11/28/15 06:17AM
I'm not dead.
Hey guys. I've been gone from the hub for quite some time now. I suppose an explanation is in order for some. I just stopped. And, I realize I never told anyone why. The truth is that I've been going through a rough patch in my life, and I lost motivation because of it. I recently revealed myself as both a Bisexual and an Atheist to my parents, who weren't exactly glad with either statement. After a long time of bickering and Fighting, They stopped speaking to me altogether. So, I've just been kinda sitting around doing nothing for forever. Sometimes I'll sit down and try to do a Manip and just stop, because I feel like it won't be good. But, I would also like to say that this isn't a pity party I'm trying to throw here either. I know someone will ask why I'm posting this here, and the thing is, I need to vent. The longer I sit here, the more I realized it wasn't sadness keeping me from doing anything, It was being angry. Angry at my parents, and angry at myself. Ii know it seems silly, but, I wanted to tell someone. So there. I'm going to try and find my motivation to do manips from here on out. I suppose all of that being said....Any Ideas?I
11/28/15 06:21AM
Ideas for motivation to do manips? Well, do the ones that are almost unbearably corny yet still true count, or are you looking for creative reasons?

Because the corny yet true reason is because of your fans. The people out there that love your work and it always perks them up to see that you've posted something. For at least a decent chunk of people, myself included, that's a huge piece of motivation, that's why people like me do anything like this. Because of the fans. Because of the people that I, or that you, or that anybody, makes happy by what we do.
11/28/15 06:24AM
*Knowing that someone out there wants to see your work.....It fills you with Determination.

Just a joke, but, It's a start I guess. It does give me a few ideas.
11/28/15 06:26AM
Some people do things for themselves, others for the fans, and still others a balance between the two. I can certainly understand that, even when someone has lost almost all motivation to do something for themselves, they still keep doing it because of the people that it's for.
11/28/15 03:47PM
With something that big happening in your life it's probably natural that it would disrupt your creative mojo for a bit. If you were an artist I would say try drawing in someone elses style and see what comes of it. Since you're more of a manipper/writer, maybe try writing in a style you don't use very much, like all in first-person or where one character never speaks. Something sorta challenging but not insurmountable, just something to give you more focus.
11/28/15 04:30PM
hope things get better for you in the future princesslucina.
as for ideas how about mimi of duelmasters doing a hypnotized cheer [il link the pic in 5 hours when i go on my computer ]

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