12/10/15 05:16AM
A Question about Comments
I been trying to figure this out for sometime now, but I finally decided to ask for help.

When you go to My Account -> My Profile and click on the Comments option, It comes up blank, with user:Nat-a-lee (or whatever your username is) in the search bar. Basically it says I have no comments, event though the previous page says I have 56 or however many. If I take of the user: part, it searches for my name in other comments, like when someone mentions/quotes me in a post, but still none of my own comments.

Am I doing the search right? Am I the only one who gets this? or is it just the website not wanted to look up my name because it has hyphens in it?
12/10/15 05:17AM
That feature just doesn't work.
12/10/15 06:30AM
Put an underscore followed by a space. I do not remember how or where I learned this.

09/27/22 05:16PM
How do delete my comments and reply to others
09/27/22 05:20PM
Itachi_jr said:
How do delete my comments and reply to others

I think only the mods can delete comments now. It's a feature that was lost during the site's move. Very unfortunate, really.

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