12/24/15 12:56AM
Must everything be erotic?
So, my girlfriend and I were discussing our fetishes, and, we came to a disagreement on whether or not we can still have a fetish for something and have what we enjoy about that thing be non-erotic. So, what do you all think? Is it logical to have a fetish, but, mostly enjoy the non-erotic parts of said fetish?

((I.E. I have a Hypnosis Fetish, but, most of what I enjoy about hypnosis are stories and manips made that aren't really erotic.))
12/24/15 01:32AM
Fetishes aren't erotic by definition, the word fetish implies a strong or unusual fixation for something which may or may not have do do with one's libido. So on a definition basis, I have no problem. As an individual, I find it hard to use the word logical when describing the inner workings of another's mind, as what I define as logical, may be completely irrelevant to another's perspective. So personally, I cannot give any meaningful answer in regard's to whether your fetish in a non-erotic display is 'logical'. I might be able to say whether your logic agrees with mine if I know why you use the word fetish to describe your interest in hypnotism. Are you like me, in which you derive sexual pleasure purely from the mere idea? Or would you see it as more of an interest or a hobby?
12/24/15 01:44AM
This question has had me for the longest time. I also have little connection to the more physical sides of these types of things. I'm not yet sure how to define myself. I think once I do I'd like to give everyone a good understanding of another pov.
12/24/15 02:13AM
dinnerdog1 said:
Fetishes aren't erotic by definition
Are you like me, in which you derive sexual pleasure purely from the mere idea?

This, and in my case, yes :) .
12/24/15 02:42AM
No it doesn't have to be erotic all the time
At least not directly
The thing is, fetishes are in my opinions a set of actions, situations or external conditions that result in a larger than normal stimulation of the pleasure center of the brain...

More often than not, the pleasure center is activated during the course of sexual stimulation, because our nerves in our genitalia are very sensitive and linked to this stimulation, which means that we crave more pleasure from sexual and erotic stuff because it is an easy and reliable way to trigger the pleasure center.

As such, when one couples the fetish he has (hypnotism for example) with the stimulation of erotic material, it strongly activates the pleasure center and feels very rewarding...

In your case Lucina, I speculate that you are focused on the fetish itself, and that the erotic aspect of the way it is used contradicts your attraction for it, resulting in ess pleasure for you..

It is to conclude a personal matter varying from individual to individual and that in itself makes your question perfectly legitimate.

12/24/15 03:15AM
Whisper said:

Thank you, Whisper. This puts things into perspective for me. I glad that you took the time state things in such an understanding manner.
12/24/15 03:58AM
These are just my theories and i have more where they came from.
If they helped you i am glad they did and i am willing to share my thoughts with you if that can help...
12/24/15 04:12AM
Whisper said:
These are just my theories and i have more where they came from.
If they helped you i am glad they did and i am willing to share my thoughts with you if that can help...

I see, I'd like hear more of your theories.
12/24/15 07:12AM

Whisper said:
These are just my theories and i have more where they came from.
If they helped you i am glad they did and i am willing to share my thoughts with you if that can help...

i have a few questions that i never fully understood and would like to know if you can answer them.

1: when i bleed why do i feel like it burns then start to feel ill [when enough blood is taken during blood work i pass out]

2: i dont understand my bodys temperature requirement. i watched a documentary on the news about most girls needing higher temperatures in room then men, but i find my self needing higher temperatures than most ppl as well. when i get cold for a whioe i end up start caughing then if i caugh enough i start to get sick. on the flipside if im warm [ie warm water i feel very relaxed and can sleep better when im warmer also to note when im sick and i take warm bath i always feel much better than before it.

3: when my girlfriend hugs me or when we lean on one another my body seems to get warm and i feel happy that she is neer me and happy that she chose me over litteraly 600 other guys in my school . id like to know what this feeling is. [also i know this is asking alot but unless i get it spelled out for me i miss the point as i can be very oblivious and due to me being autistic i can't read peoples facial expresions /tell when people are joking or are mad at me [which is why i cant take a joke often because of my inability to distinguish between the two my mind takes imidiate offense]
12/24/15 07:48AM
Yes, everything must be erotic. I so do decree by the power vested in me by this pocket watch. Wait. Everything is a pretty broad category, and a lot of stuff might be in it that I don't like. Never mind everybody. Not everything must be erotic.
12/24/15 09:01AM
<<|Listen to Espurr.>>
12/24/15 02:42PM
Without thinking too hard about it, I'd say it's fine. The setup (i.e. hypnosis) is a big part of what draws me to the whole MC fetish, even if the various payoffs are pretty hit-and-miss. It kinda depends on how you're defining erotic though. Personally, when I read the word erotic I think of a situation that's something more interesting than just sex, it's also titilation, about the thrill of seduction (or being seduced :3). Y'know, more intimate, which hypnosis definitely is.

PM me if you want to chat a bit more about this, it's an interesting topic.
12/25/15 01:34AM
To me, the non-sexual parts of hypnosis IS what's erotic...that's what my fetish is. So hm...I guess it's all different strokes for different folks. I'm not really aroused by genetalia, so it's not erotic to me. But a nice manicure sure is! Or swirly eyes. We're all different.
12/26/15 08:46AM
PrincessLucina said:
Is it logical to have a fetish, but, mostly enjoy the non-erotic parts of said fetish?


Not quite, anyway.

Because if someone has a fetish for something non-erotic, then it is erotic to that person. The definition of "fetish" aside - which, by the way, is totally misused all the time to describe any sexual attraction to something outside of straight-up sex - the word fetish is used to describe something that sexually arouses a person. If it sexually arouses them, then it is, to them, erotic.
12/26/15 01:31PM
Vanndril said:

Not quite, anyway.

Because if someone has a fetish for something non-erotic, then it is erotic to that person. The definition of "fetish" aside - which, by the way, is totally misused all the time to describe any sexual attraction to something outside of straight-up sex - the word fetish is used to describe something that sexually arouses a person. If it sexually arouses them, then it is, to them, erotic.

Yes you're right, but I think that in Lucina's case, the concern is that the fetish is often related directly to straight up pornographic material, thus resulting in a confusing situation, where something intended to bring a better experience, (mixing hypnosis with porn) actually ends up having the opposite effect on some individuals...

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