11/18/15 02:57AM
What stories would you like to see illustrated?
Simple little discussion question; what are some stories from mcstories you'd like to see turned into a comic or series of pinups? For me, the first things that come to mind are Nine Yards by Limerick and My Destruction So Soft and Bouncy by Cactus Juggler.
11/18/15 03:16AM
Oooh. Uhm.

-Hot Oil (Tabico).
-Kaleidoscope Mind (Tabico)
-Sub Routine (Tabico)
-Adaptation (Tabico)
-Fruition (trilby else)
-Xenophilia (trilby else)
-Paladin (trilby else)
-Birth of Obedience (Iago)
11/18/15 03:25AM
Nice! I know most of those stories. They're all excellent too :)
11/18/15 05:36AM
Some of the superhero ones would be fun, namely The Adventures of Silver Girl (MadamKistulot), or More Sleepy Adventures in Crescent City (sara castle).
11/18/15 10:20AM
Jukebox, J. Darksong are some authors to look at. Both have done sociopathic mc stories, superhero stories and the woefully underdone consensual mc story. J. Darksong is one of the 3 people who do great superhero mc stories, the other two being Madam Kistulot and Soul in Shadow. I don't give Jukebox that credit because they do just about everything, extremely well.

Sara Castle is iffy territory, iirc they passed away. She was the best at what she did, no one has done cyberpunk as well since her passing.

Jukebox would be better for short comics, as most of his stuff is one offs and not series. Madam Kistulot has an account on the hub and lurks some, so you might be able to ask her about her stuff (Silver Girl has a few illustrations too). J. Darksong has run his comic book universe for awhile, Omega Girl is pretty awesome. Soul in Shadow is newer, but Miss Americana is a name I've seen in porn before.

Of the people already mentioned, Trilby Else has Joss, she's fucking terrifying and great pinup material. Tabico has a number of long running characters, the sub from 'Hot Oil' appears in several stories. Eye of Serpent is another one that comes to mind... although a few of her stories have nightmare inducing material in them.
11/18/15 10:30AM
I would have said Silver Girl and Hot Oil as my first choices too.
11/18/15 10:41AM
It's not from MCstories, but I do have a particular favorite on Derpibooru.

It's called Friendship is Mind Control, by Wintermist. It's fantastically written, and fantastically sexy (as long as you happen to be into anthro ponies).

I'd kill to see that story illustrated.
11/18/15 12:28PM
Mr_Face said:

Of the people already mentioned, Trilby Else has Joss, she's fucking terrifying and great pinup material. Tabico has a number of long running characters, the sub from 'Hot Oil' appears in several stories. Eye of Serpent is another one that comes to mind... although a few of her stories have nightmare inducing material in them.

Which other ones have the people from Hot Oil? I only remember the one where they slowly brainwash everyone in the sorority house.
11/18/15 01:02PM
strangeperson said:
Which other ones have the people from Hot Oil? I only remember the one where they slowly brainwash everyone in the sorority house.

Anya (the sub) appears in Sweet Oil for the first time. Hot Oil is the sequel. She appears again in a hot chapter in Summit.
Mistress Snowdon appears in many of Tabico's Stories like Summit, Temp to Perm, Ronin.
As for the slavegirl (don't remember the name), she appears in New Tunez.
11/18/15 04:09PM
The sub I'm referring to in particular, Nicole, is the girl from 'New Tunez'. She's 'the sub' as it where, and not a sub, because she's active in many of the stories Snowdon is. She pitches the oil to the girls in 'Sweet Oil', collects one of them in 'Hot Oil'. And the way she plays in 'Summit' is memorable.
11/18/15 05:29PM
Nicole, yes. That's the one. And right, she was in Summit too!
11/19/15 02:57AM
I wouldn't mind an illustrated version of Tabico's Whose Dreams if the ending was changed to something less squicker.

And as messy as the writing is, seeing a pin up collection of all the women from Sailing Away From Reality in their costumes would be amazing.

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