12/15/15 11:26PM
Looking for sleep-therapy inductions
Hey all. Not wanting to wade through the morass of hypno video searches and have my youtube recommendations badly warped, I was wondering if any of the fine folks around here could recommend me some sleep therapy hypno audio? I've been on a bad streak lately, and in my case, the insomnia is both purely mental and purely self-induced. I do have outside stress, but when i'm lying awake at night, i'm really not thinking about the employment situation. It's a cyclical problem of worrying i won't sleep, then not sleeping, so i figure maybe something to help me re-think would be worthwhile?

Of course, no idea if i'm actually suggestible, but there has to be a way to beat this that doesn't involve me popping melatonin pills on a nightly basis...
12/16/15 04:26AM
It might not be much help but if you want i can try to do some guided meditation via skype or chat.
The annoying part is, screen light is a bad influence for sleep times.

If you are willing to give it a try just send a private message.

Hope you get some rest and find what you're looking for.
12/16/15 05:30AM
I fixed the screen-light problem a while back, or at least mitigated it. I installed fl.ux, gives the screen a warm, reddish tint after sundown.
12/16/15 05:38AM
very good

the rest of the advice i can give are more situational

as for your stress issues, i am willing to listen and help you deal with them if i can.

I can provide the breathing and meditation techiques you could use to relax, if that can help.
12/16/15 05:09PM
I don't think stress is the issue, like i said. Hard to tell, since it's a very transitional time in my life right now and that might be wearing down on me subconsciously.

Did sleep naturally last night, though, and usually if i can chain two of those together, i'll be good for a while (it's like performance anxiety, almost. If i know i can do it, i'm confident in doing it again, but "it" is falling asleep...)
12/16/15 06:44PM
Well i'm here if you need me, want to talk or feel like trying anything then feel free...

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