12/03/15 03:05AM
HypnoHub Staff Change Update
Hello all!

Just giving a heads up. As of today I will be stepping down as moderator. Dreamshade will continue his moderation duties, and Vanndril and Henry-Killinger will continue as site admins. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns to report, you can send them a message.

I've enjoyed my past year as moderator and the community as it has grown substantially over time. Unfortunately, my schedule has gotten tight and I can't commit time to HypnoHub as much as I used to (as is apparent by my near-absence the past few weeks). I will still visit the site as I can and practice drawing on the side, so I'm not disappearing altogether!

Thank you, and don't forget, <<hypnohub.net/post/show/27664/|you're here forever!>>

[spoiler]Don't believe the naysayers, <<40.media.tumblr.com/d253f...4yc4FHxk1qz7x00o1_500.jpg|Yuu is best girl.>>
12/03/15 03:08AM
RIP pomhub

Your sacrifices will never be forgotten unless someone points a spiral at me and tells me to forget

[spoiler] You misspelled Rise is best girl
12/03/15 03:12AM
Dammit PomPom, you get your ass back here, you still owe me a quarter!

All joking aside, Good luck in your future endeavors.

Also: You Both misspelled Lucina is Best Girl. :P
12/03/15 03:47AM
Oh noo, who will greet me when I randomly join the IRC now?!

Good luck, hopefully you can eventually loosen up that schedule and get back on here more =P
12/03/15 04:18AM
12/03/15 04:43AM
We will miss you Q_Q
Nadia comes back - Pompom goes....Coincidence?
12/03/15 08:18AM
Anno1404 said:
We will miss you Q_Q
Nadia comes back - Pompom goes....Coincidence?

...Or a plot by the illuminaughty?

@PomPom - I'll miss your many progress reports! Having you around was like being on the site even when I wasn't. XD Good work this past year. It was a true pleasure. Your spot is always open if your schedule opens up to let it fit. ;)

12/03/15 09:37AM
New responsibilities, new fun! I figured this would happen eventually. You work too much as it is.
12/03/15 10:16AM
I hope things go well for you. And hopefully we'll still see you around a lot. Still be sure and take care.
12/03/15 01:34PM
Yeah I was already wondering about your absence ... It's a good thing you found the resolution to step down after recognizing your lack of time. Thanks for all your work and hope to still see you in the comments from time to time.
12/03/15 06:41PM
What a shame, I truly wanted to witness the glorious hypnotic world Pomination :/.
Good to know that you'll still be around, you did an amazing job as a mod, keeping us all calm, relaxed and complient ;-).

Vanndril said:
...Or a plot by the illuminaughty?

I should have known that you are part of a secret organization working towards the enslavement of the world! You will fool me no longALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOHUB.
12/04/15 06:24AM
Well, I wish you luck in your future endeavors and good luck in wherever your schedule is taking you!

12/04/15 07:04AM
Oh dang, Pom's stepping down? Well, have fun not running around doing...mod stuff. Idk what that is besides keeping order in the comments/forums and Quality Control, but thanks for all your hard work!
12/04/15 08:00AM
Still the goddess of lightning because Thor just isn't as good at it.
12/04/15 08:24AM
At least pop on Skype every once and a while so I can bury you in EDM and Hardstyle recommendations ;w;
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