12/02/15 05:11PM
maniping help thread [for those seeking advice and getting better/getting new ideas/idea sharing]
dont know about the chances getting this post pinned but its for manipers to share ideas/resources/help manipers improve their skills.
now having said this a few links to some good/decent free manip programs would help
12/02/15 05:46PM
This is what I use. It's basically Photoshop lite. That said, it's free.
12/02/15 05:58PM
This is a repost of what I said in . I think it is a good idea to post it here as well, because things often get lost in comments.

For readability there's a simple trick. Select the Layer with the text and right-click - chose "Alpha to Selection" which makes a selection of the text areas. Now, create a new layer (Layer -> new) and make your selection field grow by about 2 pixels (Select -> Grow). Then fill the selection of that layer with any color (white works well for black text). Last, move that new layer so the text is on top of it (drag the new layer down a slot in the Layer overview). If you have done it right, your black text should now have a white outline, which will make it easy to read. It's working so well that I am using it for many of my manips - even going so far as to color the said text for each character separately, so it's easy to go skip through a whole story just by reading the colored text.

You can see an example of this here: . In that case I used yellow and blue font color (for sub and dom) while I made the outline black (because of white background). You might want to give this a try too.

Also never use a generic Font. A good font I often (nearly always) use is Wild Words. Manga Temple can be fine too, as can some romance fonts (but worse to read). You want to convey a certain feeling/mood with your picture. Nothing gets you out of that feeling faster than the same font your newspaper uses.
12/02/15 11:27PM
While NinjaW and HME have offered good advice here, we already have a thread for this:

<<|Manipulation Tips and Tricks>>

While there's some scattered tutorials for different techniques and such, you can always ask for advice in there specifically on certain things or on getting started in general.

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