11/18/15 11:25PM
Greetings from Anaximanes!
I have been into MC my entire life. I tend to like squick the most, but a bit of robotization or demonic possession, corruption, and so forth is always good for a bit of the old in-n-out as well! I have been a contributor to Hypnopics-Collective for a long time now, and on E-Hentai I saw an upload from here, so I fancied to come and see what we have here, and I am most pleased! The artists are varied, and while some work may beyond me, some if this is absolutely amazing!

I want to say thank you to everyone here that has uploaded their work! And, if anyone ever haunts the Collective, check out my art here:


And, I have a new Twine Story I wrote here:


Since I do photo-manipulations (a rather hard medium of art at times), I am not sure if I can post any work here or not, but I look forward to visiting here weekly if not daily, and I really appreciate you making a place like this for people of our delectable fetish!

The Anax
11/19/15 01:37AM
Greetings, green-eyed alien thing from the collective. Enjoy your stay. I'm afraid photo manips are not allowed though. <<|Rulez>>
11/19/15 01:42AM
Cradily said:
Greetings, green-eyed alien thing from the collective. Enjoy your stay. I'm afraid photo manips are not allowed though. <<|Rulez>>

Darn. Well, was worth a shot! Thank you!

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