myth of how people got brainwashed during USMC recruit trainig being sexualized now. (4th battalion exist for a reason. :P)

Ah, I totally forgot! I'm glad you made it through successfully! :D

Also, that sounds... intriguing (Is it bad that the '60s The Manchurian Candidate would probably be one of my favorite brainwashing scenes, had it been femsub? >.> )
10/15/15 07:14AM
Dr_Mabuse said:
Is it bad that the '60s The Manchurian Candidate would probably be one of my favorite brainwashing scenes, had it been femsub? >.>

I don't know. I do know that kind of crazy shit did happen in real life, and knowing that back then, two countries were handy capable of not only destroying each other 20 times over, but the whole world 20 times over, that kind of shit would have been scary.
10/15/15 07:20AM
someguy231 said:
I don't know. I do know that kind of crazy shit did happen in real life, and knowing that back then, two countries were handy capable of not only destroying each other 20 times over, but the whole world 20 times over, that kind of shit would have been scary.

Okay, well in that case, probably. Sorry for bringing it up xP
10/15/15 07:23AM
Dr_Mabuse said:
Okay, well in that case, probably. Sorry for bringing it up xP

Oh, well, I haven't read the book, so I can't really say anything about it. But as for the real things, I'm a history buff, so I had me a nerd moment there. Don't take it as a rant. :P
10/15/15 07:29AM
Generally an action junky. I love war movies and I'm a war geek. I'm not military though, just was always interested in how it all worked. I like sci-fi, horror and occasionally well done fantasy.
10/15/15 08:12AM
someguy231 said:
Oh, well, I haven't read the book, so I can't really say anything about it. But as for the real things, I'm a history buff, so I had me a nerd moment there. Don't take it as a rant. :P

Noted! :) Similarly, I wasn't intending anyone to take my comment as insensitive to the hard realities it was based on.
10/15/15 08:15AM
As for my favorite genre mixed with hypno...
superhero stories.
10/15/15 08:16AM
Favorite genre? Hard to say. It would be a tie between comedy, action, supernatural horror, and sci-fi. My favorite genre for mind control would be sci-fi or fantasy, though.
10/15/15 08:24AM
Mr_Face said:
As for my favorite genre mixed with hypno...
superhero stories.

I would've probably added this to my top 3, but I wasn't sure whether to call it its own genre, "fantasy," or lump it in with the sci-fi category... I really dig a good superhero MC story, considering history has been full of comic-book tales with borderline flirting between hero and villain, bondage-reminiscent traps, and the often-lovely mind-games. Not to mention plenty of potential for power play, with brainy villains managing to subdue demi-god-esque heroines with technology, or more rarely, the opposite.
10/15/15 01:20PM
Its kind of cheating because its a catchall. You get the fantasy, the sci-fi, and the modern day stuff all in one place with superheros. And since moral ambiguity is either all the way on or completely out of the window... it really is the fun one.
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