12/09/15 07:07AM
Nadia's weekly story thread!
Yay! As I said I would in my return thread, I am planning a series of weekly short and longer stories to be made up here for you hypno fanatics! this thread has three rules:

1. I'm the only one that posts stories and comments. I want all the stories one after the other so someone can marathon read if they feel up to it.

2. comments and critiques are welcome on either my email at [email protected], pms here, or maybe I can make a thread for it once a few weeks have passed and I get into a rhythm.

3. clean up after yourselves.

story table of contents:
1. Detention
2. Deleted due to personal feelings changing
12/09/15 08:40AM
Story one

Name: Detention
Kinks: older/younger, tentacle sex, oral sex, vaginal, anal, over 18YO, ff

“Detention?! I am not 6 years old you know!” shouted Julia, the red headed little 18 year old glaring at her principal. “Yes, detention. I have not had to give out one in a while, but you have certainly earned it.” Mrs. Mary Hamilton smiled softly, that same sinister fake kindness that drove Julia up a wall (and everyone else into hiding.) Mary had caught Julia putting graffiti all over the boy’s locker room, the 36 year old brunette having known ahead of time she planned this. ”For the rest of the school year, two hours in my office.” She added, the shorter girl hissing like an angry cat. “No way! You…you can’t make me!” Julia countered, only for the woman to once again do that goddamn little smile. “Oh, but I can sweetie. If you don’t show up, that is grounds for expulsion. March.” Julia sighed, and was led off like a prisoner to her execution.

Julia sighed. Man, what was a 5’4, sexy red head supposed to do in a world like this? I mean, she liked to dress in hoodies and jeans a lot, and the boys always called her butch! She was just getting revenge on them, and Mrs. Busty bimbo had to stop the fun. She eventually looked back at the older woman, glaring. Look at her. Suit and tie, all dressed up. Her breasts were at least like D…maybe double that to a DD. She thought she was in control here huh? She had a big ass, and was one too. She was tall though, like at least 6’8. Christ, was Julia checking her out? She immediately stopped; no way had she wanted that.

Heading into her office, Mrs. Hamilton had herself a seat, pointing to one she can have. “You know, I really do to want to do this. You are not a bad kid.” She said, looking right into Julia’s eyes as she said that. “I watched you grow up here, since you were in grade 7.” Julia said nothing, the woman pausing to let her interrupt. “You were so happy back then. I remember you ran around school with… what was her name?” “I don’t want to talk about it.” Julia glared at her now, getting pissed off. “She is gone, it does not matter anymore.” Julia hated how everyone kept bringing up Megan. Megan had died years ago in a car crash, but no one could just let her move on. They always kept bringing her up. “Please, just stop.” Julia sighed as she looked down now, her tough exterior she usually had a little roughed up from that. “Let me guess, you think her death made all this happen?” she asked, and the woman shook her head. “No, I think it’s just a phase. Now, as for your constant sobbing on the school roof… ” Julia froze. She knew about that?! “What?” she asked. The woman just smiled that same freaky smile. “You heard me. I know a lot about your little habits. You know going up there is against the rules right?” Julia looked away, but the woman was not done with her. “I have something I want to show you.” she was smirking now, none of that fake kindness in her eyes either.

“What is it?” she asked, Julia not sure she liked this. “A family heirloom. You see, my family has had a remarkable history. One marked with success and fame for centuries. Each member of the family has a special watch, and I got mine when I was around your age.” She pulled it out, and instantly Julia was locked on it, her eyes drawn to the small, sliver pocket watch. “It is something I cherish, but I also rarely carry on me. Julia, would you like to see it?” Julia wanted to tell her she was really strange. I mean, first she brings up her friend, now this? What, was she bored? “Sure…”she mumbled, surprising herself when the words she wanted to say failed to come out. “Wonderful, dear. Just be gentle.” She handed it to her, and Julia felt her skin tingle, like when she watched a horror movie and things got tense. Her spine nearly jumped out her back as she shivered, the poor thing having no idea what was going on. “Open the latch. What time is it?” Said Mrs. Hamilton. She opened it, and her eyes went wide. The inside of the clock was an eye. Not like a human, it was…demonic. She could not look away, even as Mrs. Hamilton walked up behind her and kissed her cheek, her hands holding her in a sot embrace. “Master, what do you think of this one?” Julia was in a panic, screaming internally as her body refused to even so much as breathe. That eye seemed to shatter her thoughts as she had them, just clearing her mind of fear, stress, everything. Julia felt a sinking sensation, not realizing that the floor under her had turned into vicious, black goo that seemed to lower her more and more into its warm hold. She started to feel something slimy on her skin, but her mind was blanked of any actions or thoughts about it as she was lowered. “Enjoy, master!” Said Mrs. Hamilton, who just waved goodbye like this was normal.
Pulled in fully, Julia found her clothes had melted off in that inky slime. She found herself mentally aware again, so the first thing she did was scream. “WHERE AM I?!” she screamed, nothing but darkness around her. She panicked as she realised she was floating, a surreal feeling of zero gravity and swimming combined. She was not alone for long however, as a large, phallus tipped tentacle wrapped around her neck and reeled her in towards a large, dark mass of that slime. She tried to get free, even biting into the dark; fish like skin of the tendril, but that only had it strangle her in punishment till she stopped.

Dragged into that mass of slime, she started to sob as she saw the source of that eye, a large, spherical monster that was covered in them. It was the size of a car at least, and what was worse was it had the same fish like skin all over it. Once she noticed it, it did as well, all eyes on her. Her mind once again went black as she started at them, and she was let go, only to be placed on a bed of its tentacles. *YOUAREMINEDONOTRESIST* “What…?” She was so confused, her head nearly breaking open as the creature had tried to…she was not sure. She heard words there, but barely understood. The beast seemed to pause, and then tried again. *YOU ARE MINE DO NOT RESIST* filled her mind, the beast telepathic. Her mind was then freed slightly. “What…NO! What are you?!” she screamed, but it ignored her as a tentacle came over to her mouth and forced itself in. she sobbed as it started to pump into her mouth, throating her and making her feel like she was going to be sick. It kept pumping in and out, showing no mercy as her hands and lefts were bound and she was held down in its grasp.

“Mmmph!!!” The poor thing writhed as she tried to flee, but soon she realized how hopeless it was. The monster pulled her in close, her head forced to look right at its many eyes. Each one of them began to look back, and she felt suddenly very dizzy and drowsy. Her eyes closed half way, the rhythm of his tentacle in her mouth making her feel deeper and deeper into whatever this feeling was. Her eyes soon had an odd, dull look to them as she stopped thinking so much, this time without her thoughts manually erased. She was about to fall asleep when suddenly she was entered in her anus, and she went wide eyed. She cried out in pain as it moved into her, its thickness nearly splitting her in half. The beast only forced her eyes back onto it however, and she found herself relaxing her body for it. Yes, this was ok. She was safe here, she could relax. The eyes staring into her own seemed as distant as she was fucked, the teen loosening her grip as she felt no fear anymore. She snuggled up to her bed of tentacles, and felt a third entering her. *breed* she heard in her mind, and she complied as she started to move herself as best she could along with the synchronized pumping of her body. She felt a warmth soon filling her, her eyes closing as the tentacles started to spam inside her, her own body reacting with a powerful orgasm. The master had blessed her, her insides full of his warm seed. She smiled as

knowledge of her place was injected into her mind similarly to the creamy seed of her new master. Her place as a breeder, as another hole to be filed.. She was dragged along towards where the master kept the others, and snuggled up beside another, tentacles buried in her as well. She looked over and smiled softly, Megan looking back at her. So she was here. Then that meant whatever everyone thought about Megan would likely happen to her too? Julia felt sadness but also great joy. She would never see her mother again, or her father…but as her hand reached out and held Megan’s she knew she found her love at least.
12/17/15 09:25AM
Removed due to cringe ha ha. Sorry gamers

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