11/10/15 04:15AM
I Was Wondering...
To be honest I've steadily grown less interested in sights like this since the beginning. As I'll be logging on far less frequently than I have before I feel like I'll be missing something. Though, I've come to realize what I'll be missing is something I don't think I ever really had much here.

So with all of that said, I'd just like to ask would anybody like to have reasonable and amiable discussions about certain topics? The truth is in my life I'm very much alone because I prefer solitude however do like to share ideas and opinions with others and listen to theirs as well. It's just a natural matter of compatibility from there on.

So I'll just leave a list of my interests here in spoiler tags and if you're interested please contact my d-mail.

So My Interests Mainly Rest In The Following:

-The 'Tales of' series (Particularly for their characters) I also enjoy other JRPGs.

-Anime, Manga, Light and Graphic Novels (I'm no otaku but I favor the general aesthetic greatly but exclusively nor entirely.)

-Hypnosis (Obviously enough, yet I should mention that I don't prefer it as a "spice" as many here might. For me, it's more of a "main course". That is to say that I'm content fairly completely in the more psychological, interpersonal attributes of the application of the phenomenon. With that I actually don't care for the more explicit sexual portrayals of content involving. To be blunt, "subtlety is king and meaning precedes the flesh".)

-Cartoons and Animation in general.

-Science (You'll probably know a whole lot more than me.)

-Literature (Again, You'll probably know much more. I mainly take interests the styles of other authors. I should also note that I consider induction scripts a form a literature.)

-Game Design (Scripting isn't something I understand but I like thinking about various ideas for games.)

I'm open to discussing more than what's within the list but I prefer that only those who share at least to of those specific interests contact me. If you share the third one in particular then we will likely have much to discuss.

I thank you all for reading and hope to hear from some of you in the future.
11/10/15 04:48AM
Got a fave author, or genre?

I'd be game to chat if you wish~<3
Just message me if ya want ^^ [And I'm quite willing to talk about anything and everything XD]
11/10/15 05:22AM
They hypnohub irc chat, where, as Mugi puts it, we talk about everything but hypnosis, may be for you.
11/10/15 05:57AM
You should just join another forum. TVTropes talks about manga, literature, cartoons, and video games. Not really about game design and def. not hypnosis, but it's been my go-to. I'm active there, Penny Arcade Forums (which is ironic because i find their comic to be more misses than hits, but the community is crackerjack), and screw around a bit on NeoGAF, but it's too crowded to really feel like you're a part of the conversation, unless it's something where you really have some expertise. Great place to learn weird stuff, though.

Edit: I'd also advise just putting your email out there. Who knows if any bots are sweeping around for stuff to add you to advertising lists.
11/10/15 07:03AM
LillyTank said:
To be honest I've steadily grown less interested in sights like this since the beginning. As I'll be logging on far less frequently than I have before I feel like I'll be missing something. Though, I've come to realize what I'll be missing is something I don't think I ever really had much here.

So with all of that said, I'd just like to ask would anybody like to have reasonable and amiable discussions about certain topics? The truth is in my life I'm very much alone because I prefer solitude however do like to share ideas and opinions with others and listen to theirs as well. It's just a natural matter of compatibility from there on.

So I'll just leave a list of my interests here in spoiler tags and if you're interested please contact my email: [email protected] (It's my more non-descript email so there's little cause for concern. Just no spam please.)

So My Interests Mainly Rest In The Following:

-The 'Tales of' series (Particularly for their characters) I also enjoy other JRPGs.

-Anime, Manga, Light and Graphic Novels (I'm no otaku but I favor the general aesthetic greatly but exclusively nor entirely.)

-Hypnosis (Obviously enough, yet I should mention that I don't prefer it as a "spice" as many here might. For me, it's more of a "main course". That is to say that I'm content fairly completely in the more psychological, interpersonal attributes of the application of the phenomenon. With that I actually don't care for the more explicit sexual portrayals of content involving. To be blunt, "subtlety is king and meaning precedes the flesh".)

-Cartoons and Animation in general.

-Science (You'll probably know a whole lot more than me.)

-Literature (Again, You'll probably know much more. I mainly take interests the styles of other authors. I should also note that I consider induction scripts a form a literature.)

-Game Design (Scripting isn't something I understand but I like thinking about various ideas for games.)

I'm open to discussing more than what's within the list but I prefer that only those who share at least to of those specific interests contact me. If you share the third one in particular then we will likely have much to discuss.

I thank you all for reading and hope to hear from some of you in the future.

11/10/15 10:54AM
Ogodei-Khan said:
You should just join another forum. TVTropes talks about manga, literature, cartoons, and video games. Not really about game design and def. not hypnosis, but it's been my go-to. I'm active there, Penny Arcade Forums (which is ironic because i find their comic to be more misses than hits, but the community is crackerjack), and screw around a bit on NeoGAF, but it's too crowded to really feel like you're a part of the conversation, unless it's something where you really have some expertise. Great place to learn weird stuff, though.

Edit: I'd also advise just putting your email out there. Who knows if any bots are sweeping around for stuff to add you to advertising lists.

Why would you recommend someone to tvtropes? They'll never get out of there if they go in D:
11/10/15 09:58PM
strangeperson said:
Why would you recommend someone to tvtropes? They'll never get out of there if they go in D:

True story. You just get sucked into all the blue links to click, knowing that you're being drawn into a realm of no escape but helpless to do much more but keep opening more tabs for the next few hours. Kind of like Wikipedia several years ago for me.
11/15/15 01:56PM
Also pm'd

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