11/29/15 06:29AM
indivisible RPG
I usually don't like plugging things, especially if I had nothing to do with it's creation in the first place, but I don't want to let this project go down without a fight.

To give a brief explanation, Indivisible is a side scrolling rpg created by the same team behind skullgirls. The story centers around a young girl named Anja who, after her hometown gets attacked, discovers the mysterious ability to absorb certain individuals that grant her new abilities and aid her in combat. The art looks gorgeous, the story and setting look interesting and the game play presented in the prototype seems pretty fun from what little I played of it. You can get better details from the crowdfunding page.

Sorry if this post breaks some policy that I don't know about but I'm just trying to get the word out to as many people as possible since the game still needs a little over $300,000 at the time of this post and has less than a week left to get it.

the crowdfunding page is here:

The demo is free BTW so you can at least check it out.
11/29/15 06:56AM
I'm honestly not surprised this is having such trouble getting funded. Not really sure what the devs were thinking.
11/29/15 07:17AM
plsignore said:
I'm honestly not surprised this is having such trouble getting funded. Not really sure what the devs were thinking.

I'm actually not sure why people say things like this. The devs are the same guys who made Skullgirls, so they're not unproven folks. Their crowdfunding page goes into great detail about what the funds they're asking for is going to. They have a WORKING, PLAYABLE PROTOTYPE of their game BEFORE the crowdfunding started. And, at the very least, they didn't bullshit their audience with the amount of money they need. None of that "Oh, well, we met our goal, but what we REALLY needed was 2 million more to make the game we were pitching."

I mean, this crowdfunding campaign is a shining example of what a crowdfunding campaign should look like. What's the problem?

Had I the money, you bet your ass I'd be throwing it at this project. I love Metroidvania, I love action RPGs, and I fucking love the character designs so far. Please make this game happen.
11/29/15 09:41AM
Overall I agree with Mindwipe. That said i'm pretty sure I know the reason they've had this much trouble. Combination of a high goal and as far as I could tell they didn't do a whole lot of advertising for it before.

If we're talking kickstarters, I'd point to how Darkest Dungeon was done as an example of how to do it right. They were talking about the game and letting people know there would be a kickstarter at least a year in advance. When they launched it, they had generated enough excitement about the game that they blew past their goal.
12/02/15 10:39AM
Sorry about the double post. I just figured i'd post and say that Lab Zero met their goal for Indivisible.
12/06/15 04:39AM
Good news everyone! As strangeperson pointed out a few days ago, indivisible met it's goal. However, it's also become 'in demand" which basically means we can keep adding funds to it even though it's past the deadline. This is cool because we now have stretch goals!
there's an Anime opening (less than 30k away), full voice overs for all major characters, and my personal favorite, alternate endings and a hardcore bonus dungeon. If you still want some of the swag that they're offering, now's the time!

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