12/23/15 06:21AM
Triple's comic idea
Hello everyone, master is busy at work so I'll leave the message here.
I have no idea who would master ask to directly or pay to... but he has an idea for a comic, it involves a group of naked girls entrances and posing while surrounded in christmas lights, girls seeing them would laugh and stare at them thinking about the embarrashment and shame they should feel, but get tranced by the lights and join the group in naked happiness.
Is this a good descripcion enough? :3
No need to be highest quality or anything, just talk to my master 111, he's willing to pay :3
12/23/15 06:39AM
Lisa_fox: actully it was my idea but any artist is welcome to contact us and I will respond when im able to
Ps this doesnt have to be done by christmas
12/23/15 01:29PM
Huh. I am actually drawing a comic of a couple of familar faces accidentally getting hypnotised by fairy lights at the moment (it'll probably end up be a late Christmas present for the Hub). The similarities end there though

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