12/08/15 07:51PM
Jobs that anime archetypes should never have
An odd yet hilarious thought invaded my mind involving yandere's, tsundere's, and airplanes and how it would be HELL to go on commercial airlines staffed by these anime archetypes and i thought "what other jobs would yandere's, tsundere's and other anime archetypes be horrible for?"
12/08/15 08:03PM
For your idea of tsunderes on a plane.
12/08/15 08:29PM
Benblu said:
For your idea of tsunderes on a plane.

I meant a plane STAFFED by tsunderes not a plane that IS a tsundere....though tsunderplane airlines would be a terrible way to travel. All the flight delays are just her blocking the runways. N-not because she's jealous other people chose a different flight service than her! B-Baka!
12/08/15 08:52PM
Well, if being in tight, confined spaces where lots of people move in an out is bad, then in addition to aircraft, *any* mass transportation job. Aircraft hold more jet fuel than say, a bus or a train, but I don't want to see any of those things crash. When considering vehicles with only one operators, the potential for disaster is lower, however a Yandere driving a bus yelling "NOTICE ME SEMPAI" at 65mph/105kph is a disturbing thought. A Tsundere would, at worst, be cruel to every person she felt attracted too, which translates into poor customer service and workplace relationships. When you are doing complicated or team oriented tasks, this can lead to a catastrophic failure.

Any kind of long term sailing would be bad (is this why there is a Western superstition involving women and boats?). I imagine the worst possible instance of sailing would be operating a nuclear submarine missile sub with a Yandere crew, since if Sempai does not pay attention one or more cities may disappear off the map.

On a more personal note, I would not want Yandere doing any kind of delivery or home service. See 'The Cable Guy' for the male American version of this. Basically they have your home address, game over man. Or if they are the mail woman, your mail. Since everything is electronic now, you can also have a archetypical tech support person, but then its the threat of your shit never working again (or having them cyber stalk you) vs. the mail-woman telling you she's seen you with another woman and she disapproves of the letters you are sending to her...
12/08/15 10:41PM
There's more potential to this than just angry girls in the service industry guys :O Imagine a shy bookish girl trying to be a personal trainer.

"P-Please, I just need you to run two more laps. D-Don't glare at me like that! I'm j-just trying to help you!"
12/08/15 11:09PM
I'd like to see a Tsundere be a Motivational speaker. I think that would be pretty amusing.

Maybe have a Yandere be a Drill instructor?
12/08/15 11:49PM
PrincessLucina said:
I'd like to see a Tsundere be a Motivational speaker. I think that would be pretty amusing.

Maybe have a Yandere be a Drill instructor?

"Its not like i want you to be a success in life! I-idiot!!"

((Omg lucina senpai posted on my thread))
12/09/15 12:32AM
PrincessLucina said:
I'd like to see a Tsundere be a Motivational speaker. I think that would be pretty amusing.

Wouldn't that basically be like Sarasvati from Korezom?

PrincessLucina said:
Maybe have a Yandere be a Drill instructor?

She seems harsh on the surface but you can tell deep down that she really cares... [spoilers] but that only makes it more terrifying...[/spoiler]
12/09/15 01:08AM
It's the ShrinkingViolet who should be the motivational speaker. Like Hinata.
12/09/15 02:44AM
Financial Planner.
12/09/15 03:18AM
Drill Instructor
12/09/15 11:00AM
PrincessLucina said:
I'd like to see a Tsundere be a Motivational speaker. I think that would be pretty amusing.

You stole mine D:

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