10/18/15 09:17AM
How i set my PC on FIRE and somehow fixed it
OK, WOW. the past 24 hours have been a ROLLER COASTER. Time to explain in some detail as to what exactly happened.

First off, I got my new parts I needed, and followed the instructions accordingly to get everything hooked up and ready to go. And you know when you get everything hooked up EXACTLY like how you're supposed to have it hooked up, and it STILL fucks up? yeah, my pc would just turn on for a second, then then immediately cut off. Which indicated there was something wrong with the power supply. So far I had been working on this for about an hour, and it took me 3 hours to figure out what the issue was.

THIS is where I pulled a stupid. I touched the little red switch on the back of the pc where the power supply is. I recommend you NEVER EVER EVER do this. Because I surged 230V of electricity into my PC. The good news is. The PC turned on! The bad news is IT FUCKING WENT UP IN FLAMES ON MY LAP (I have horrible work ethics I know) BUT YEAH. I WAS ON FIRE. MY PC WAS ON FIRE. Not for long though because I immediately shut off the power and disconnected everything. I was lucky the fire went out as a result. I left the computer to cool off for about an hour. I came back to check the damage... and this is where I got INSANELY lucky. No damage to anything, except one wire I don't use from the power supply which was burned to a crisp. I plug everything back in and MOST IMPORTANTLY switched it back to 115V, and wouldn't you know, the damn thing works again. Like, I should NOT have been this lucky, because i am serious when I say there was FIRE coming out of the damn thing, if anything I'm lucky the computer didn't go off like a bomb because that's how dangerous the red switch is.

THIS is where the luck stops though. Now I have to install the operating system. I do NOT have a CD/DVD drive... just a usb external. I try to boot the Installation dvd from the external, annnnnnnnnnd nothing. Btw it took me about 4 more hours to get the Windows 7 installation to download. I've been fiddling with the computer for a total of 7 hours at this point. About an hour after that failure, I go downstairs and borrow my mother's pc and rip out her internal Cd/DVD drive and install it into my rig, and use that. AND STILL NOTHING. So this means, that either somethings wrong with the new mother board, or the freakin disc I was using. I keep trying a million different things till about 4 o'clock that night. a grand total of 15 hours Spent.

The next day (or today really) my best friend who I shall call Gelgoog for now (he's a major Mobile Suit gundam fan, or just anything mecha really) comes over and asserts the situation. Pretty much laughed in my face when I told him the fire thing, and in about 2 minutes he fixed everything. Keep in mind I'm NOT terrible with computers, I knew what I was doing when I put it together and learned my stuff from him, it's just things were really not going my way yesterday. And now here I am. After a grand total of about 17 hours of work, a fire hazard and lost sanity, my new computer is up and running.

I will be running tests to make sure my art programs can run again but expect me to back to my schedule asap!

Thanks for reading and have a great night~!
10/18/15 09:37AM
Well... at least it works now, right?

Also, good on ya for using Windows 7 and not the malware that is Windows 10.
10/18/15 09:41AM
LittleToyMaker said:
Well... at least it works now, right?

Also, good on ya for using Windows 7 and not the malware that is Windows 10.

oh fuck ANYTHING that comes after 7. My brother has 8 and I almost lodged a shotgun right into my mouth after trying to use it for 5 minutes. God only knows how bad 10 is, I don;t care what these windows 10 elitists tell me
10/18/15 09:49AM
I've had no problems with 10 so far. And at the very least, it's better than 8. *shrug*
10/18/15 09:58AM
Mindwipe said:
I've had no problems with 10 so far. And at the very least, it's better than 8. *shrug*

THAT much I will agree on. The interface from what I've seen is better than 8. 8 is just a fucking nightmare and same goes for 8.1. I've even used vista and I feel 8 was still worse.

10 I just honestly, even despite the spyware rumors, I can't afford to upgrade to in the sense that all of the really important programs I use all the time, like Clip Studio has a lot of compatibility issues at the moment. So for now I'm preferring to stick with what I know, lol heck, I had a chat with P.chronos not too long ago and he stated he'd stick with windows 98 if he could hahaha.
10/18/15 10:18AM
Considering the upgrade to 10 is still free until July 2016, I'm taking my time on that.

I once had PC that could have summoned the blue smoke when originally assembled, but didn't. Does that count?
10/18/15 11:56AM
But can it run Crysis?
10/18/15 01:37PM
PenKen said:
oh fuck ANYTHING that comes after 7.

10/18/15 05:58PM
Jesus Christ. Sounds like something out of a bizarre comedy skit.

Windows 10 is a bit of a frustrating beast to me. On one hand, I kind of love aesthetic and my internet browsing has never been better (as good as 7 is, it'd freeze a lot on my end when doing a lot). But from some stupid reason, I can't get updates on my graphics card and everytime I try to, I get some stupid error message.

10/18/15 06:23PM
Pfft. You broke a computer. I broke a house. Was building a USB controlled desk light (like a home brew ambilight. Program on the computer sets the light to the current average screen color) when I crossed all the pins on a plugged in USB cable. Computer goes bang and turns off along with everything on the upstairs floor. It tripped the breaker. From then on turning off that plug would trip the breaker and plunge the top floor into darkness. Computer was fine

This is from a standard USB FTDI cable. That's a mear 5V

I've also ignited a couple of resistors and made a capacitor go so hot it left a blister
10/18/15 07:44PM
My old laptop had Windows 7, so I was rather sad when my new one had 8 installed.
That being said, is upgrading to 10 worth it on this comp? I wanted to read reviews of it compared to 8 to see if I should, so what are people's opinions?
*Note: May be too lazy to just Google the thing.
10/18/15 07:58PM
Bobbette said:
My old laptop had Windows 7, so I was rather sad when my new one had 8 installed.
That being said, is upgrading to 10 worth it on this comp? I wanted to read reviews of it compared to 8 to see if I should, so what are people's opinions?
*Note: May be too lazy to just Google the thing.

You CAN downgrade you know! A friend of mine did that the moment he got his laptop.

EdgeOfTheMoon said:
Pfft. You broke a computer. I broke a house. Was building a USB controlled desk light (like a home brew ambilight. Program on the computer sets the light to the current average screen color) when I crossed all the pins on a plugged in USB cable. Computer goes bang and turns off along with everything on the upstairs floor. It tripped the breaker. From then on turning off that plug would trip the breaker and plunge the top floor into darkness. Computer was fine

This is from a standard USB FTDI cable. That's a mear 5V

I've also ignited a couple of resistors and made a capacitor go so hot it left a blister

Did you make sure you weren't following the steps to build a bomb? hahaha that suuuuucks, that must have been a nice hefty repair bill

Contorted said:
Jesus Christ. Sounds like something out of a bizarre comedy skit.

Windows 10 is a bit of a frustrating beast to me. On one hand, I kind of love aesthetic and my internet browsing has never been better (as good as 7 is, it'd freeze a lot on my end when doing a lot). But from some stupid reason, I can't get updates on my graphics card and everytime I try to, I get some stupid error message.


I can't do much on that front. :/

but yeah, looking at it from a side perspective it looked literally like a fucking comedy skit that wrote itself

pokefannafekop said:
But can it run Crysis?

son of a bitch I KNEW I was gonna find this comment somewhere, can't blame ya though because it's a completely obligatory question. I'm not super sure it can. I'm testing certain games. I ran space engineers perfectly with no issues at all, sonic generations plays at 60fps capped with no slow downs EVER. The only game that fucked up was ARK Survival evolved, but it's a poorly optimized game to begin with. GREAT game but even master race elitists have to run the game on mid with their super fancy PC's
10/18/15 09:27PM
pokefannafekop said:
But can it run Crysis?

"My GPU is ON FIRE and it still can't run crysis"

-Crytek PR
10/19/15 10:29AM
PenKen said:
son of a bitch I KNEW I was gonna find this comment somewhere,

Such is the sound of success.
10/19/15 10:47AM
Bobbette said:
My old laptop had Windows 7, so I was rather sad when my new one had 8 installed.
That being said, is upgrading to 10 worth it on this comp? I wanted to read reviews of it compared to 8 to see if I should, so what are people's opinions?
*Note: May be too lazy to just Google the thing.

Windows 10 is literally malware. No, really.

It logs everything you do and sends it to Microsoft. Every keystroke, every link you click, even things on the PC itself and not online are logged and sent. If you have a camera or mic plugged in, it even secretly records you when you're first starting it up and sends that to Microsoft too.

Supposedly, these things can be turned off (some of them anyway), but people have still found that Windows 10 is still transferring some sort of data to MS' servers even when it's all supposed to be disabled.

Installing Windows 10 is literally giving Microsoft and the NSA free reign to look at anything you do on your PC. It's safe to say there is no legitimate reason to install Windows 10, as any pros are severely outweighed by the cons.
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