12/20/15 01:31PM
Devils Breath Drug - real life mind control?
I know someone that is all into consipiracy theories, and I usually blow them off, but then he mentioned some sort of south american mind control drug. I'm naturally a skeptic to literally anything he says, however on a whim (because I'm a mind control fetishist) I looked it up. I found out that APPARENTLY it exists, it is called the Devil's Breath/scopolamine/hyoscine hydrobromide, and comes from a powder extracted from a tree called the borrechero. Unfortunately, I can't get enough info from it other than a few news sites called VICE and daily mail, which tote it as some sort of super zombie drug, a reddit thread from an apparent victim, and the wikipedia page on it states that it was even used as a truth serum, but discontinued due to side effects. Does anyone here happen to know of this? I personally like to think the news stories are exaggerated as per usual doubled with no readily available information, and it is no worse than acid or some other hallucinogenic, but I hate to imagine what it would mean be it as bad as the news sites say. Do you guys know anything about this?
12/20/15 02:41PM
ZeldaIsHot said:
We've all heard of it before.

I figured as such, which is why I posted it here, figured y'all might know a bit more about it than I do.

I personally think if it were nearly as effective as the news sites say it is, it would be much more prevalent of an issue. I just hate that the only place I hear about the validity of these claims being news sites, and not actual scientific studies done by actual researchers. My main concern in making this thread isn't because I actually believe it, but rather because I don't want the conspiracy dude I know to actually be right on absolutely anything he says when he starts talking crazy, because I absolutely do not like him. Probably not the best reason to start a thread, but if there is anything to discuss about it, I would prefer to be in the know.
12/20/15 05:22PM
I have been looking for video of someone on this drug for forever and I just cannot find it....
12/20/15 05:46PM
hypnoahegao said:
I have been looking for video of someone on this drug for forever and I just cannot find it....

Perhaps it's for the best.
12/20/15 06:24PM
Calling scopolamine the "mind control drug" seems a bit sensationalist to me... the effects of scopolamine are similar to other alkaloids and include things like disorientation, hallucinations and sexual arousal, so I can imagine how you could use it to manipulate someone.

Here's a nice snippet from snopes.com's article on burundanga:

There is controversy as to how much of their free will victims ultimately surrender under the drug's sway. While there is little dispute that datura alkaloids do cause significant disorientation, there are those who believe burundanga's supposed "brainwashing" effects are better understood in terms of disinhibition which causes people to act in ways they later regret.

I should also make notice that scopolamine is used in small doses as medicine to treat seasickness and manage Parkinson's disease.
12/20/15 10:53PM
I found this website that apparently people record their experiences with drugs, the drug in question's page shows nothing of interest, well at least anything that would verify the "ZOMG IRL ZOMBEHZ!!!11!" reputation this drug has. It doesn't seem to have any of the effects that VICE claimed it to have (Daily Mail seems to be reporting off of Vice), in fact did vice even see the drug in action? Or did they just interview the local cartel? I don't femember them saying they actually saw the drug in action, and as far as I know: They started it.

12/20/15 10:57PM
According to this, the drug is more likely to knock you out or kill you.
12/21/15 12:30PM
dinnerdog1 said:
I know someone that is all into consipiracy theories, and I usually blow them off, but then he mentioned some sort of south american mind control drug. I'm naturally a skeptic to literally anything he says, however on a whim (because I'm a mind control fetishist) I looked it up. I found out that APPARENTLY it exists, it is called the Devil's Breath/scopolamine/hyoscine hydrobromide, and comes from a powder extracted from a tree called the borrechero. Unfortunately, I can't get enough info from it other than a few news sites called VICE and daily mail, which tote it as some sort of super zombie drug, a reddit thread from an apparent victim, and the wikipedia page on it states that it was even used as a truth serum, but discontinued due to side effects. Does anyone here happen to know of this? I personally like to think the news stories are exaggerated as per usual doubled with no readily available information, and it is no worse than acid or some other hallucinogenic, but I hate to imagine what it would mean be it as bad as the news sites say. Do you guys know anything about this?

You can read about it on Erowid (drug info site). There's a section for people who have had expirences and some scientific sources. I haven't read it yet so I can't answer your questions but you can give it a read yourself

Edit: Unfortunately it doesn't seem to answer any questions.

12/21/15 12:31PM
hypnoahegao said:
I have been looking for video of someone on this drug for forever and I just cannot find it....

Same. If anyone finds one let me know. I'm super curious what someone looks like on this.

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