10/31/15 06:07AM
About Persona...
Does art of Shadow characters qualify for hub posting?
10/31/15 07:16AM

For the Shadow versions of characters themselves, I'd say no. If you were to do a manip where a Shadow version was taking possession of their normal self/corrupting them/hypnotizing them, then that'd qualify.

If you had art of a Shadow self seducing their normal self and putting them under their control, you'd have a gold mine. Possession and corruption count, essentially.
10/31/15 09:26AM
10/31/15 09:34AM
Toxic_Thunder said:
So that'd be a no to

Sexy as it is, I'm in agreement with Alex. The Shadows themselves aren't really any sort of MC, but they make for some cool corruption opportunities.
10/31/15 10:07AM
Eh. Maybe I'll put some text on it sometime.
10/31/15 10:28AM
You could totally have that as a Shadow corruption caption. It's also possible that Shadow corruption was the intention of the artist, and that Chie really is fused and controlled by her Shadow.

But you'd have to ask the artist that and get written confirmation. Otherwise, you'll just have to cap it. :P

inb4 Dominatrix Banana-Head.
10/31/15 10:47AM
It's symbooooliiicccc
10/31/15 05:50PM
Hey Boys and Girls!
It's time for Shadow Teddie's Existential Kids Korner!

Today's word of the day is FUTILE!
As in, your FUTILE exisitence has no meaning!
Chie! Can you think of any other words that start with F?
10/31/15 07:08PM
Reversed1 said:
Hey Boys and Girls!
It's time for Shadow Teddie's Existential Kids Korner!

Today's word of the day is FUTILE!
As in, your FUTILE exisitence has no meaning!
Chie! Can you think of any other words that start with F?


IMO shadow personas count as corruption pics, after all they are the "dark and evil" desires that are being suppressed by the characters. They manifest in dark and sinister alter ego versions of the chars, which is pretty much what corruption is all about. If pretty mundane issues like "I don't want to inherit my family's inn, waaaaah" manifest in such an evil, unrestrained sexy (the lacy unmentionables stuffed from top to bottom ♥!) and daaaaark Doppelgänger I seriously doubt anyone would argue with that not qualifying as corruption.
10/31/15 09:51PM
Dantus said:

IMO shadow personas count as corruption pics, after all they are the "dark and evil" desires that are being suppressed by the characters. They manifest in dark and sinister alter ego versions of the chars, which is pretty much what corruption is all about. If pretty mundane issues like "I don't want to inherit my family's inn, waaaaah" manifest in such an evil, unrestrained sexy (the lacy unmentionables stuffed from top to bottom ♥!) and daaaaark Doppelgänger I seriously doubt anyone would argue with that not qualifying as corruption.

Yes, but does the pic/caption show corruption/possession/MC, or do you have to read into it to a certain point to sell the MC? That's what Mindwipe and I were talking about. Don't get me wrong, I do agree with you on the nature of how Shadow personas are a kind of materialization of one's darker desires, which is a part of corruption.
10/31/15 10:23PM
DrgnmastrAlex said:
Yes, but does the pic/caption show corruption/possession/MC, or do you have to read into it to a certain point to sell the MC? That's what Mindwipe and I were talking about. Don't get me wrong, I do agree with you on the nature of how Shadow personas are a kind of materialization of one's darker desires, which is a part of corruption.

Evil dark doppelganger that is pretty much a corrupted version of your character. What else is there to know to tag it as corruption ^^?

Corruption /=/ possession/MC was established ages ago and we have plenty of corruption pics that do not involve direct mind/body control already. That's without mentioning that the Shadow Doppelgänger in P4 DO try to influence and convince the real characters that they are loosers and should just give up ^^. IMO if a part of you gets corrupted and turns evil that counts as corruption and makes for some nice light/dark dynamism.
10/31/15 10:36PM
Ours not to reason why...

Reversed1 said:
Hey Boys and Girls!
It's time for Shadow Teddie's Existential Kids Korner!

Today's word of the day is FUTILE!
As in, your FUTILE exisitence has no meaning!
Chie! Can you think of any other words that start with F?

I've been streaming (read: destroying) Persona 4 and just slogged through that fight, you can bet that was stuck in my head the whole time.
10/31/15 10:46PM
Toxic_Thunder said:
Ours not to reason why...

I've been streaming (read: destroying) Persona 4 and just slogged through that fight, you can bet that was stuck in my head the whole time.

Trick for the Shadow Teddie fight:

Nihil Claw, or whatever it is, takes two turns to charge, and hits on the third turn. Have everyone guard on the second turn and keep guarding until the attack goes through. If a character is guarded during that attack, it's damage is cut down to a fraction of its total power.

You could also feasibly DPS during the two turn charge, but you'd have to have level three spells or a Persona with a high damage attack.
10/31/15 10:52PM
I know, I did. It's just a slog because he has five THOUSAND HP. He's not particularly dangerous.
10/31/15 11:09PM
Toxic_Thunder said:
I know, I did. It's just a slog because he has five THOUSAND HP. He's not particularly dangerous.

Ah, okay. Wasn't sure. But yeah, stupidly high amount of HP for that part of the game.
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