12/22/15 05:02PM
Dream I had- free idea within
So last night I dreamed I was in a school computer lab, and I noticed someone had apparently logged onto hypnohub and was looking at a flash animation that I'm REALLY upset wasn't real when I woke up

It depicted 1-2 androgynous loli/shota sized characters (you could toggle the second one on or off if you only wanted to see one), who were on a short animation loop of singing while dreamy, "MLP dazzling"-style music played in the background

Anyway, you could dress the 1-2 up however you wanted- clothes, hair, etc. (I even vaguely remember kaa eyes)- they first looked like misty (Pokemon) and sora (digimon) I recall, but due to the young body type you could probably make a male easily

Additionally, I seem to recall other characters in the background (optional/toggleable) that may have just been pasted artwork from the hub, just so your paper-doll sirens had an audience if you wanted

Anyway, free idea, I wouldn't know how to make it myself, and I'd love to see more hypno-themed flashes that are more than just "short loop of a character with spiral eyes"
12/23/15 05:23AM
Yeah, I know, but that's what was in my dream- I dunno, think I just wanted to remember that particular one, and I'm not exactly the dream-journal-keeping type, so I figured, hey, the hub would probably appreciate it

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