11/12/15 12:17PM
Mistranslations/Broken English
Hello everyone! Just here to discuss something I've been seeing a lot of, and that's been irking me for a while. As someone who prides himself on proper grammar, it bugs me to see mistranslations and broken English. I'm not talking small errors, like misplacing "there" with "their" once or twice in a text manip, I'm talking entire manips where the text is full of grammatical errors and heavily broken English, or the English looks forced and emotionless. And, no, I'm not talking the emotionless seen in a lot of our images. That's kind of a given to be there. Jokes aside, I feel like we need something to deal with this forced/broken English, such as a tag for it, or a slightly harsher take on what can and can't be considered a full image or manip. Examples of what I'm talking about, by the way, are a lot of the text manips by PolishGuy, which have a lot of grammatical errors, as well as English that looks almost robotic. If I'm being honest, I'm kinda new to this site, so I have no idea how things work around here in terms of adding tags or changing rules, so feel free to take this down if I'm talking crap.

To sum that up, I'd say we need at least one of the following:
-A tag for broken English and/with forced(?) English
-Slightly harsher judgement on text, either with images or manips, based on grammatical errors
-A system of editing the manips by hand, most likely using the captions we already have on the site
11/12/15 07:14PM
Yeah, you are right. I know my English is not really good but I try my best to improve it.

I'm really sorry for the mess that I made.

PS. I made a few mistakes in this sentence, right?
11/13/15 03:40AM
Having someone to assist manippers with correcting grammatical errors before submitting an image would be nice, too. It'd improve the overall quality of the images posted on the hub and those with lesser knowledge of the english language would learn by seeing what was wrong within their text. Eventually would lessen the ammount of broken english on the site, I think.
11/13/15 09:52AM
PolishGuy said:
Yeah, you are right. I know my English is not really good but I try my best to improve it.

I'm really sorry for the mess that I made.

PS. I made a few mistakes in this sentence, right?

Honestly it's fine. English is a hard language to learn unless it's your first language anyways. No one's really to blame, I just think we need something to assist people who write text manips to better improve their quality.
11/13/15 10:03AM
Well, it seems we do have a tag for extreme cases of garbled text: engrish
I found the tag when checking everybody's favorite example of indecipherable text on the hub.

Seriously, I think you could count the number of people who know what Roger is supposed to be saying on one hand.
11/13/15 11:44AM
BML-20XX said:
Well, it seems we do have a tag for extreme cases of garbled text: engrish

We do have that tag, but I think one's in order for stuff of a lesser degree.
11/13/15 03:14PM
PolishGuy said:
Yeah, you are right. I know my English is not really good but I try my best to improve it.

I'm really sorry for the mess that I made.

PS. I made a few mistakes in this sentence, right?

If I'm being honest I've seen a lot worse english than yours PolishGuy. If people need help proofing or we get a system to help upgrade submitted work, I don't mind putting my name forward. Just bear in mind that I'd be doing it my spare time, and only log in every couple days. With respect, this isn't a site I can leave open 24/7.

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