11/03/15 12:55PM
Need a second opinion
I've been reading webcomics for years and pixie trix comix have adorable, sometimes R-rated series. There are definitely some MC-ish strips in there but was wondering how appropriate they'd be to post here.

For reference, here's some valentines day examples (plz read in order):

Like I said, adorable. But my question is, should I repost any specifically MC strips? Would it fit with the more hardcore stuff here? Should I ask permission? (I've never posted anything before but from what I can tell it wouldn't break the hub's site rules.)

If you're interested or have the time, you can check them out yourselves obviously. Generally speaking the MC stuff comes from their fantasy-based strips, Dangerously Chloe, Eerie Cuties and Magic Chicks. But for all it's adult themes it's entirely softcore, so don't go in with the wrong impression.

11/05/15 04:30AM
I couldn't find a policy on their forums (other than Eerie Cutie r34 makes them "very upset") so I assume it's fair game as long as you don't crop out the watermark at the bottom with the source URL.

My concern is that the MC is really subtle to the point where I only assume it's happening because you posted this topic and I guess there's some kind of lore involved. <<|some pics>> work fine on their own but I'm worried about the sheer volume you'd need to upload just for context to make the MC explicit - maybe for most cases a forum thread is better.

P.S. I am not a mod so this is not an official answer.

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