12/02/15 05:51AM
Why is it that on my most recent works, people always feel the need to cause issues in the comments? Comment your Opinion. No hostilities, no anger, no down talking (of myself, or other commenters) I display these manips so that people can enjoy a common interest in a subject they find appealing, while also showing off my capabilities as a writer and Photo editor.

I don't make these so people can whine, or bicker, or bitch at eachother. Seriously, be respectful. This INCLUDES those who posted their opinion. Don't feed the trolls. If you do, they get stronger. Behave yourselves in the comments.
12/02/15 06:37AM
PrincessLucina said:
Why is it that on my most recent works, people always feel the need to cause issues in the comments? Comment your Opinion. No hostilities, no anger, no down talking (of myself, or other commenters) I display these manips so that people can enjoy a common interest in a subject they find appealing, while also showing off my capabilities as a writer and Photo editor.

I don't make these so people can whine, or bicker, or bitch at eachother. Seriously, be respectful. This INCLUDES those who posted their opinion. Don't feed the trolls. If you do, they get stronger. Behave yourselves in the comments.

i know how you feel
12/02/15 08:12AM
It's cause I stopped being around.
12/02/15 08:16AM
I read that thread. If you would like my personal opinion about it, dmail me. What you say has some merit. It should be discussed. But the circumstances of the situation suggest that this might not be the way to go about it.

I believe that everything in that thread is currently toxic and discussing it gives the parties involved a venue and an opportunity to continue acting. I would deny them that opportunity by removing this post. This is because my expectation of people is that they will follow the path of least resistance and act according to their own nature. I do not expect the result to be mature or thoughtful.

I would consider making a post, possibly after the passage of a week, about the difficulties of artistic critique. This is seems to be the bigger issue, since a beginning artist may not understand what they can get out of the process and critics have the odd challenge of being fair and impartial on a subject which can be extremely personal to both parties. This is a topic that has been posted about before, but I'm not sure if it has its own thread.

If I could not bear to part with what I had written, I would copy it, paste it, and place it on the vent thread.
12/02/15 08:45AM
there needs to be a way to ban the trolls. and princess lucina your manips are good they are just salty dont worry about them
12/02/15 08:48AM
...ugh, I just kinda' got involved in it myself, sorry. I try to just move on usually but I've been seeing so many arguments lately that I just couldn't hold my tongue anymore. >>;

I really dunno why but it feels like there's a LOT of arguing on the hub in general, definitely more than I would have expected.

I think most of it comes down to the usual human nature thing of just being plain reluctant to back down/walk away even when an argument is obviously a waste of time.

That and I've noticed 3 or 4 people who tend to be pretty abrasive with their views/quick to get aggressive when that elicits a poor response and uh...all of them are pretty frequent commenters so...that doesn't help at all.

12/02/15 09:45AM

I am an off again, on for a second writer but full time roleplayer. For me, criticism is often fatal as in rps it usualy kills the mood or is the other person telling you why they won't resume. While it's good to give advice, I find that working with that person is actually more helpful! For example, I roleplay with a guy who started out so bad I could not read his posts. Now, he is great cause I worked with him and we both learn from each other. What I mean is, it's well and good to post a paragraph on how to improve, but another suggestion may be to give some help during the writing process. Maybe people interested in that can make a thread? "Manip pals!"

Sorry if you don't agree. I'm JUST SAYIN'

12/02/15 04:47PM
Mr_Face said:
I read that thread.

Yeah me too, and it took me 20 minutes @__@ I would have replied to that thread but it's already a train wreck.

PrincessLucina said:
No hostilities, no anger, no down-talking (of myself or other commenters.)
Seriously, be respectful. This INCLUDES those who posted their opinion.

With due respect, everything in that thread was the fault of one person and their insanely poor communication skills. HME actually left very valid and relevant pointers on creative writing, but in a way that was offensive to almost anyone reading it. Hell, just glancing at the size of that post lowered my opinion for anything that it might contain. PrincessLucina, you asked for thoughts and opinions, not a line-by-line critique of your work. I'm pretty sure that's not a standard that has ever been expected or asked for in a comments section, so why that was what you got is beyond me. That same comment repeatedly calls the work 'weak' and then finishes by flipping off almost everyone on the site by saying:

HypnoMangaEditor said:
Don't worry though, if I come around as overly criticizing you. I think 95% on this page write like this or worse - but you wanted feedback didn't you?

Which is especially galling considering how badly both those sentences were written. This is why it was poorly received and why people started taking sides; ostensibly it was to defend the artist, but also it was just offensive.


This is by far the most potentially flammable post I've written in a long time and I DON'T want it to hijack this thread. To that end I'll also say this; Regardless of some poor phrasing, HME is adamant that no offence was meant and reading it back I can see that could be true. I'd still suggest that in future he needs to work on shaping his comments with consideration of the audience that each piece of art on this site has, and leave in-depth discussions for the forums and elsewhere.

I could go on but I already regret writing this =(

12/02/15 06:13PM
Proxy51 said:
Yeah me too, and it took me 20 minutes @__@ I would have replied to that thread but it's already a train wreck.

With due respect, everything in that thread was the fault of one person and their insanely poor communication skills. HME actually left very valid and relevant pointers on creative writing, but in a way that was offensive to almost anyone reading it. Hell, just glancing at the size of that post lowered my opinion for anything that it might contain. PrincessLucina, you asked for thoughts and opinions, not a line-by-line critique of your work. I'm pretty sure that's not a standard that has ever been expected or asked for in a comments section, so why that was what you got is beyond me. That same comment repeatedly calls the work 'weak' and then finishes by flipping off almost everyone on the site by saying:

Which is especially galling considering how badly both those sentences were written. This is why it was poorly received and why people started taking sides; ostensibly it was to defend the artist, but also it was just offensive.


This is by far the most potentially flammable post I've written in a long time and I DON'T want it to hijack this thread. To that end I'll also say this; Regardless of some poor phrasing, HME is adamant that no offence was meant and reading it back I can see that could be true. I'd still suggest that in future he needs to work on shaping his comments with consideration of the audience that each piece of art on this site has, and leave in-depth discussions for the forums and elsewhere.

I could go on but I already regret writing this =(

Literally only the last two sentences of his post were anything that could be construed as insulting. Everything else was valid criticism of the kind you'd get on a paper in school. His response to twofaceddragon was unfortunate, but up until the last two sentences, his original post was perfectly fine and did not in any way warrant that sort of reply.

foffyoul5 said:
there needs to be a way to ban the trolls. and princess lucina your manips are good they are just salty dont worry about them

I'll be watching the thread for a while.

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