10/19/15 05:34AM
Questions on Text Manips
I've been a long-time lurker, finally driven to action at the prospect of assembling a complete collection of one of my favorite artists. With the generous help of others here and elsewhere, that task is done. But sadly, "Enslaved by the Bell" represents an incomplete work by the artist. Now, I tend to dislike the idea of manipping original hypno-themed art. Some do it, and I don't mind that, but I personally prefer to keep the artist's vision intact. That said, it is evident from the first few pages of "Enslaved" that the artist's vision WAS to have text on every page, but life interfered. I am considering trying to write text for the other panels in what might be considered reconstruction rather than manipulating. Thus, my questions:

1) What are the site's policies on adding text to pre-existing hypno-work? Does that count as a valid manip? I saw in an earlier post that actual manipulations are ok, but what about just adding text (likely off to the side in a box, mimicking the original)?

2) Somewhat building from this point, if I manage to pull it off, does it get its own pool (I of course would only post one-two pages on index to ensure we don't see another flood)?

3) If it is fine by policies, is this something worth pursuing? I'm not one to "paint the lily" (actual quote, none of this gild stuff), but I do believe the artist has enough work with text, both in this comic and elsewhere, that I have a shot at faithfully replicating the style of writing. That said, if the interested market is just me, I can just imagine it for 1/1000th of the work.

10/23/15 11:16AM
I apologize for the delayed response.

In a nutshell...

magnificentmesmer said:
1) What are the site's policies on adding text to pre-existing hypno-work? Does that count as a valid manip? I saw in an earlier post that actual manipulations are ok, but what about just adding text (likely off to the side in a box, mimicking the original)?

This is fine. We actually have a tag for manips that are only captions added to otherwise original images: [[caption_only]].

magnificentmesmer said:
2) Somewhat building from this point, if I manage to pull it off, does it get its own pool (I of course would only post one-two pages on index to ensure we don't see another flood)?

If you do this, then it should, indeed, have its own pool. And just post them all in the index. If you want to hide them at first, that's fine, but be sure to unhide them after a few days.

magnificentmesmer said:
3) If it is fine by policies, is this something worth pursuing? I'm not one to "paint the lily" (actual quote, none of this gild stuff), but I do believe the artist has enough work with text, both in this comic and elsewhere, that I have a shot at faithfully replicating the style of writing. That said, if the interested market is just me, I can just imagine it for 1/1000th of the work.

It's a shot in the dark. You'll only ever find out if it's worth it after you do it, because that's what'll get the effort the most attention. My advice: if you do it, do it for yourself and let the fact that others might enjoy it just be a nice bonus.

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